There are 11 messages totalling 445 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. HL books (2) 2. Cast of Highlander 5 (6) 3. Kenny's little sister (SPOILERS) (3) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 9 Oct 2005 09:16:02 -0400 From: kageorge <> Subject: Re: HL books I thought I'd take a shot at a reply to this. For the most part, I thought the books were weak efforts, with my favorites being Scotland the Brave and The Path. Was Captive Soul the Methos-centered one? As I recall I didn't care for it much and felt Methos was way out of character. I've read consistently better HL fiction by writers online. The commercially written stories seemed, for the most part, bland and shallow. Those books are targeted and edited for the lowest common denominator of reader and any real emotional tension or dealing with difficult issues is not a part of the deal, I'm afraid. MacGeorge FKMel wrote: >Just my thoughts, now that I've finally read 'em all. > >Element of Fire: The only one I really didn't >like...seems more like something out of Buffy/Angel >than HL. > >Scmitar: One of my two favorites, a good read > >Scotland the Brave: Another one I liked, and now I >can't hear a mention of MacBeth without thinking of it >lol > >Captive Soul: Good flashback writing...wish we'd have >seen more Methos back-stuff > >Zealot: Pretty good. Hard to imagine Methos as a slave >in that one mention but like they said, anything's >possible. Wonder if anyone ever wrote about that. And >'Drucilla the Emasculator' got a laugh. Doesn't sound >like what usually comes to mind with that name, which >is Buffy-related. The main plot still resonates now >'cause things haven't changed much since it was >written. > >The Path: Pretty good read, but it can't be canon, >Duncan said onscreen twice that he only told Tessa >about his immortality. > >Shadow of Obsession: Love it, loved the Darius >backstory. > >Measure of a Man: another good read; Nancy Holder's >usually a good author. I felt sorry for Joe about >midway through. Ouch. > >White Silence: I like Canada-related stuff so it was >kinda cool. And a good introspective on what kinds of >things can affect Immie minds. > >I just wish they hadn't gone and avertised Barricades, >then dropped it. I know the books probably weren't >selling...happens a lot with TV shows when they go off >the air, Star Trek and Buffy being exceptions. FK also >had books they requested but never printed, but at >least they didn't advertise them before they dumped >them. > >I like the way some of the books used minor >pre-existing characters (Annie Devlin, Constatine, >ect) in their plots. > >It's confusing though on the DVDs and the Watcher >Chronicles, that the books are canon. I got the S1 >DVDs from the library, or some of them, still a couple >to get, and they have about Grayson dying in Shadow of >Obsession and the events in Scmitar are on the >Chronicles disk. I remember us saying they weren't >canon, but apparently the PTBs say yes. Wierd. > >Highlander: The movie novelization-Of course it has >the same contradictions as the film. I liked how they >added backstory with Kastagir, although that comment >Connor made about "can two immies come from the same >tribe" was really ironic, considering later, we know >he would already have know that, because of Duncan. >Hmm, was the Kastagir Africa scene cut from the script >due to legnth? And one small bit, that last scene with >Racheal is moved closer to the end, AFTER the final >fight with the Kurgan. > >I think it shows how much HL canon's changed...I don't >even think the First Death concept was thought up >until later...the Kurgan's backstory is totally >confusing. His father bashed his head in on a rock >trying to kill him but instead of becoming Kenny Jr so >to speak, he grows up and then becomes immortal in his >20s, without any mention of a First Death. > >The Kurgan is said to be the oldest Immortal but tha't >a simple one...everyone thought Methos was a myth >until Duncan stumbled onto him. And even then, only a >few knew: Duncan, Joe, Richie and Amanda. I think that >was it. Well, and a few Watchers who outed his secret >in Methuselah's Gift. > >I also find it interesting that in the Chronicles, >Horton was said to have been the Kurgan's >watcher...watching him was one of the things that >drove him insane, along with whoever did the amusement >park massacre. > >You can probably tell I stink at picking up subtleties >for reviews...I know when something is wildly OOC but >little minor OOC things I miss a lot. So I just said >what I liked and didn't like about the books. > > > > >__________________________________ >Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 > > > > ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 9 Oct 2005 11:31:58 -0400 From: Wendy <> Subject: Cast of Highlander 5 What do we have to look forward to? Adrian Paul as "Duncan MacLeod" Thekla Reuten as "Anna". 30 years old. Looks about 20. No film credits for anything in English. Waif thin, big eyes, big lips. Will look good naked in bed with Adrian. Jim Bynes as "Joe Dawson" Peter Wingfield as "Methos" Cristian Solimeno as "The Guardian." Some British TV work and some minor films. 30 years old. "The Guardian"??? Guardian of the secrets of immortality? Guardian of the "Prize"? Guardian of a big soggy mess of garbled plotlines? Thom Fell as "Giovanni". Minor British TV parts and some tiny movies. 29 years old, can pass for younger. Sword fodder? Richie substitute? Tag-a-long mortal? Stephen Rahman Hughes as "Zai". Dancer, choreographer, theatre actor. 28 years old. Ethnic "color" casting? The stereotypical bad guy? (Can he chew scenery?) Stephen Wight as "Reggie". Minor TV work (as Steven Wright) miniscule film work, some stage work. Mid-20's. Young Immortal? Young mortal? Anna's brother? Giovanni's lover? The good news is that all the guys should have lovely British accents- although Fell may be faking Italian as "Giovanni". Bad news is that "Anna" may or may not be able to speak intelligible English. Maybe they can find that French woman who dubbed all the HL:TS episodes to come back and dub this too? Or maybe she speaks perfect English. 10-1 odds she's dead before the movie is over. I hope it's a good movie. Wendy(Not holding my breath) Immortals Inc. "Weasels for Eternity" ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 9 Oct 2005 16:50:44 +0100 From: Jette Goldie <> Subject: Re: Cast of Highlander 5 On Sun, 09 Oct 2005 16:31:58 +0100, Wendy <> wrote: > > Thekla Reuten as "Anna". 30 years old. Looks about 20. No film credits > for anything in English. Waif thin, big eyes, big lips. Will look good > naked in bed with Adrian. She'd look even better naked in bed with Joe Dawson ;-) -- Jette "If you don't know where you're going, you can't be lost" Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 9 Oct 2005 11:45:41 -0400 From: "Kathryn L. Zimmerman" <> Subject: Kenny's little sister (SPOILERS) There's this new show called, I think, Killer Instinct. Fox. Fridays. I'm sufficiently bored with TV and explicit scenes of dead bodies that I'm boycotting most cop/CSI type shows right now, but caught a few minutes of this one. It was something about a 12-year-old girl and a bunch of dead bodies. The girl ended up being the killer and was actually 25 years old. She looked 12 because she had some sort of endocrine disorder. But it made me think of Kenny. ZK (Highlander did it fiiiii-iiiirst...Highlander did it fiiiii- iiiirst!) ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 9 Oct 2005 11:38:32 -0500 From: La Femme Vickita <> Subject: Re: Cast of Highlander 5 At 4:50 PM +0100 10/9/05, Jette Goldie wrote: >On Sun, 09 Oct 2005 16:31:58 +0100, Wendy ><> wrote: > >> >>Thekla Reuten as "Anna". 30 years old. Looks about 20. No film credits >>for anything in English. Waif thin, big eyes, big lips. Will look good >>naked in bed with Adrian. > >She'd look even better naked in bed with Joe Dawson > >;-) Heh. Can I just say that every time I play "Fresh Horses" (which is often, because I spend an ungodly amount of time in my car, driving back and forth between Oklahoma and Texas, and I listen to Jim Byrnes a lot on those trips), at the beginning of the first track, when it opens with Jim laughing and saying, "Okay, we got everybody on board? A-one, two..." That is a ::guh:: moment. Pure sex. If it was possible to wear out a CD, mine would be worn out, right there. Vicki -- Rogues Webinatrix Visit the Rogues: "It gives them chills. It's the kind of music that raises the hackles on the back of their necks." -- EJ Jones ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 9 Oct 2005 12:55:30 EDT From: Subject: Re: Kenny's little sister (SPOILERS) MY GOODNESS was that ZK who just posted????????????? How is that Rocking chair Love Mary ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 9 Oct 2005 14:43:17 EDT From: Subject: Re: HL books I have been reading a few of the books myself from our local library out here. I am in the middle of The Path and just got my hands on Zealot. Unfortunately though, our library doesn't carry all of the books, so I am a little disappointed by that. In a message dated 10/8/05 2:08:19 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes: I think it shows how much HL canon's changed...I don't even think the First Death concept was thought up until later...the Kurgan's backstory is totally confusing. His father bashed his head in on a rock trying to kill him but instead of becoming Kenny Jr so to speak, he grows up and then becomes immortal in his 20s, without any mention of a First Death. Actually, it was the Kurgan who snuck up on his father as he was sleeping and killed him by bashing in the fathers head with a rock and then he went on an lived somewhere else. ( I can't remember who took him in. I think it was some sort of clan or something, who showed him the ways of the sword and butchery and such, but I don't have the book on hand to look it up. I do remember though that he had killed his father with the rock.) ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 9 Oct 2005 14:47:00 EDT From: Subject: Re: Cast of Highlander 5 In a message dated 10/9/05 8:35:45 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes: Cristian Solimeno as "The Guardian." Some British TV work and some minor films. 30 years old. "The Guardian"??? Guardian of the secrets of immortality? Guardian of the "Prize"? Guardian of a big soggy mess of garbled plotlines? Perhaps, as I heard, that Highlander 5 is about a search for a kind of Holy Grail of the Immortals. Maybe this guy is playing the guardian of that? ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 9 Oct 2005 14:49:13 EDT From: Subject: Re: Cast of Highlander 5 In a message dated 10/9/05 8:50:02 AM Pacific Daylight Time, jette@BLUEYONDER.CO.UK writes: On Sun, 09 Oct 2005 16:31:58 +0100, Wendy <> wrote: > > Thekla Reuten as "Anna". 30 years old. Looks about 20. No film credits > for anything in English. Waif thin, big eyes, big lips. Will look good > naked in bed with Adrian. She'd look even better naked in bed with Joe Dawson ;-) I laughed so hard at the first remark that she would look good in bed with Adrian. But when I read that she would look even better with Joe, I nearly peed in my pants!! :D LOL! ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 9 Oct 2005 19:54:08 +0100 From: Jette Goldie <> Subject: Re: Cast of Highlander 5 On Sun, 09 Oct 2005 19:47:00 +0100, <SapphireRoseBud@AOL.COM> wrote: > In a message dated 10/9/05 8:35:45 AM Pacific Daylight Time, > writes: > > Cristian Solimeno as "The Guardian." Some British TV work and some > minor films. 30 years old. "The Guardian"??? Guardian of the secrets > of immortality? Guardian of the "Prize"? Guardian of a big soggy mess of > garbled plotlines? The Guardian newspaper? ;-) -- Jette "If you don't know where you're going, you can't be lost" Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 9 Oct 2005 17:26:39 EDT From: Subject: Re: Kenny's little sister (SPOILERS) In a message dated 10/9/2005 10:50:01 AM US Eastern Standard Time, writes: ZK ZK !!!!!! missing you. ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 8 Oct 2005 to 9 Oct 2005 (#2005-115) *************************************************************