There is 1 message totalling 112 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. HL books ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 8 Oct 2005 14:04:41 -0700 From: FKMel <> Subject: HL books Just my thoughts, now that I've finally read 'em all. Element of Fire: The only one I really didn't like...seems more like something out of Buffy/Angel than HL. Scmitar: One of my two favorites, a good read Scotland the Brave: Another one I liked, and now I can't hear a mention of MacBeth without thinking of it lol Captive Soul: Good flashback writing...wish we'd have seen more Methos back-stuff Zealot: Pretty good. Hard to imagine Methos as a slave in that one mention but like they said, anything's possible. Wonder if anyone ever wrote about that. And 'Drucilla the Emasculator' got a laugh. Doesn't sound like what usually comes to mind with that name, which is Buffy-related. The main plot still resonates now 'cause things haven't changed much since it was written. The Path: Pretty good read, but it can't be canon, Duncan said onscreen twice that he only told Tessa about his immortality. Shadow of Obsession: Love it, loved the Darius backstory. Measure of a Man: another good read; Nancy Holder's usually a good author. I felt sorry for Joe about midway through. Ouch. White Silence: I like Canada-related stuff so it was kinda cool. And a good introspective on what kinds of things can affect Immie minds. I just wish they hadn't gone and avertised Barricades, then dropped it. I know the books probably weren't selling...happens a lot with TV shows when they go off the air, Star Trek and Buffy being exceptions. FK also had books they requested but never printed, but at least they didn't advertise them before they dumped them. I like the way some of the books used minor pre-existing characters (Annie Devlin, Constatine, ect) in their plots. It's confusing though on the DVDs and the Watcher Chronicles, that the books are canon. I got the S1 DVDs from the library, or some of them, still a couple to get, and they have about Grayson dying in Shadow of Obsession and the events in Scmitar are on the Chronicles disk. I remember us saying they weren't canon, but apparently the PTBs say yes. Wierd. Highlander: The movie novelization-Of course it has the same contradictions as the film. I liked how they added backstory with Kastagir, although that comment Connor made about "can two immies come from the same tribe" was really ironic, considering later, we know he would already have know that, because of Duncan. Hmm, was the Kastagir Africa scene cut from the script due to legnth? And one small bit, that last scene with Racheal is moved closer to the end, AFTER the final fight with the Kurgan. I think it shows how much HL canon's changed...I don't even think the First Death concept was thought up until later...the Kurgan's backstory is totally confusing. His father bashed his head in on a rock trying to kill him but instead of becoming Kenny Jr so to speak, he grows up and then becomes immortal in his 20s, without any mention of a First Death. The Kurgan is said to be the oldest Immortal but tha't a simple one...everyone thought Methos was a myth until Duncan stumbled onto him. And even then, only a few knew: Duncan, Joe, Richie and Amanda. I think that was it. Well, and a few Watchers who outed his secret in Methuselah's Gift. I also find it interesting that in the Chronicles, Horton was said to have been the Kurgan's watcher...watching him was one of the things that drove him insane, along with whoever did the amusement park massacre. You can probably tell I stink at picking up subtleties for reviews...I know when something is wildly OOC but little minor OOC things I miss a lot. So I just said what I liked and didn't like about the books. __________________________________ Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 30 Sep 2005 to 8 Oct 2005 (#2005-114) **************************************************************