There are 4 messages totalling 178 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. Cast of Highlander 5 2. HIGHLA-L Digest - 8 Oct 2005 to 9 Oct 2005 (#2005-115) (2) 3. F. Braun article at ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 9 Oct 2005 17:33:28 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: Re: Cast of Highlander 5 Wendy-- > Adrian Paul as "Duncan MacLeod" I'm just sad he has nothing better to do these days. As for the rest of this cast, I could not be less inspired. Who ARE these people??? Along w/ typical DPP hurry-up-&-wait scheduling & the ultra-cheap locations, this whole deal just screams "direct to DVD." Nina (who LOVED Serenity, despite being less than totally taken w/ Firefly) (Highlander isn't made to be loved anymore) ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 9 Oct 2005 23:00:56 -0700 From: FKMel <> Subject: Re: HIGHLA-L Digest - 8 Oct 2005 to 9 Oct 2005 (#2005-115) > > I thought I'd take a shot at a reply to this. For > the most part, I > thought the books were weak efforts, with my > favorites being Scotland > the Brave and The Path. Was Captive Soul the > Methos-centered one? As I > recall I didn't care for it much and felt Methos was > way out of > character. Could you elaborate? I don't know why, but I often fail to catch stuff like that unless it's big time OOC. Either I'm slow to catch on or it's just not my area of expertise. I've read consistently better HL fiction > by writers online. > The commercially written stories seemed, for the > most part, bland and > shallow. Those books are targeted and edited for > the lowest common > denominator of reader and any real emotional tension > or dealing with > difficult issues is not a part of the deal, I'm > afraid. > > MacGeorge True, many did seem kinda bland. The problems probably explain why they quit making them. I'm glad other series are better...with a few exceptions, the Buffy books are good, most Angel ones... I wouldn't say any of them are particularly outstanding or wonderful though. Scmitar and Shadow of Obsession are my faves, though I already said that. Mel (at least the movie novelization is okay but it just uses the movie information; no one had to write anything original) > __________________________________ Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2005 10:34:03 -0400 From: kageorge <> Subject: Re: HIGHLA-L Digest - 8 Oct 2005 to 9 Oct 2005 (#2005-115) FKMel wrote: >>I thought I'd take a shot at a reply to this. For >>the most part, I >>thought the books were weak efforts, with my >>favorites being Scotland >>the Brave and The Path. Was Captive Soul the >>Methos-centered one? As I >>recall I didn't care for it much and felt Methos was >>way out of >>character. >> >> > >Could you elaborate? I don't know why, but I often >fail to catch stuff like that unless it's big time >OOC. Either I'm slow to catch on or it's just not my >area of expertise. > > It's been years since I read the book and my memories of it aren't clear. I have this vague recollection that Methos was kind of wimpy and passive, which doesn't strike me as within reasonable parameters of his character. If he was in a threatening situation, he would act aggressively to rectify it. Again, this is an old, vague memory and I am not particularly inclined to go back and re-read a book I didn't enjoy the first time in order to "refresh my recollection". > Mel (at least the movie novelization is okay but it > >just uses the movie information; no one had to write >anything original) > > There is a talent to writing a novelization of a screen play in order to make it exciting and interesting since there's a great deal more to a story than the dialogue. Unfortunately, frequently that kind of job is done by very mediocre writers and you get a pretty mediocre product as a result. MacG ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2005 09:32:15 -0700 From: Ginny Gibbs <> Subject: F. Braun article at In honor of actual new discussions and the resurrection of the Rocking-Chair Horde from the offline, I thought I'd drop this link here. I never did find out what exactly F. Braun McAsh was doing for Stargate:Atlantis, except that his little cameo on the episode titled "Instinct" coincided with when the new character played by Jason Momoa started carrying around a sword on his back. And then the next few episodes featured some pretty "Highlander-ish" fight scenes. I'll go back on TiVo and see if I still have those eps and check the credits. However, I did run across this little article that F. wrote for Basically, it's a quick primer on how fights are constructed "from page to screen." The part that may bring the most amusement to all and sundry is at the end: "OK—everybody play nice, Next time, RUNNING WITH THE SCISSORS: An Over-Rated Danger, or a New Reality-Series Concept?" :snerk: Hey, I'd watch. ginny Life. Short. Dessert NOW. ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 9 Oct 2005 to 10 Oct 2005 (#2005-116) **************************************************************