There are 4 messages totalling 267 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. HIGHLA-L Digest - 6 Nov 2004 to 7 Nov 2004 (#2004-203) (2) 2. Upcoming HLWW Events and new website 3. AP's Tides of War photos ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2004 00:11:00 EST From: Donna Sorenson <> Subject: Re: HIGHLA-L Digest - 6 Nov 2004 to 7 Nov 2004 (#2004-203) In a message dated 11/7/2004 9:01:18 PM Central Standard Time, writes: > What's the point? > Why not see the film before dissecting it? Just a thought... Donna ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2004 09:32:07 -0500 From: Wendy Tillis <> Subject: Re: HIGHLA-L Digest - 6 Nov 2004 to 7 Nov 2004 (#2004-203) I said of AP's new movie (among other things) >> What's the point? Donna asks: >Why not see the film before dissecting it? Dissecting it? Hardly. I didn't ask "what's the point" of making the movie... I was wondering what's the point of the apparently disposable "gay' story line. I'll quote the relevant part of the article (stolen from *************************** Two versions of the film are being shot simultaneously. The version that depicts Habley's relationship with the other submariner will be aired on here! TV, the gay and lesbian premium cable network. A "straight" version will be made available for international distribution. Joseph says the only significant difference is a few scenes at the beginning and end of the film. "It's not a gay sex film like some people try to make it out to be," Joseph says. "(Habley's) sexuality is not a big part of the film, although even in the 'straight' cut, there is still a sense of the specialness of the relationship. The subtext is still there, which may make that version even stronger than the other one." *************************** So...the director himself thinks that the de-gayed version may be stronger and says that the gay bits are only a few easily cut scenes. So, again, I am wondering..why make two versions? Does he make enough money from running the "gay" version on the gay cable channel to justify the expense shooting extra scenes? Would a more obviously gay subtext(text) make the movie unsalable to the general public- assuming it has a general release? Is the gay bit integral to the story or is it added to make the movie attractive to the gay TV market? Is the fact that the captain is gay just a way of making the crew more diverse (just as some characters are black and some are female) or is his gayness needed for the plot or was it thrown in to give a (perhaps) otherwise marginal movie an edge and gain some publicity? I'm wondering why, with barely $3 million in budget and only 15 days of shooting, one would try to film two versions of a movie. I don't think that any of those questions constitutes "dissecting" the movie. Other than questioning the likelihood of an openly gay submarine captain, I made no comment on the plot. I didn't question the actors' abilities. I didn't suggest that the movie was shite. >Just a thought... Think again. Wendy(If I were going to dissect a movie sight unseen, I'd be more likely to dice "The Source".) Immortals Inc. "Weasels for Eternity" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2004 09:16:23 -0600 From: Carmel Macpherson <> Subject: Upcoming HLWW Events and new website Hi all ***************************** Talkin' about an Evolution ****************************** Over the years, HLDU (Highlander Down Under) established itself as the main exponent of international Highlander fan events, bringing a wide range of Highlander's cast and crew together to meet the fans. 2004 merely underlined that success as the organisation branched out to run a successful 'Walkabout Workshop' in Los Angeles and was given the mantle of global 'Official Highlander Fan Club', ultimately renaming itself HLWW (Highlander WorldWide) to reflect that status. But just ask Methos... to enjoy longevity you must learn and grow. So HLWW will not be resting on its laurels. We will be entering 2005 with more changes and more long term plans. 2005 is the twentieth anniversary of the original film and that landmark will not go unmarked by all associated with the franchise. As announced already, the next Australia-based event, HLWW-6 will happen in April 2005 - this time making its base of operations the beautiful city of Sydney. Already confirmed (subject to working commitments) are Adrian Paul, Peter Wingfield, David Abramowitz and F Braun McAsh. The weekend of activities will involve a stunning and comprehensive line-up of activities including examinations of episodes, extensive Q&As, auctions, a quiz and a Saturday evening social event... not to mention opportunities to explore the many tourist attractions of the local area. With the anniversary looming, the new Highlander film ('The Source') about to go into production, a new computer game in the works and work underway on a much-anticipated anime movie, it seems certain that interest in the Highlander franchise will be as strong as ever. For the last three months work has been going on behind the scenes to make HLWW even more appealing and relevant to the fans. As you will see, the new website has been given a wash and brush-up and will now blend the best parts of the old site with new features, making it in an invaluable first-stop for any discerning Highlander fan. Find out about each episode, the characters of the franchise, the Immortal timeline, the activities of the club and the latest word on developments within the franchise. Of course, however good, HLWW events are not the only conventions and events on the calendar...but we want to continue to ensure the highest level of care, commitment, professionalism and enjoyment that our guests and con-goers already appreciate. For that reason - and to actively make sure that we don't clash with other events - the relaunch of the HLWW website seems the ideal time to make public our current plans for events through the next eighteen months. This way we, other conventions and YOU, the fans - can make sure that we all work together to maximise your chances to celebrate the franchise we all love. So HLWW proudly announce that in addition to HLWW-6 in Sydney, we will be running the first UK Highlander convention of the Twenty-First Century. HLWW-7: A Call to Arms will take place in Leeds, England in February 2006. The city is the home of the country's Royal Armouries. In the middle of the UK, it is accessible by train, car and is within easy distance of both Leeds/Bradford Airport and Manchester Airport - making the location ideal for domestic and international con-goers. In the months to come we will start announcing the guest-list which we expect to have some familiar names - and some new ones too! Beyond that... well, we should really tell you all about the Bora Bora convention planned for October 2006 and the 'Seacouver' Con the following Spring. So much to see and do in one mortal lifetime! So please visit us at to find out how you can join in the fun in the months to come.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For a taste of our new website go to: <> once you are through the flashing introduction and on the HOME page make sure that you look at the Upcoming Events banners at the bottom of the page on: Click on EVENTS on the top menu bar for all the latest on HLWW6 in Sydney. An enormous thank you to Mon Duff and John Mosby for all the hard work and inspiration for our new website. The website will be progressively updated over the next two weeks. Kind regards @ Carmel Macpherson <<<@{}=================>>> @ President, HLWW ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HLWW6: 29 April - 1 May, 2005. Sydney. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2004 11:15:19 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: Re: AP's Tides of War photos Donna-- >>Why not see the film before dissecting it?>>> Come on--"dissecting" is far, far more messy as done here. And, it's not like the list is hopping w/ other meaty topics at the moment. Wendy quotes article-- >>> The version that depicts Habley's relationship with the other submariner >>> will be aired on here! TV, the gay and lesbian premium cable network. A >>> "straight" version will be made available for international >>> distribution.>>> Sounds like they got the initial funding by pitching it to here!TV as a gay film. But, for some reason they feel a straight film would do better in "international distribution." THAT is what seems odd to me--the implication that folks overseas are homo-phobic when it comes to their entertainment. > Joseph says the only significant difference is a few scenes at the > beginning and end of the film. I do wonder how this changes AP's handling of the character. If it does at all--from this article, the changes between versions could largely be made in editing. Wonder how AP would feel about that.... Nina ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 7 Nov 2004 to 8 Nov 2004 (#2004-204) *************************************************************