There are 23 messages totalling 668 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. TNN = Spike TV (8) 2. Vehicle Trivia (was--Unholy Alliance) (2) 3. Warmonger (3) 4. New HL series? (6) 5. Pharoah's Daughter 6. Mac's Barge (2) 7. Adrian Paul DVDs ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2003 22:27:35 -0400 From: Sandy Fields <> Subject: Re: TNN = Spike TV At 09:46 PM 6/5/2003, Pat Lawson wrote: > c. that's a really dumb name for a network? Bingo! -- Sandy ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2003 16:41:18 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: Re: Vehicle Trivia (was--Unholy Alliance) > >Yet another poorly drawn Highlander female. > Poorly drawn and poorly acted. Speaking of Cassandra.... I need to add another item to the Whose Vehicle trivia-- --broom. Oh. Guess that sort of gives away the answer. Never mind. Nina ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2003 20:01:29 -0700 From: Pat Lawson <> Subject: Re: Vehicle Trivia (was--Unholy Alliance) you wrote: > > >Yet another poorly drawn Highlander female. > > > Poorly drawn and poorly acted. > >Speaking of Cassandra.... I need to add another item to the Whose Vehicle >trivia-- > >--broom. > >Oh. Guess that sort of gives away the answer. Never mind. ROFL! Pat L. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2003 20:02:20 -0700 From: FKMel <> Subject: Re: TNN = Spike TV A, C and D. Though I'm really more an Angel fan than a Spike fan. Mel --- Sandy Fields <> wrote: > At 09:46 PM 6/5/2003, Pat Lawson wrote: > > c. that's a really dumb name for a network? > ===== The trouble with immortality is that it tends to go on forever-Herb Cain FK:NickNatPacker, Knight of the Cross,Knightie, Natpacker/Highlander:Duncan Flag-Waver/Due South Fan/Tracker Fan/Angel Fan/Port Charles Fan __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Calendar - Free online calendar with sync to Outlook(TM). ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 01:16:09 -0700 From: tcboo3 <> Subject: Re: TNN = Spike TV a. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Pat Lawson" <> To: <HIGHLA-L@LISTS.PSU.EDU> Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2003 6:46 PM Subject: Re: TNN = Spike TV > Becky wrote: > > >Regarding TNN renaming itself Spike, I saw this news > >item today. > > > >~ Becky > > > > > >Hollywood auteur Spike Lee is suing an American media > >company over plans to name a cable channel Spike TV. > >The Malcolm X movie maker claims viewers would > >associate the channel with him, > > ROFL! > > Ok, show of hands. When you first heard of "Spike TV", was your first > thought: > > a. my favorite hunky blond vampire's getting his own network? (All > Spike, all the time. Special Shirtles Saturdays!) > > b. filmmaker Spike Lee is getting his own network? > > c. that's a really dumb name for a network? > > d. huh? > > Pat L. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 09:58:41 -0400 From: Subject: Re: Warmonger Mel: >It seems now that we're into the parts where it's like >'tune in next time to see who ends up in Mac's bed >next'.... I objected to him bedding that reporter. She was so...ugh! I always thought he did it just because she expected it and he hates to disappoint people<eg> >Not a whole lot of comments here, Warmonger is where we begin to really see the serious flaws in Duncan's concept of honor. "A man's word is his word is his word" just doesn't cut it if one lives centuries. Making a promise in one century can't (shouldn't) be expected to bind one no matter how many decades(centuries) pass and how much circumstances change. Duncan continues to struggle with the idea - as illustrated in "Promises". He makes a rash promise...he tries to keep the promise..he reneges on the promise ..he accepts someone else's promise..he defenestrates the guy who fails to keep that promise. Honor is a huge part of Duncan's identity and that's not a bad thing, per se, but it does lead him to be a silly git on occasion. >but I partly liked >and partly didn't like the 'who got the Quickening' >ending....I was sitting there mentally going 'come on, >we're not that dumb, we know it's Mac that won...Mac >always wins.' They had to do *something* to make the endings more interesting. When one knows that the hero is always going to win (as we did) one has to try and create at least a semblance of suspense now and then. They pull the same trick in "They Also Serve" and with Richie in "Testimony" . Wendy(Can I tell you how much I hate my cable TV company?)(I do.)(A lot)(Anyone who has been taping the TNN episodes - or better yet has copies of the original TV run - please contact me off list.)(Thank you.)(I'll go back to hating my cable company now.)(And they want me to sign up for their internet service?)(Ha!)(Idiots)(Useless) Fairy Killer ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 10:18:42 -0700 From: FKMel <> Subject: Re: Warmonger I agree. I can understand people like Annie and Amanda, who he at least had histories with. And is it me or does HL seem to have more than its share of irritating reporters? I didn't like that Randi chick in the first season either. > > I objected to him bedding that reporter. She was > so...ugh! I always thought he did it just because > she expected it and he hates to disappoint > people<eg> > Honor is a huge part of > Duncan's identity and that's not a bad thing, per > se, but it does lead him to be a silly git on > occasion. I could really see that in Warmonger, too. > > >> > They had to do *something* to make the endings more > interesting. When one knows that the hero is always > going to win (as we did) one has to try and create > at least a semblance of suspense now and then. They > pull the same trick in "They Also Serve" and with > Richie in "Testimony" . Hm...I see your point. That's probably what explains the times when the villain is really kicking his butt big time...either they're really knocking the blank out of him, or they knock his sword out of his hand,or they're cutting up his stomach...anyway, either he somehow manages to turn the tables on them, or sometimes someone helps him turn the tables on Mountain Men and Tessa,or they make some huge mistake,and he manages to take their head. > > Wendy(Can I tell you how much I hate my cable TV > company?)(I do.)(A lot)(Anyone who has been taping > the TNN episodes - or better yet has copies of the > original TV run - please contact me off list.)(Thank > you.)(I'll go back to hating my cable company > now.)(And they want me to sign up for their internet > service?)(Ha!)(Idiots)(Useless) Mel (my Cable service isn't exactly useless, except that if it's a channel I want, I usually can't get it, but their Net service is outrageously expensive. Oh well, at least they're fast at fixing problems. I can't recall missing a Highlander or a Forever Knight ep yet due to the cable being out.) ===== The trouble with immortality is that it tends to go on forever-Herb Cain FK:NickNatPacker, Knight of the Cross,Knightie, Natpacker/Highlander:Duncan Flag-Waver/Due South Fan/Tracker Fan/Angel Fan/Port Charles Fan __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Calendar - Free online calendar with sync to Outlook(TM). ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 10:41:17 -0700 From: FKMel <> Subject: Re: Warmonger I should say that, having said this, I don't mean it doesn't work. It's all the better when even though we know he's going to win, we're sitting on the edge of our seats wondering 'how's he going to get out of this one? Is he going to win?' It's way more believable that way. Mel > Hm...I see your point. That's probably what explains > the times when the villain is really kicking his > butt big time <big snip here>and he manages to take their head. > > > ===== The trouble with immortality is that it tends to go on forever-Herb Cain FK:NickNatPacker, Knight of the Cross,Knightie, Natpacker/Highlander:Duncan Flag-Waver/Due South Fan/Tracker Fan/Angel Fan/Port Charles Fan __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Calendar - Free online calendar with sync to Outlook(TM). ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 12:29:16 -0600 From: Firefly <> Subject: Re: TNN = Spike TV At 06/05/2003 06:46 PM -0700, Pat Lawson wrote: >Ok, show of hands. When you first heard of "Spike TV", was your first >thought: None of the above, actually. My first thought was of a dog wearing one of those spike collars. Spike Lee NEVER occurred to me until I saw the article. Barbara ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 12:32:42 -0600 From: Firefly <> Subject: New HL series? I JUST received a phone call from the Highlander/Xena/Lord of the Rings store. When I told the lady I wasn't interested in buying anything, she asked me if I knew that Sci-Fi was starting a new HL series, Forever Young, based around Methos and Joe Dawson. ???? Is this another one of those things that only the salespeople know about? Barbara ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 15:00:39 -0400 From: Lisa Kadlec <lkadlec@Princeton.EDU> Subject: Re: New HL series? I had that call earlier this week. The oh-so-informative telemarketer told me that there was going to be a new HL series ("Forever Young"), though I didn't get any information as to who the characters might be, and a new HL movie (the oft-referenced "The Source"). When I was decidedly unresponsive on this topic, she started asking me what I'd bought from the HL Store. I think she didn't know what to make of it when I told her I'd bought the season video collections, that I was happy with that, and that I wasn't really interested in anything else. I find it amusing that these folks continue to hand out completely random "inside information" about the show(s) and/or movies, seeing as they pretty much never really know what they're talking about. Lisa (Old Geezers never leave, they just lurk around while waiting for their copy of "Order of the Phoenix") Firefly wrote: > I JUST received a phone call from the Highlander/Xena/Lord of the Rings > store. When I told the lady I wasn't interested in buying anything, she > asked me if I knew that Sci-Fi was starting a new HL series, Forever Young, > based around Methos and Joe Dawson. ???? Is this another one of those > things that only the salespeople know about? > > Barbara ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 15:06:49 -0400 From: L Cameron-Norfleet <> Subject: Re: New HL series? >Lisa >(Old Geezers never leave, they just lurk around while waiting for >their copy of >"Order of the Phoenix") Lisa!! Or should I say (theOther)LisaK! I have nothing useful to say...just shouting out to Lisa. Liser -- Lisa Cameron-Norfleet ** -- The difference between truth and fiction: fiction has to make sense --Mark Twain ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 13:57:31 -0700 From: "R. Shelton" <> Subject: Re: TNN = Spike TV At 08:02 PM -0700 6/5/03, FKMel wrote: >A, C and D. Though I'm really more an Angel fan than a >Spike fan. I agree - I would've picked A, C &/or D also. Spike Lee never even occurred to me. Wonder if this will 'cause them to change their minds on the name - 'Spike TV' is pretty dumb, imo. Rachel -- Rachel Shelton * @}->->->- ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 16:15:02 -0700 From: FKMel <> Subject: Re: New HL series? I haven't done any ordering from the store, but have heard a bunch of stuff too. First it was that HL was being run as a warm-up for the so-called new series and then TNN would switch to Forever Young at the end of May. Then it was the confusing movie details....CL and AP are in it, they aren't in it, it's a secret whether they are or seems like no two places have the same info. Sheesh. Mel, who thinks they should quit with the movies if their past track record is going to continue ===== The trouble with immortality is that it tends to go on forever-Herb Cain FK:NickNatPacker, Knight of the Cross,Knightie, Natpacker/Highlander:Duncan Flag-Waver/Due South Fan/Tracker Fan/Angel Fan/Port Charles Fan __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Calendar - Free online calendar with sync to Outlook(TM). ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 16:22:01 -0700 From: FKMel <> Subject: Pharoah's Daughter The one thing I found unrealistic about this ep was Nefertiri coming out of the sarcophagus speaking perfect English, a language that didn't come into extance until long, long after she was buried. It'd have been more believable if it'd been set later on, because then one of the older Immies like Methos or Amanda (Latin was still the common language even 1000 years ago...she'd probably have some knowelege of it)could've acted as an interpreter. (Of course, if Amanda'd been around, we'd have been sitting around wondering 'how long until we hear "Hey, where'd my jewels go?"' but that's another story.) And just how would Mac get that dead Watcher off his barge without being seen? Even at night, he'd run the risk of being seen carting it off....unless it was put in something, or Joe and company have some other way we don't know about.... Mel, who must be watching too much Forever Knight because she kept wondering whether General Constintin (sp?) had ever met a General Lucien LaCroix....(interesting fic possibilites, eh Robin? hehe) ===== The trouble with immortality is that it tends to go on forever-Herb Cain FK:NickNatPacker, Knight of the Cross,Knightie, Natpacker/Highlander:Duncan Flag-Waver/Due South Fan/Tracker Fan/Angel Fan/Port Charles Fan __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Calendar - Free online calendar with sync to Outlook(TM). ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 13:38:45 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: Re: TNN = Spike TV Barbara > None of the above, actually. My first thought was of a dog wearing one of > those spike collars. Spike Lee NEVER occurred to me until I saw the article. I automatically think of Buffy's Spikey-Poo (& go all glassy-eyed for a while). But I _thought_ TNN was going for the testosterone-laden connotation--as in the metal collars & such ("Spike" being the opposite of "Fluffy" in pet names) & the stupid thing that jocks do in endzones. I _hope_ it isn't a "spike the drink" thing. I don't see how the metal pointy thing is relevant; ditto for high heels. Dictionary says a spike is also a small mackeral.... Interesting just how many meanings such a simple word can have. Spike Lee will have a tough time proving his case, unless he has some idiotic TNN exec on tape. But, TNN probably should have just chosen "Stud TV" instead. Nina (Spike Lee just needed some press, & I guess he doesn't care that this makes him look silly, in a "Spike who?" sense.) ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 16:40:07 -0700 From: FKMel <> Subject: Mac's Barge I'm curious...Anybody know anything about the barge used in the series? Like, did they actually film on it or just use it for outside stuff and film the interior on a set? Were there just one or more than one? Anybody know where it's at now? Any other interesting info? Mel, who thinks that Mac must've had something of a hard time coming back there in Unholy Alliance, since it'd only been, what, several months, in HL time since the events in Darkness (I refuse to say it directly! But I will say this: I miss Tessa!) ===== The trouble with immortality is that it tends to go on forever-Herb Cain FK:NickNatPacker, Knight of the Cross,Knightie, Natpacker/Highlander:Duncan Flag-Waver/Due South Fan/Tracker Fan/Angel Fan/Port Charles Fan __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Calendar - Free online calendar with sync to Outlook(TM). ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 13:45:43 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: Re: New HL series? > I JUST received a phone call from the Highlander/Xena/Lord of the Rings > store. Oops--probably best to change your number. And your name. Maybe leave the country. >When I told the lady I wasn't interested in buying anything, she > asked me if I knew that Sci-Fi was starting a new HL series, Forever Young, > based around Methos and Joe Dawson. ???? Is this another one of those > things that only the salespeople know about? History says the HL Store personnel are either total idiots or shameless liars. Take your pick. Just don't order from them. Unless you have money &/or credit to burn. And don't actually WANT the merchandise... this year... or in one piece. Nina (I still haven't decided which is cheesier--the wedding sword or the red-white-&-blue sword) ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 20:32:40 EDT From: Subject: Re: Adrian Paul DVDs In a message dated 6/6/2003 4:37:38 PM US Eastern Standard Time, writes: > do you dislike the genre or is it a bad movie? > I dislike the genre but also felt this was a bad movie. There is a scene in it that most have said is very like a "quickening" and with a sword no less. Some felt it was a nod to HL fans. I thought it was....embarrassing. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 20:35:10 EDT From: Subject: Re: New HL series? In a message dated 6/6/2003 4:52:07 PM US Eastern Standard Time, writes: > Is this another one of those > things that only the salespeople know about? > yes. PW has said he hasn't been approached. And PD has said it is about young [in mortal years] immortals. ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 7 Jun 2003 01:43:56 +0100 From: Jette Goldie <> Subject: Re: Mac's Barge > I'm curious...Anybody know anything about the barge > used in the series? Like, did they actually film on it > or just use it for outside stuff and film the interior > on a set? Were there just one or more than one? > Anybody know where it's at now? Any other interesting > info? Rented, towed into place for filming, yes they actually filmed inside it. Got sweaty hot in the summer and icebox cold in the winter from what I hear. <g> And every so often they had to stop filming while the tour boats went past! Jette "Work for Peace and remain Fiercely Loving" - Jim Byrnes ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 20:55:34 EDT From: Dawn Lehman <> Subject: Re: TNN = Spike TV The worst part about this is that the "network" (if you can call it that, now...) will be geared for "Males" with shows like "Strip-ella" and other sleezy slutty stuff like that! Go figure! Well, there's ANOTHER station that will have parental block put on it! USTADAWN ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2003 21:38:15 EDT From: Evelyn Duncan <> Subject: Re: TNN = Spike TV In a message dated 06/06/2003 4:37:28 PM Central Daylight Time, writes: << Ok, show of hands. When you first heard of "Spike TV", was your first thought: a. my favorite hunky blond vampire's getting his own network? (All Spike, all the time. Special Shirtles Saturdays!) >> Yes, with 4 hours of Passions every weekday, Manchester United games every weekend, Harmony's Beauty Tips (BTW, whatever happened to Harmony?), and Spike and Richie's motorcycle racing tips. Evelyn Duncan There is life with depression, but it's like living in a room in which the windows are covered with black paint. ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 5 Jun 2003 to 6 Jun 2003 (#2003-102) *************************************************************