There are 6 messages totalling 280 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. Harry Potter meets HL (4) 2. Still posting after all these years (2) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 07:07:26 +0200 From: Marina Bailey <> Subject: Re: Harry Potter meets HL Pat wrote: >Since you find the idea so wrong, why oh why do you keep raising the >subject? You drag slash into completely unrelated conversations. Now >that's illogical. Please, leave it alone already. I think Nina is trying to see if she can get us (the 'idiotic slashers', y'know) to respond. But since she did it for us, why bother? :) Every so often I try to discuss literary aesthetics (authorial intent etc) and people always bring up slash. Maybe the Harry Potter discussion will be a forum for it... but based on what we've seen so far, it's no go. Because somebody *always* brings up slash. And please note, it wasn't a slash fan. >On another, equally non-HL, subject, did you hear the sad Buffy news? Sarah >Michelle Gellar is calling it quits. ::: heavy sigh ::: I read that they're going to bring Faith back. I hope that's the case. And on yet another non-HL topic, Daniel is back for the next season of Stargate. I do my dance of joy. - Marina. \\ "You can spend precious time marching in your prefect lines, // // but I don't hear that drum; I'm looking for something \\ \\ else. And if you don't like what you see, you don't // // have to look at me." - Melissa Etheridge \\ \\==========Marina //============Chief Flag Waver and Defender of Richie===========\\ "You have to be mad in this job or you go insane." - Bodie (The Professionals) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 16:54:54 -0000 From: Jette Goldie <> Subject: Re: Harry Potter meets HL > Jette-- > > Nina - what the HELL are you on about? > > You posted that some HP fans argue Hogwarts isn't necessarily located in > Scotland, despite evidence to the contrary--not to mention common sense. I > was pointing out that such idiocy is nothing compared to HL fans arguing > that Duncan has the hots for Methos. > > Nina Nina - you seem to be OBSESSED with slash, always bringing it into conversations, even when no one else has - makes one think "projecting" and "denial". Jette (and for your information I'm one of the "not-slashers") (aka Vinyaduriel) "Work for Peace and remain fiercely loving" - Jim Byrnes ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 13:28:37 -0500 From: Becky Doland <becky@BECKYJO.COM> Subject: Still posting after all these years Hello all. I'm really glad to find that the list is still here. I was a list member way back when, until I eventually ran off to become an obsessed Nikita fan, and then an obsessed Buffy fan. The other night I went in search of Highlander links, and was saddened to find so many are dead links now. I was happy to see that your sight is still alive and well, Marina. (I was at Syndi-Con the day Stan immortalized your name. I still had photos from that con up on my desk at the office until just a few months ago.) Been sifting through the recent archives - it's nice to see that you're all still having some good discussion/argruments. :-) Hopefully I'll be able to add something slightly intellegent now and then. Becky ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 21:54:57 +0200 From: Marina Bailey <> Subject: Re: Still posting after all these years Becky wrote: >Hello all. I'm really glad to find that the list is still here. I was a >list member way back when, until I eventually ran off to become an obsessed >Nikita fan, and then an obsessed Buffy fan. Glad you came back, anyway. I think there are only a few of us die-hards left here. But that's okay. :) >I was happy to see that your sight is still alive and well, Marina. >(I was at Syndi-Con the day Stan immortalized your name. I still had >photos from that con up on my desk at the office until just a few months >ago.) Wow. That's cool. :) :) I haven't really updated the site much, but how could I ever take it down? I mean, the name of the site comes from my activity on this list! :) >Been sifting through the recent archives - it's nice to see that you're all >still having some good discussion/argruments. :-) Hopefully I'll be able >to add something slightly intellegent now and then. Looking forward to it. What's your opinion on the authorial intent debate? - Marina. \\ "You can spend precious time marching in your prefect lines, // // but I don't hear that drum; I'm looking for something \\ \\ else. And if you don't like what you see, you don't // // have to look at me." - Melissa Etheridge \\ \\==========Marina //============Chief Flag Waver and Defender of Richie===========\\ "You have to be mad in this job or you go insane." - Bodie (The Professionals) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 17:39:04 -0500 From: Becky Doland <becky@BECKYJO.COM> Subject: Re: Harry Potter meets HL Marina wrote: >Every so often I try to discuss literary aesthetics (authorial intent >etc) and people always bring up slash. Maybe the Harry Potter discussion >will be a forum for it... but based on what we've seen so far, it's no >go. Because somebody *always* brings up slash. And please note, it >wasn't a slash fan. In the instance of Hogwarts, I think J.K.'s intent is to not come right out and say where it is on purpose so that we can use our own imaginations. Seems like it's worked pretty well, or all these discussions about it wouldn't be going on. As for those who have problems with others imagining the slashy stuff - who's to say what someone else can and cannot do with their imaginations? Just because it was never depicted on screen doesn't mean the writers/directors/actors never thought of it. And if it never really crossed their what? It's fun to let your imagination run away with you. :-) > >>On another, equally non-HL, subject, did you hear the sad Buffy news? Sarah >>Michelle Gellar is calling it quits. ::: heavy sigh ::: > >I read that they're going to bring Faith back. I hope that's the case. >And on yet another non-HL topic, Daniel is back for the next season of >Stargate. I do my dance of joy. I read yesterday that Eliza (Faith) has signed on to a Fox drama series for next season. So it looks like a Faith spin-off might not happen either. She will be showing up for the last 5 episodes this season though. Becky ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 15:56:28 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: Re: Harry Potter meets HL Jette-- >>>Nina - you seem to be OBSESSED with slash, always bringing it into conversations, even when no one else has - makes one think "projecting" and "denial".>>> When the topic of daft/obsessed fans comes up, as it did in your original post, I may well be reminded of slash in a straight-line logic sort of way. But, then, I keep forgetting the "secret" part of slash as fandom's dirty little secret. (Of course, if I wanted to keep something secret, I would hope that my ego wouldn't force me to advertise, publish, distribute, or sell it via the world wide web--but that's just me.) > Jette (and for your information I'm one of the "not-slashers") OK, but I'm not keeping a list or anything. That would be...strange. Marina-- >>>Every so often I try to discuss literary aesthetics (authorial intent etc) and people always bring up slash. Maybe the Harry Potter discussion will be a forum for it... but based on what we've seen so far, it's no go. Because somebody *always* brings up slash. And please note, it wasn't a slash fan.>>> No, I've found slash fans to be oddly reticent about discussing it. So, the existence of slash &/or people like me who mention it keep you, personally, from having deep philosophical discussions about "literary aesthetics (authorial intent etc)"? Exactly, how does that work? Really--feel free to hold forth about whatever. But, I do think that pretending slash doesn't exist for purposes of such discussions is silly. Extremes naturally become the focus in most things. After all, when a guy's on trial for murder, no one is much interested in his misdemeanors. And, I believe you have said here that YOU are a slash fan as well as a slash writer, so YOUR complaining about how nasty old slash restricts your discussions seems less than sincere. Becky-- >>>As for those who have problems with others imagining the slashy stuff - who's to say what someone else can and cannot do with their imaginations? Just because it was never depicted on screen doesn't mean the writers/directors/actors never thought of it. And if it never really crossed their what? It's fun to let your imagination run away with you. :-)>>> 1) So, you are in the "doesn't matter if it was just a nose" camp? 2) Slash isn't imagining. We are all free to imagine whatever we like. But fanfic writers in general & slashers in particular go far beyond that; they take & use as their own other people's intellectual property, for personal gain & w/o permission or compensation--all extremely publicly. The issue isn't what people do w/ their imaginations--it's what people do w/ their computers & their fanzines, etc. 3) "It's fun/I like doing it" is a pretty slim justification. (Marina will be disappointed if I don't mention this, so...) It's heard a lot in kindergartens & prisons. Pat-- > You drag slash into completely unrelated conversations. Now > that's illogical. It WAS related; I drew the diagram for Jette yesterday. Keep up. > Please, leave it alone already. I am tempted, since you asked so sweetly. But, how about we make a deal. You get all the HL slashers to stop spewing it around in public, & I'll stop mentioning that slash exists & is, as Buffy would say, just wrong. OK? Let me know when you've held up your end. >Sarah Michelle Gellar is calling it quits. ::: heavy sigh ::: Frankly, it was time. Both for her AND for the show. And there won't be a Faith spin-off, either. (Joss is having a very bad year.) Forget genre & forget plot--I'd watch a weekly 60-minute "reality" show of Spike sitting in a display window. Nina (Spike takes a nap. Spike rolls over. Spike has a widdle dream. Next week--Spike whips up a souffle & reads poetry aloud. Sweeps week--Spike goes to the beach & does sit-ups on the moon-lit sand. Spike makes a sand-castle. Spike tosses a frisbee....) Save Farscape/Frell SciFi Channel ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 26 Feb 2003 to 27 Feb 2003 (#2003-28) **************************************************************