There are 18 messages totalling 841 lines in this issue. Topics in this special issue: 1. A new guy in town :) (3) 2. DVD's, was Re: A new guy in town :) (2) 3. 'The Void' on SABC (4) 4. Fencing 5. DVD's (8) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2002 19:15:00 -0700 From: Sherri C <> Subject: Re: A new guy in town :) Welcome to the list! As to the DVD's I noted that Season 1 Highlander is listed as forthcoming at the Anchor Bay Entertainment's website... one can hope that the quality control will be better... :) At 21:46 8/1/2002 -0400, you wrote: >Not too long ago I purchased the entire series on tape, so I am gradually >watching it again, and enjoying it. I hope eventually they will release all >of the seasons on DVD, the tapes do take up a lot of room! Sherri "...freedom is not free, for in times of darkness, in the fires of war, freedom is forged of iron, iron oft quenched by the blood of the innocent, a terrible price to pay. Yet to let evil rule is even more costly." (from "Into the Fire" by Dennis L McKiernan) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2002 21:19:08 -0700 From: Lynn <> Subject: DVD's, was Re: A new guy in town :) From: "Sherri C" <> > As to the DVD's I noted that Season 1 Highlander is listed as forthcoming > at the Anchor Bay Entertainment's website... one can hope that the quality > control will be better... :) Ya know... for all the past, present and most likely future faults of the Highlander catalog, nobody ever established that anything was wrong with the DVDs. There are plenty of cheap DVD players out that don't handle dual-layer discs well. The same thing has been noted by people who've bought the Buffy and X-Files season sets. And there are plenty of people who bought the HL DVD's and had no problems whatsoever. Out of fairness, I think it's wrong (not to mention inaccurate) to claim "bad DVD's" -- with no proof -- when the problem is just as likely compatability issues. The few problems that have been described are totally consistent with player compatability problems. Is it possible there is some small number of actual faulty discs out there? Sure. There are some bad discs of almost any release. But that doesn't mean there's some massive quality control problem. Spreading these rumors only encourages people *not* to buy the DVD's, which is kind of a bad thing for those of us who'd actually like to see the whole series released in this format. It's also kind of unfortunate for those who'd like to own the DVD's themselves, and are discouraged from buying because of these rumors. And without proof there's actually anything wrong with the DVD's on some kind of widespread scale, it's really not justified. Lynn ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2002 19:21:08 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: Re: DVD's, was Re: A new guy in town :) Lynn-- > Ya know... for all the past, present and most likely future faults of the > Highlander catalog, nobody ever established that anything was wrong with the > DVDs. Well, I don't know what you mean by "established." Like--you expect DPP to _admit_ something? Right.... Seems to me that the simple fact there have been persistent & numerous consumer complaints about HL DVD quality posted here & on various other lists, boards, etc. establishes the problem as well as anything reasonably could. I really doubt that the people who have these problems are too dumb to run their DVD players or notice it is not _just_ the HL product that won't play right. Nina (it's just wrong--phooey!) ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2002 08:31:43 +0200 From: Tarryn Zank <> Subject: 'The Void' on SABC Heads up all South African list members.... 'The Void' is on SABC 1 this Saturday (3 Aug) at 8pm, the old Queen of Swords slot. In case you are wondering, I had never heard of this movie, and even saw an ad yesterday, but wasn't paying too much attention, so I probably missed the fact that it stars ........<drumroll> Adrian Paul *and* Amanda Tapping (for all Stargate fans out there). It must've been filmed in Vancouver becuase the cast list contains a few other familiar names. Anybody wants to comment on the worth of this film please do, but could you try to avoid spoilers until at least after the weekend. Thank you kindly. Tarryn ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2002 09:58:19 +0200 From: Marcin Migal <> Subject: Re: A new guy in town :) Hi It's a pity about Your husband. Up to now I didn't get any grade in akido (I just didn't take any exam) but I know how bad is it to take a pause during the training. Now I am during that kind of a pause, and I do not feel good about it. As for the 'Highlander' Series - it was just once shown in Poland. quite a long time ago, when I was still in High school, and it was so early, that rarely I could watch it. Too bad. And I doubt if there is any tape version of this one here. But there's a bit of irony in the series. If the immortals are so rarely born, then two of them in MacLeod clan is... strictly impossible. I have some questions about the series. Could You tell me the Duncan's history? I know he was born in 1590. But how did he die, where did he get his sword, and more stuff you could wrire me about him. thanxx in advance. cheers Olsen -- <<>> Szef dzialu WoD -, Kadet KO WFRP, I-szy Luhmistrz BSJ "Kazdy potrzebuje aby ktos go wysluchal, poczuc chce na glowie dobre rece..." >>> becky717@EARTHLINK.NET 2002/08/02 03:46 >>> Welcome! My husband studied aikido, he made it to 2nd degree brown before he was injured and has had to take some time off from it. Not too long ago I purchased the entire series on tape, so I am gradually watching it again, and enjoying it. I hope eventually they will release all of the seasons on DVD, the tapes do take up a lot of room! Becky -- ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2002 10:08:00 +0200 From: Marcin Migal <> Subject: Fencing Hi As I wrote before I train fencing. I am of a kind that puts his interests into real action, and so I learn fencing for almost three years now. But... (there is allways a 'but') i lack some materials I could train with. So far me and my freinds got the basics, but now I think it's time for more. So here's my call of distress. Is there anybody on this group who has some fencing materials in electronic form (it would be best if there were any pics in it). Yeah, I know. I should visit the ARMA site. The problem is thah I have a very slow connection at my home, and searching this site for the stuff I need would ( and it does) take weeks. Besides I dont have too much time. So if any of you has something that would help me - I'd be very gratefull OlseN -- <<>> Szef dzialu WoD -, Kadet KO WFRP, I-szy Luhmistrz BSJ "Kazdy potrzebuje aby ktos go wysluchal, poczuc chce na glowie dobre rece..." ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2002 22:29:04 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: Re: 'The Void' on SABC Tarryn-- > In case you are wondering, I had never heard of this movie, and even > saw an ad yesterday, but wasn't paying too much attention, so I probably > missed the fact that it stars ........<drumroll> Adrian Paul *and* > Amanda Tapping (for all Stargate fans out there). It must've been filmed > in Vancouver becuase the cast list contains a few other familiar names. It was filmed in 2001 in Vancouver & released on video & DVD in Canada recently. Ebay is full of them. >>>Anybody wants to comment on the worth of this film please do, but could you try to avoid spoilers until at least after the weekend.>>> Not sure how to comment w/o risking what you might call spoilers. Maybe you just shouldn't open responses. Amanda Tapping lost huge points w/ me by stating in interviews her blushing relief that AP had the expertise in love scenes to avoid their touching intimate "bits" ... what a freak. She also said she had a no nudity clause so they used a body double, & it really shows in the film--very badly done. Actually, the movie as a whole was shaky in the plot/continuity/logic areas. And the effects reek. But AP's a doll--cute, sexy, funny, & angsty. And Roger Cross (Derek in Little Tin God) plays a cop. Nina (anyone catch what happened to the lizard?) ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2002 05:30:58 -0400 From: Subject: Re: DVD's writes: > Ya know... for all the past, present and most likely future faults of the > Highlander catalog, nobody ever established that anything was wrong with the > DVDs. There are plenty of cheap DVD players out that don't handle > dual-layer discs well. Cheap DVD players? So you're saying that these particular DVDs are only meant to be played in expensive, elite (that is, not cheap) systems? Boy, they should put warning labels in the catalog and on said DVDs, and make it clear that they've arbitrarily decided to create a new exclusive "grade" of DVD that may not be compatible with existing players. Or are they planning on releasing a special Highlander DVD player to play them on? ("Sparks are flying from your HL DVD player? That's a Quickening, sir. It's a special feature for fans like yourself, after the warranty has expired. So you'll need a new player - would you like a red, white, and blue sword set with that order? We'll even throw in a free Duncan Head Mug with your purchase!") Sheesh. In reality, because there are not accepted (enforced)standards for DVDs, there actually can be incompatibility problems *based on how the publisher decides to process their DVDs*. You're not actually saying that it's the DVD player owner's fault if there are incompatibilities? I'd blame the publisher alone for using their own (proprietary?) incompatible methods, and the word *should* be put out if their DVDs are not satisfactory for general public consumption. Based on your information on the admitted incompatibility of these sets, fandom should be doubly wary of purchasing such DVD's, especially considering the binding return policies of most retail vendors. After all, exchanging an incompatible DVD for a duplicate (incompatible) DVD is usually your only option, and obviously, that won't work either. >The same thing has been noted by people who've > bought the Buffy and X-Files season sets. I've had problems with bad season DVDs myself, from the abovementioned Buffy Season 2 to be exact, and I know someone else who did as well. Not with the entire set, mind you, but portions of a disk or two out of the multiple disk set. Since the disks in question were defective and not incompatible, replacements did work. However, there is a different defect in my replacement set, so only time will tell if I can get a complete, non-defective set anytime soon, or will just return the DVDs in a vote of no confidence for the manufacturer. > And there are plenty of people > who bought the HL DVD's and had no problems whatsoever. Out of fairness, I > think it's wrong (not to mention inaccurate) to claim "bad DVD's" -- with no > proof -- when the problem is just as likely compatability issues. "No proof"? What proof do you demand? Obviously, you can only get anecdotal responses from a forum like this. You want people to mail you defective disks to satisfy you? Give me a break. Sometimes a defective disk is a defective disk, and a cigar is just a... (::image of Bill Panzer::)... oops, I digress. Again, compatibility is a poor argument. If a given company is printing disks that won't work in the everyday, generic DVD player, that certainly isn't the fault of the DVD owner! The *publisher* should be held accountable for putting incompatible disks on the market. There may not be a "standard" for DVDs, but a savvy, responsible company can certainly create a product that will conform to the needs of the public. The specific cases I've heard, and experienced firsthand, are with defective disks. I've simply never had any problem with a standalone movie on DVD, but I have with season sets. That is, parts of season sets. Individual disks. Shame on you for dismissing such information as being unfair, wrong, and inaccurate. > The few > problems that have been described are totally consistent with player > compatability problems. So you confirm that they are, indeed, releasing incompatible disks. That makes me *very* wary of purchasing HL DVD season sets. So in your experience alone, a "few" -- out of your own limited internet and personal contacts providing DVD quality information -- actually works out to a not insignificant percentage of purchasers having issues. > Is it possible there is some small number of actual > faulty discs out there? Sure. There are some bad discs of almost any > release. But that doesn't mean there's some massive quality control > problem. Public service announcement: Defective, incompatible, or whatever your problem may be: buyers, make sure you know what your return policies are, just in case you are someone who falls into this category. It's up to you to decide what you can live with if there are problems. > Spreading these rumors only encourages people *not* to buy the DVD's, which > is kind of a bad thing for those of us who'd actually like to see the whole > series released in this format. It's also kind of unfortunate for those > who'd like to own the DVD's themselves, and are discouraged from buying > because of these rumors. I still don't see how it's "unfortunate" to give valid information to fellow consumers. So you're asking people with incompatible and defective DVDs to stop posting publicly, so that additional seasons are released so some fans can complete their DVD collections? Ludicrous! > And without proof there's actually anything wrong > with the DVD's on some kind of widespread scale, it's > really not justified. How can there be proof of widescale problems, if any, if people are discouraged, by posts such as yours, from freely communicating such information? Justified? How do you justify the fact that you're condoning censorship of people spreading valuable information? -Rob (Pet peeve: Return policies for software, DVDs, and the like) (I want to show companies that I won't accept their buggy, defective, incomplete or substandard products by cancelling the sale and buying from a competitor that delivers quality) (Defective toaster: No Sale! Return it and buy new toaster from different manufacturer) (Bad product on a disk: Yours forever, if you're not careful) ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2002 11:05:55 +0100 From: "John Mosby (B)" <> Subject: Re: DVD's Briefly: I've occasionally had problems with DVDs and though I tend to blame the manufacturer, it does sometiems come down to an error within my player. Best thing to do is see if you can find a friend's DVD player to try it on. If it works there, then logic says it's a fault with your player, if it doesn't you can send it back in all good faith expecting money back for an inferior item. John ----- Original Message ----- From: <> To: <HIGHLA-L@LISTS.PSU.EDU> Sent: Friday, August 02, 2002 10:30 AM Subject: Re: [HL] DVD's > writes: > > > Ya know... for all the past, present and most likely future faults of the > > Highlander catalog, nobody ever established that anything was wrong with the > > DVDs. There are plenty of cheap DVD players out that don't handle > > dual-layer discs well. > > Cheap DVD players? So you're saying that these particular DVDs are only meant to be played in expensive, elite (that is, not cheap) systems? Boy, they should put warning labels in the catalog and on said DVDs, and make it clear that they've arbitrarily decided to create a new exclusive "grade" of DVD that may not be compatible with existing players. Or are they planning on releasing a special Highlander DVD player to play them on? ("Sparks are flying from your HL DVD player? That's a Quickening, sir. It's a special feature for fans like yourself, after the warranty has expired. So you'll need a new player - would you like a red, white, and blue sword set with that order? We'll even throw in a free Duncan Head Mug with your purchase!") > > Sheesh. In reality, because there are not accepted (enforced)standards for DVDs, there actually can be incompatibility problems *based on how the publisher decides to process their DVDs*. You're not actually saying that it's the DVD player owner's fault if there are incompatibilities? I'd blame the publisher alone for using their own (proprietary?) incompatible methods, and the word *should* be put out if their DVDs are not satisfactory for general public consumption. > > Based on your information on the admitted incompatibility of these sets, fandom should be doubly wary of purchasing such DVD's, especially considering the binding return policies of most retail vendors. After all, exchanging an incompatible DVD for a duplicate (incompatible) DVD is usually your only option, and obviously, that won't work either. > > >The same thing has been noted by people who've > > bought the Buffy and X-Files season sets. > > I've had problems with bad season DVDs myself, from the abovementioned Buffy Season 2 to be exact, and I know someone else who did as well. Not with the entire set, mind you, but portions of a disk or two out of the multiple disk set. Since the disks in question were defective and not incompatible, replacements did work. However, there is a different defect in my replacement set, so only time will tell if I can get a complete, non-defective set anytime soon, or will just return the DVDs in a vote of no confidence for the manufacturer. > > > And there are plenty of people > > who bought the HL DVD's and had no problems whatsoever. Out of fairness, I > > think it's wrong (not to mention inaccurate) to claim "bad DVD's" -- with no > > proof -- when the problem is just as likely compatability issues. > > "No proof"? What proof do you demand? Obviously, you can only get anecdotal responses from a forum like this. You want people to mail you defective disks to satisfy you? Give me a break. Sometimes a defective disk is a defective disk, and a cigar is just a... (::image of Bill Panzer::)... oops, I digress. > > Again, compatibility is a poor argument. If a given company is printing disks that won't work in the everyday, generic DVD player, that certainly isn't the fault of the DVD owner! The *publisher* should be held accountable for putting incompatible disks on the market. There may not be a "standard" for DVDs, but a savvy, responsible company can certainly create a product that will conform to the needs of the public. > > The specific cases I've heard, and experienced firsthand, are with defective disks. I've simply never had any problem with a standalone movie on DVD, but I have with season sets. That is, parts of season sets. Individual disks. Shame on you for dismissing such information as being unfair, wrong, and inaccurate. > > > The few > > problems that have been described are totally consistent with player > > compatability problems. > > So you confirm that they are, indeed, releasing incompatible disks. That makes me *very* wary of purchasing HL DVD season sets. So in your experience alone, a "few" -- out of your own limited internet and personal contacts providing DVD quality information -- actually works out to a not insignificant percentage of purchasers having issues. > > > Is it possible there is some small number of actual > > faulty discs out there? Sure. There are some bad discs of almost any > > release. But that doesn't mean there's some massive quality control > > problem. > > Public service announcement: > Defective, incompatible, or whatever your problem may be: buyers, make sure you know what your return policies are, just in case you are someone who falls into this category. It's up to you to decide what you can live with if there are problems. > > > Spreading these rumors only encourages people *not* to buy the DVD's, which > > is kind of a bad thing for those of us who'd actually like to see the whole > > series released in this format. It's also kind of unfortunate for those > > who'd like to own the DVD's themselves, and are discouraged from buying > > because of these rumors. > > I still don't see how it's "unfortunate" to give valid information to fellow consumers. So you're asking people with incompatible and defective DVDs to stop posting publicly, so that additional seasons are released so some fans can complete their DVD collections? Ludicrous! > > > And without proof there's actually anything wrong > > with the DVD's on some kind of widespread scale, it's > > really not justified. > > How can there be proof of widescale problems, if any, if people are discouraged, by posts such as yours, from freely communicating such information? > > Justified? How do you justify the fact that you're condoning censorship of people spreading valuable information? > > -Rob (Pet peeve: Return policies for software, DVDs, and the like) (I want to show companies that I won't accept their buggy, defective, incomplete or substandard products by cancelling the sale and buying from a competitor that delivers quality) (Defective toaster: No Sale! Return it and buy new toaster from different manufacturer) (Bad product on a disk: Yours forever, if you're not careful) > ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2002 18:43:24 +0800 From: Gerry Alanguilan <> Subject: Re: DVD's Sometimes the problem is, some players are just plain SUCKY. I bought a Sony player, thinking it was good based on the brand name. I've had their TVs for years and I love them, so I shouldn't have a problem with their player no? Hah! For a long time I've been returning what I thought were defective discs because my Sony player couldn't play them. What I finally realized that those discs were most likely fine, it was just my damned player. Discs that don't play at all or pixelate or freeze in my Sony play perfectly fine in my new Pioneer player. Later, I learned that a lot of people I know are having similar problems with their Sony players as well. I bought the first season Highlander set and it has problems playing on my Sony. I had no problem at all in my Pioneer. The damn things are perfect! DVD technology is apparently a technology that many DVD player manufacturing companies are still struggling with. There may be defective discs out there certainly (Although I have yet to have a defective disc in my 150+ collection. Probably I'm lucky). But I think it's also worth considering that it's not wholly fair to blame the producers of the discs when it just maybe, JUST MAYBE that the manufacturer of your DVD player is not really up to specs on how to create a truly workable player. Gerry ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2002 12:52:21 +0200 From: Marcin Migal <> Subject: Re: DVD's wan more qweshtshion how much does the 1-st season 'Highlander' DVD cost in US? Olsen -- <<>> Szef dzialu WoD -, Kadet KO WFRP, I-szy Luhmistrz BSJ "Kazdy potrzebuje aby ktos go wysluchal, poczuc chce na glowie dobre rece..." ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2002 07:08:51 -0500 From: Kamil <> Subject: Re: DVD's Let me see if I get this right -- it's just fine and dandy for electronics companies to manufacture DVD Players with the cheapest parts and labor they can possibly get away with, using the oldest, least expensive technology out there, and that's considered a good in your opinion. But the makers of the DVDs that play in the not-to-be-criticized-under-any-condition-players are to be hung from the highest trees available, simply because they make a high quality product and sometimes that higher quality product is just a wee bit more than the shoddily made players can handle? Please tell me I'm misunderstanding you. Because at this point, your logic does not resemble our earth logic. At all. I too had a very bad experience when I replaced my last VCR. I went through three different Sonys, all bought on the cheap at the local Wal-Mart, simply because a Sony is a Sony, right? Not quite. I even drove half-way across town to pick up the third one, reasoning that maybe the one Wal-Mart had a bad shipment. Sadly, that had diddly to do with it. In my case, and I suspect in the case of many of these "defective" DVDs, it's the cheaper than dirt player one is trying to force them to function in, all the while disregarding the old axiom that you get whatcha pay for. As I soon learned. Each cheap VCR ate the very first tape offered to it -- one of which happened to be a pro under your reasoning, I guess it was the production houses fault for not making kill-proof tapes? Sony and Wal-Mart had nothing to do with it, even though it was their player that was unable to play tapes that I'd played with no problems before? How does that blame thing work again? Not surprisingly, when I went to an electronics store and got a real Sony (with the expected extra hundred dollars or so tacked onto the price) all my tapes played like a dream, including part two of the pro tape eaten by the cheapo player. I know it's late .. well, early actually, but I'm quite flabbergasted that you're finding yourself in such a righteous snit over the manufactures of the end product, but seem to think that the producers of the devices that play that product have a free pass, no matter what they produce, even if it's total crap. Please tell me I misunderstood -- although since you went on at great length about it, I'm thinking not. -- Kamil The monitors have different web sites on them; chat rooms. A web of vines and roots entwine the keyboards, type the keys. Oh but wait, you say -- a tree-like flesh-demon with internet access is unrealistic! It's a talking-for-god's-sakes-tree. Get over it. Tim Minear & Jeffrey Bell "Couplet" Shooting Script -- AtS ----- Original Message ----- From: < > Cheap DVD players? So you're saying that these particular DVDs are only meant to be played in expensive, elite (that is, not cheap) systems? Boy, they should put warning labels in the catalog and on said DVDs, and make it clear that they've arbitrarily decided to create a new exclusive "grade" of DVD that may not be compatible with existing players. Or are they planning on releasing a special Highlander DVD player to play them on? ("Sparks are flying from your HL DVD player? That's a Quickening, sir. It's a special feature for fans like yourself, after the warranty has expired. So you'll need a new player - would you like a red, white, and blue sword set with that order? We'll even throw in a free Duncan Head Mug with your purchase!") ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2002 07:53:50 -0500 From: Gerry Alanguilan <> Subject: Re: DVD's Sometimes the problem is, some players are just plain SUCKY. I bought a Sony player, thinking it was good based on the brand name. I've had their TVs for years and I love them, so I shouldn't have a problem with their player no? Hah! For a long time I've been returning what I thought were defective discs because my Sony player couldn't play them. What I finally realized that those discs were most likely fine, it was just my damned player. Discs that don't play at all or pixelate or freeze in my Sony play perfectly fine in my new Pioneer player. Later, I learned that a lot of people I know are having similar problems with their Sony players as well. I bought the first season Highlander set and it has problems playing on my Sony. I had no problem at all in my Pioneer. The damn things are perfect! DVD technology is apparently a technology that many DVD player manufacturing companies are still struggling with. There may be defective discs out there certainly (Although I have yet to have a defective disc in my 150+ collection. Probably I'm lucky). But I think it's also worth considering that it's not wholly fair to blame the producers of the discs when it just maybe, JUST MAYBE that the manufacturer of your DVD player is not really up to specs on how to create a truly workable player. Gerry ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2002 16:46:41 +0200 From: Marina Bailey <> Subject: Re: 'The Void' on SABC Nina wrote: >Amanda Tapping lost huge points w/ me by stating in interviews her blushing >relief that AP had the expertise in love scenes to avoid their touching >intimate "bits" ... what a freak. Just out of curiosity, Nina, why would that make her a freak? Because she should be used to love scenes, being an actress? Really, I'm just curious. I don't think we have a fight scheduled this month. (I won't start on fanfic if you won't!) - Marina. \\ "You've heard it said that living well is ||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // // the best revenge? Au contraire - living || R I C H I E >> \\ \\ forever is the best revenge." - Lacroix ||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // //=====Marina|| \\ \\=============Chief Flag Waver and Defender of Richie============// Discussing Voyager: Me: What happened to Seven? My brother: She stumbled into a plot device. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2002 10:45:50 EDT From: Subject: Re: DVD's Hi I agree with Lynn on this. I have my Highlander dvd's and I love them no problems. One problem before you all go yelling at D/P is bring a disk to a store and try and play them there. You get what you pay for in buying a 99.00 dvd player you get a 99.00 player. My Vcr I paid around 80.00 for it well its worth 88.00 My old one I paid aroundd 300 for it. I loved it. This cheap VCR picture quality is good NOT perfect is which I want. Lynn did not say that the Dvd's only play in expensive players. And since someone said they were have problems with others Like Buffy I blame the player. I am enjoying my Highlander dvd's the quality pictures is so much better. You noticed a lot more in background. I will be buying the rest of the seasons. Mary ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2002 11:07:30 -0400 From: Rebecca Wallace <> Subject: Re: 'The Void' on SABC Actually, it is available on DVD at Best Buy in the US now... I bought mine last week there! Becky <now that summer school is over, I can sit down and watch it> -- "This conflict was begun on the timing and terms of others; it will end in a way and at an hour of our choosing." -President George W. Bush, National Prayer Service, 9-14-01 "Go forth, now, into the world, in peace. Be of good courage, hold fast to that which is good. Render to no one evil for evil. Strengthen the fainthearted, support the weak, help the afflicted, honor everyone, love and serve the Lord." -Rev. Jane Holmes Dixon, National Prayer Service, 9-14-01 ---------- >From: MacWestie <> >To: HIGHLA-L@LISTS.PSU.EDU >Subject: Re: 'The Void' on SABC >Date: Fri, Aug 2, 2002, 4:29 AM > > Tarryn-- >> In case you are wondering, I had never heard of this movie, and even >> saw an ad yesterday, but wasn't paying too much attention, so I probably >> missed the fact that it stars ........<drumroll> Adrian Paul *and* >> Amanda Tapping (for all Stargate fans out there). It must've been filmed >> in Vancouver becuase the cast list contains a few other familiar names. > > It was filmed in 2001 in Vancouver & released on video & DVD in Canada > recently. Ebay is full of them. > >>>>Anybody wants to comment on the worth of this film please do, but could > you try to avoid spoilers until at least after the weekend.>>> > > Not sure how to comment w/o risking what you might call spoilers. Maybe > you just shouldn't open responses. > > Amanda Tapping lost huge points w/ me by stating in interviews her blushing > relief that AP had the expertise in love scenes to avoid their touching > intimate "bits" ... what a freak. She also said she had a no nudity clause > so they used a body double, & it really shows in the film--very badly done. > Actually, the movie as a whole was shaky in the plot/continuity/logic areas. > And the effects reek. But AP's a doll--cute, sexy, funny, & angsty. And > Roger Cross (Derek in Little Tin God) plays a cop. > > Nina (anyone catch what happened to the lizard?) > ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2002 11:13:54 -0400 From: Rebecca Wallace <> Subject: Re: DVD's Right now, the Highlander store is selling them for I believe $129, and ran a special at one time or another for $99. As Sherri mentioned earlier, it looks like another distributor, Anchor Bay, will also be selling them in the future, but I don't know for how much. Becky -- "This conflict was begun on the timing and terms of others; it will end in a way and at an hour of our choosing." -President George W. Bush, National Prayer Service, 9-14-01 "Go forth, now, into the world, in peace. Be of good courage, hold fast to that which is good. Render to no one evil for evil. Strengthen the fainthearted, support the weak, help the afflicted, honor everyone, love and serve the Lord." -Rev. Jane Holmes Dixon, National Prayer Service, 9-14-01 ---------- >From: Marcin Migal <Marcin.Migal@CENTERTEL.PL> >To: HIGHLA-L@LISTS.PSU.EDU >Subject: Re: DVD's >Date: Fri, Aug 2, 2002, 6:52 AM > > wan more qweshtshion > > how much does the 1-st season 'Highlander' DVD cost in US? > > > > Olsen > > -- > <<>> > Szef dzialu WoD -, > Kadet KO WFRP, > I-szy Luhmistrz BSJ > "Kazdy potrzebuje aby ktos go wysluchal, poczuc chce na glowie dobre rece..." ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2002 11:28:28 -0400 From: Rebecca Wallace <> Subject: Re: A new guy in town :) ---------- >From: Marcin Migal <Marcin.Migal@CENTERTEL.PL> >To: HIGHLA-L@LISTS.PSU.EDU >Subject: Re: A new guy in town :) >Date: Fri, Aug 2, 2002, 3:58 AM > >SNIP< > Could You tell me the Duncan's history? > I know he was born in 1590. But how did he die, where did he get his sword, > and more stuff you could wrire me about him. > > thanxx in advance. > > cheers > > Olsen > Well, it would be a very long post to tell you Duncan's history! ;) Even for *only* 400 years, he packed a lot of history in those years! As for the basics you asked for, well, he was born in 1592, he died in a battle with another clan (I *think* in 1621, but I am not good with dates), and "came back to life", so his father banished him from the clan. In the first episode of Season 3, "The Samurai", in the flashback scenes, Duncan was shipwrecked in 1778 in Japan, and was rescued by Hideo Koto, who taught him "the way of the samurai". Koto had to commit suicide because he befriended the "white man" (strictly forbidden in Japan at that time), and he left Duncan his dragon-head katana (as well as asked him to protect his family, which he did even for future generations). Hope that helps, but I know there is a "timeline" done somewhere on the internet of his "history"... if I find it I will post the address, but someone else here may know it offhand. Becky -- "This conflict was begun on the timing and terms of others; it will end in a way and at an hour of our choosing." -President George W. Bush, National Prayer Service, 9-14-01 "Go forth, now, into the world, in peace. Be of good courage, hold fast to that which is good. Render to no one evil for evil. Strengthen the fainthearted, support the weak, help the afflicted, honor everyone, love and serve the Lord." -Rev. Jane Holmes Dixon, National Prayer Service, 9-14-01 ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 1 Aug 2002 to 2 Aug 2002 - Special issue (#2002-110) *****************************************************************************