As I gaze upon the moors in the setting sun, home after so many long years My soul sighs in peaceful content for just a moment as I realize that always, My highland birth and first of all lives, is the root of who I am. My memory recalls the echo of skirling bagpipes, the jingle of metal and the creak of leather As I marched out to defend my home and my land in the fierce joy of battle. Life was so much simpler then, although I did not know it. One thing this immortal life has in common with the simple highland warrior of 500 years gone by- -To live and die by the sword. The flash of cold steel in light-sunlight, moonlight, harsh electric glare. The ancient concepts of chivalry and honor are so far removed from the daily world and yet define me still. Moving through space and time. Oh, through space and time forever and anon. And so it goes on. This highland son is home for a brief time. The call of the lands of Clan MacLeod still flow through my blood and sing to my soul. The lochs and moors are still the foundation of who I am. Rest, for a time, before I resume my weary trudge through this cold modern world. --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free, easy-to-use web site design software