When both of them finally noticed Duncan, they stopped their quarrel and the doctor walked over to him. “May I help you?” Duncan looked at him, and then said, “Is Kelly OK? I’m her fiancé.” The doctor’s face cleared up and he immediately assumed a very professional bedside manner. “We took some Xrays and are waiting for the results, but she seems to be OK other than being a bit out of it. It seems as if this whole incident was a bit melodramatic. You can sit with her if you would like until we get the results back.” Ducan inclined his head, and said “thanks…I’ll do that. Does she need to stay overnight?” He was trying to think of a way to get Kelly out of there before the ER staff put two and two together. The doctor shook his head. “I can’t answer that until we get the results back.” He turned and ushered the still indignant EMT out of the room. --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!