Kelly started across the street, her mind mulling over the fight she had had with Duncan the night before. She just didn’t understand why he didn’t want to make a *real* commitment to her. After 3 years, a tenth of her life, why did he not *understand*? She wasn’t asking him for an engagement ring, but if he did truly care for her the way her heart sang to her, and he had guardedly told her two months ago, why didn’t he at least want to live with her? So caught up in her own thoughts, Kelly didn’t notice that the light had changed and that there was a taxi barreling down on her. The last thing she remembered before she blacked out was the incredible pain in her right side coupled with a nauseating crunching sound. The phone rang in the dojo as Duncan was finishing up the last set of his kendo exercises. Rolling his head around to loosen up his neck muscles as he walked to the phone, he realized how knotted his muscles still were from the sleepless night he had had after his *talk* with Kelly. Shaking his head to himself, he picked up the phone. “MacLeod here.” “Duncan, you need to get to Mercy General…fast. Kelly was in an accident,” Joe’s voice said on the other end of the line. “My god, is she all right? When did it happen?” ”Duncan, she was pronounced DOA, but she *isn’t* dead. You REALLY need to get down there. I think you have some explaining to do to her.” Duncan went very still. “Are you saying…?” “Yeah, I think she’s an Immortal”. --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!