Title: Cat's Eyes A Highlander/SG-1 xover Author: Tasha Email: 4t2@dtwins.co.uk Rating: PG-13 for violence. Category: Crossover Archive: www.dtwins.co.uk, Heliopolis (already there), HLFic-L archive, anywhere else please ask Timeline: Highlander - post Archangel but assuming the Highlander the Fanfic Season ending not the cannon ending. In this reality Ahriman was defeated, and Richie is alive. You can read HFS here if you like http://easyweb.easynet.co.uk/~tasha27/hfs/index_dyn.html :-). SG-1 - post Shauri's death, but prior to the end of season 4. Summary: Stargate ... Methos ... Richie ... big trouble. Has SG-1 met their match? Feedback: Always welcome be it praise or constructive critism :-). Disclaimer: Highlander and Stargate SG-1 do not belong to me, I'm just borrowing them and not making any money from them, I promise. Comments: This fic was over three years in the writing (became stuck and left it on the shelf for a long time :-)). When I pulled it out of storage it needed a lot of tweaking. My thanks go to my beta readers, without whom I could never have finished it. It's been on the web a month or so now, but forgot about mailing lists :-). Hope you like it.