The Farscape Project - part 5 of 5 For disclaimers and warnings, see part 1. ***************************************** Ryan stripped off his sweat-soaked T-shirt as he entered his room, wishing he had something clean to put on. He'd have to remember to ask John about laundry. He'd have to settle for one of the shirts he'd worn while on the orbiter. A sudden movement on the far side of the room caught his attention, and he almost pulled out his sword. Fortunately, he realized it was Chiana before he'd done so. He wasn't so sure he wanted the rest of the crew to know that he had it. "What are you doing here?" he demanded. John had said she was a thief, maybe she was looking for something to steal. "I cleaned your clothes for you. As a welcome aboard gift." Chiana waved a hand at the shelves behind her where his clothes were now neatly folded, then came across the room to stand in front of him. "Uhhh... thanks." Ryan didn't like the lascivious look in her eyes as they roamed down his body. He found himself clutching the T-shirt in front of his chest, almost as if it were protection against her. She took a step closer, and let one hand stroke his chest. "That lightning thing... does it happen... everywhere?" Her hand wandered even lower, and he quickly grabbed it to keep it from going too low. "It... uh... happens whenever I'm cut and need to heal." "Even during sex?" She almost looked excited about the idea. "I don't usually have sharp objects around when I'm having sex." "What about teeth... or fingernails... wouldn't that be an exciting sensation?" Chiana's hand reached out again. "We could try it..." Chiana's tight clothes made it quite clear that the Nebari had a beautiful body, but she was so... gray. Plus, he didn't even know if they were a sexually compatible species. Besides he liked to do some of the chasing. "Uh... Maybe later. Uh... John's waiting for me." "He can wait." Chiana moved closer, forcing him back until he was almost trapped against the wall. "You didn't waste much time, alley whore!" Ryan looked over Chiana's shoulder and saw Jool standing in the doorway. He almost gave a sigh of relief as the Nebari backed away from him. "And why are you here?" Chiana spat out. "Did you think he might be interested in you, princess?" "At least he'd be showing some class," Jool said with a sneer. Ryan stood back and watched the two women start arguing simultaneously. He couldn't understand what they were saying, but he was afraid it would end up with them brawling before it was done. He had to stop it, but he wasn't quite sure how. "Shut up!" A deep voice penetrated the babble. It was effective as both women turned to face the newcomer. "What is going on here?" D'Argo demanded. "Nothing," Chiana replied. "We were just welcoming Richie." "It sounded like it. Don't you have something else you can do?" The Luxan glared at the two women until they both left the room. "Thanks," Ryan said with a sigh of relief. "I wasn't quite sure how to handle that." "You just have to be firm with them." D'Argo strode into the room, and pushed Ryan up against the wall. "Understand this, Ryan. I don't know if I believe that you are Crichton's friend. I will be watching you very carefully. If you do anything, anything at all, to harm him, or anyone else on this ship, I will make sure you regret it. Do you understand, Human?" he growled. "Got it. No problem." "Good." With that, he spun around, and left the room. With a shaky sigh, Ryan collapsed on his bed. This was not a good start. ***** Ryan's head was spinning by the time he and John reached the command center. Moya's corridors all looked alike, and he had no idea how anyone managed to find their way around the ship. And his friend seemed determined to cram as much information into his brain as possible. It kind of reminded him of his first days as a new Immortal. He felt totally incompetent, and out of place. The view ports at the front of the command center were like a magnet for him. He walked over and stared out, wishing that he could see Earth. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw John come over to stand next to him. "Will we ever get home?" Ryan finally asked. John briefly rested a hand on Ryan's shoulder and squeezed it lightly. "No promises. No guarantees. But I'll keep trying, Rich." "I guess that's all I can ask for." He kept staring out the window, and eventually his friend moved away. Ryan couldn't help but think of all the people he'd left behind. How had Duncan reacted when the Collaroy had disappeared? And what about Joe? Maybe Amanda had shed some tears, but he knew Methos wouldn't have been affected either way. Did they think he was dead? Disintegrated by some cosmic force that they didn't understand? Did they think he was floating around in space, in an eternal death that he couldn't escape? Were they hoping that someday, maybe, they would meet up again? "I'll get home, Mac," he vowed quietly. "I promise." To be continued....