Part 0/4 Author(s): T. L. Odell Title: Changes Feedback address: Rating: PG - no explicit sex, but it is mentioned. Character listing: Duncan MacLeod, Tessa Noel Archive: 7th Dimension Duncan and Tessa must learn to live with the changes that time brings to mortals. A kind of follow up to Sandra McDonald's "What to Get a Girl for her 50th Birthday" Standard Disclaimers apply. I don't own any of these characters, although a couple of friends have let me borrow their names and experiences. For that I thank them. Thanks to Sandra McDonald for letting me join her in this universe where Tessa doesn't have to die. And, as always, undying gratitude for her meticulous beta- reading. Thanks also to MacGeorge, Cathryn, Chris and Kt for their comments and suggestions.