information and disclaimers in part one =20 =20 Title: Dreams? 9/11 =20 Willow walked quickly; it was nice out, but she was looking forward to = discussing the journal with Angel. He had mentioned spotting some = smaller spells of interest to them in the book. Discussing texts with = Angel was always fun, and Cassandra frequently joined in. A few = minutes clearing up her email then they could talk into the night. =20 Lost in her cheerful thoughts, the young redhead didn't notice the = shadow moving in the trees behind her. =20 She was surprised to find the mansion dark and empty. <Darn, they must = have had to run errands. Oh well. > Disappointed, Willow grabbed a soda = and plopped in front of the computer. Quickly she was absorbed into her = e-mail. She had called Joe yesterday while Cass was out jogging and had = asked for Methos' number. The Watcher had given her an email address = where the Immortal could be reached. Willow had sent a short but = effusive thank you note. He had responded, clearly pleased that the = book had proven so useful. =20 . . . .I only remembered that it was about vampires. I haven't run = across a vampire myself in years. If I run across any other relevant = texts I'll send them to you. I am glad that your friend has been helped. = That must have been a very tense situation. Could you tell me a bit = more about that curse? I've never heard of such a thing before. Good = luck to you in all of your studies. Feel free to contact me; you run = across a lot of information in 5000 years. I understand if Cassandra = doesn't want you to. Cassandra will tell you that I have been an evil = man -- a murderer. This is nothing but the truth. But I am no longer = that man. =20 Methos=20 =20 A small sound behind her broke Willow's concentration. She turned. = "Angel? Cass? . . .Who's there?" <I didn't hear the car pull up, or the = door. > A tremor of fear shot down her spine when no one responded to = her question. She heard movement again and dashed to the middle of the = room, forgetting Angel's instructions to keep her back to the wall. = Willow barely had time to respond when a man appeared out of the shadows = beside her, swinging a sword at her neck. <Oh, Goddess! This is bad! > = Fortunately, the lessons Angel had drilled into the young witch made her = react automatically -- preventing the urge to freeze. Dropping to the = floor, she kicked her attacker's feet out from under him. He fell = against the side table. The table and a lamp went flying, knocking out = half of the light in the room. The sharp sword sliced through the air = above Willow's head. =20 =20 "What the hell do you want!?" She yelled as she rolled away, dodging = his grabbing arms and sword. The attacker got to his feet quickly, = pursuing the slender woman. =20 <Damn it, I missed! > "Just your head, Coppertop." Marcus Costior = grinned through his fury. The girl had looked to be an easy mark, and = she was making him look ridiculous. Not yet Immortal and unaware of the = fact that she would be; the bitch shouldn't have known how to fight = back. She should have died with the first stroke of his sword. =20 Willow vaulted over the couch, grabbing the second lamp with her mind = and launching it at the nameless attacker. The light in the room died, = the only illumination the pale blue light of the computer screen. = Marcus chased after her, the lamp only a minor distraction. Attacking = again, he sliced into her side, leaving a long gash. The witch was = aware of the impact and of dull burning in her side. She refused to = think about it. <I have to concentrate. > Quickly she threw a filmy = illusion of an attacking demon in front of the man. It was a half-baked = effort, falling apart almost as soon as it was finished. But it worked; = Marcus recoiled, yelling. "What the hell was THAT!" Willow grabbed the = sword that Cass practiced with. It was heavier and longer than the = novice was used to, but it was closer to hand. Her attacker's choice of = weapon, combined with the fact that he didn't seem to be either a = vampire or a demon, let her know what she had to do. Cass had told her = about headhunters. <But why is he attacking ME, damn it!!! > =20 Willow had proven to be a naturally talented fighter, but she lacked = experience. For a few minutes she fended off his blows. Then her = guard slipped, and his sword rammed through her chest, puncturing a = lung. This wound she couldn't ignore. Looking at the man's smug and = victorious face, she threw her power at him without conscious thought, = briefly stunning Marcus. Willow raised her arm and swung Cassandra's = sword --- using her magic to strengthen the blow. His head flew across = the room. Willow watched it's gruesome arc numbly. The world was = rapidly going dark and blurry. There was no time for her to enjoy her = victory. Still impaled on her attacker's sword, Willow fell to the = floor. She stared at the wall, unable to move, and blood dribbled from = her mouth. <Oh . . . Goddess, this hurts. > Around her blue lightening = danced, exploding the computer. Willow was vaguely aware of the power = dancing through her. Moments later, she died, drowning in her own = blood. =20 Angel walked slowly back to the Mansion. He was calm now, emotions = firmly back under control. It was nearly midnight. <I hope Willow = isn't too worried. > The vampire had walked nearly across town in his = need to think. Looking up as he walked up to the door, he noticed that = Cassandra's car was still gone. <How long did she think Buffy and I = were going to talk? > Then he noticed that the lights were out as well. = A little worry began to gnaw at him. <Willow is still at Giles? I'd = better call and check. > Willow had planned on being home soon after = dark. Angel hurried through the front door. =20 The smell of blood hit him the minute he stepped inside. Panic rushed = through him, making his dead heart contract. Eyes searching frantically = in the darkness for the source of the overpowering smell, he almost = tripped over Marcus's head. He stared at the grisly thing, horror = growing; Angel rushed into the room, all caution forgotten. "Willow." = His only thought was that she had gotten home on time -- alone. His = sharp night vision allowed him to clearly see the shambles the room was = in. He could also smell Willow. Then he found her, still next to the = rest of the body of her attacker in a pool of both of their blood. = Blood covered her from the wound in her side. =20 =20 His anguished scream echoed through the dark Mansion. Kicking Marcus's = body aside, Angel fell to his knees and pulled Willow into his arms. = Violently, he pulled the sword out her chest. He threw it across the = room, where it hit the wall with a clang. Gently, he pushed the hair out = of her starring eyes. <NO-NO-NO-NO!!! > Her body was still warm; he = leaned his head against her chest -- no trace of a heartbeat -- not even = the faintest murmur for his sensitive hearing to detect. It was too = late to turn her, but the lingering warmth in her pale skin let him know = it had only been minutes. Angel held her tightly against him, his blood = tears mingling with her lifeblood as he sobbed. He sobbed = uncontrollably, beyond thought and completely lost in his pain. An = animal-like keening filled the room. The grieving vampire sat unmoving = with the slender girl in his arms for hours. =20 He missed the first feeble beat of Willow's heart. Then she took a = gasping breath that shook her entire body. Angel bolted upright, = starring in shock at Willow's face. She began to cough, choking on the = blood that filled her lungs. The vampire turned her over and supported = her until the spasms ceased. Willow turned over in his arms; she looked = up at Angel with eyes full of confusion, her cheeks flushed. =20 Angel looked at her in wonder. He touched her side gently, sliding his = hand inside her torn shirt to touch the spot where the wound had been. = Willow's skin was smooth and unbroken. <Her skin is warm. > Then he = slid his hand to her heart, face full of reverence. <Her heart's = beating! > He thought joyfully. Angel closed his eyes -- letting his = senses focus on her pulse -- its sound and the feel of it under his = hand. =20 Willow was definitely confused. She clearly remembered being run = through and dying. The corpse of her attacker was lying right next to = her and Angel. <I killed him! > But the shock of being alive = <Breathing, breathing is very, very good . . . > was overshadowed by the = sensation of Angel holding her tightly and his hands running over her = sides. It made her heart beat wildly. Willow could tell he was in = shock even through the haze of her own shock. She reached up, after = wiggling one arm free of the tight embrace, and gently stroked his = cheek. "Angel, are you okay?" =20 His yellow eyes snapped open. <Am I all right?! She DIES, and the = first thing she asks is if I'm all right! > Angel stared, stunned, into = her large green eyes, then pulled her to him -- forgetting all his = previous injunctions to himself to act just as a friend to her. =20 With the first touch of his mouth to hers Willow completely forgot death = and headless corpses. Her only coherent thought was a brief notice that = Angel was vamped out. The kiss was frantic, almost desperate. Angel = was reassuring himself the woman he loved was actually alive, breathing = in his arms. Then he realized, as he was pushing her back against the = side of the couch, that he was kissing his best friend . . . and his = fangs and ridges were out. He pulled back. "I'm sorry, Willow. I love = you." Angel put his human face back on, feeling ashamed of his impulsive = action. "I know you don't feel that way abou. . . " Willow didn't give = him a chance to finish his sentence. The young witch realized that = Angel didn't know how she felt. <Of course, I have been hiding that. = Stupid me. > All that mattered was that he loved her. She shut him up = by pulling him back into the kiss. Both were quickly lost in the = intense moment . . . completely unaware of the world around them. =20 =20 So, neither of them heard the car pull up. =20 =20 Cassandra was in a truly foul mood as she paid the cab driver. <I hate = cars. That is third one of those infernal creations to break down on me = last six months. Goddess! Horses were far more relia . . .> The immortal = cut off her internal tirade as she neared the Mansion. She could feel = another Immortal . . . very close, and the front door was standing wide = open. Drawing her sword, she walked quickly into the Mansion, already = in a defensive stance. Inside the entry the light switch failed to = work. Back to the wall, she cast a simple spell designed to light up a = room for about a half an hour. The sight that met her eyes made = Cassandra almost drop her sword. The room was a mess. There was = unfamiliar decapitated head at her feet, the furniture had been thrown = around, and both lamps were knocked over. Next the couch was the body, = and the blood, to go with the head. Sitting in that blood were Angel = and Willow --- kissing like the world was about to end. The Immortal = buzz was coming from Willow, and it was quite strong. <Oh, Hell! I = leave the house to get some groceries, and look what happens. > = Cassandra crossed the room, picking up the lamps and plugging them back = it. Surprisingly, both had escaped being broken; she revoked the = unneeded light spell. =20 =20 "Willow?" Cassandra cleared her throat; neither of the kissing pair = noticed her. "Willow!" She was still ignored. "WILLOW!" The pair broke = apart with a jump, looking at her in embarrassed surprise. Willow moved = to get out of Angel's lap, but he refused to let her go, keeping his = arms firmly wrapped around her slight frame. =20 In a much calmer voice, Cassandra continued, "Do think that could wait? = We need to talk, and this place is a disaster." She looked pointedly at = the blood. Willow and Angel suddenly realized they were still on the = blood-covered floor. "Eww!" was Willow's first reaction. Reluctantly, = Angel let go of her and stood, helping her to her feet. =20 Let's go in the kitchen --- less blood." Cassandra walked away, and = they followed. =20 Sitting at the kitchen table, holding Angel's hand, Willow's brain = function finally resumed. "Um, Cassandra? I'm Immortal, aren't I? He = was a headhunter. It's the only thing that makes sense." =20 "Yes you are. I was hoping that this wouldn't happen for a bit longer."=20 =20 Angel immediately exploded. He stood up, his chair falling to the floor = behind him, and he leaned across the table. The vampire grabbed = Cassandra. "You KNEW Willow was Immortal! And you didn't even mention = it!" he roared. He vamped back out, reacting to his fury.=20 =20 <Oh wonderful! Angry vampire! > "We generally don't tell! When someone = knows they're Immortal it alters how they deal with life; they take = crazy risks!" Cassandra yelled back at him, shoving him back to sit on = the upper edge of his fallen chair. He had to grab the edge of the table = to keep from toppling backwards. Angel glared at her and moved to stand = back up. Cassandra started speaking again, this time turning to Willow. = "You tend to do just about anything for your friends, right?"=20 =20 "Um, well . . . Yes." Willow stammered. She was still rather stunned = and had been zoning out as Cass and Angel argued. She didn't have the = energy to break up the fight. =20 "So if you had know that you couldn't be turned into a vampire or killed = in most ways you would have taken on dangerous things to protect the = others?" Cassandra's tone was supremely reasonable. =20 Willow nodded slowly. <Oh! > Confusion faded from her face as she = started to understand what Cass was trying to point out. Angel, = however, was still growling. The redhead reached over to grab his hand = again. "Angel, calm down. It's okay." She looked at him pleadingly =20 The Immortal faced the vampire calmly. "I wanted Willow to live as long = as possible. I was hoping that she would make it to her mid-twenties = BEFORE she stopped aging. <Well, that was a lost cause. > I knew that = Willow would take risks if I told her." Willow blushed as Cassandra = directed a wry glance at her student. "So I did my best to prepare her = without giving away that she was pre-Immortal." =20 Angel was starting to think again by the end of this speech. Forcing = down his need to defend Willow in some way, he resumed his human face. = Willow sighed in relief. He was going to cooperate. For now. =20 Cass looked the pair over thoughtfully. "Why don't you both go clean up. = You are both a disaster. I'll take care of the living room. Somehow I = don't think seeing you covered in blood is the best way to break the = news to the others." =20 Willow and Angel were both liberally covered with blood, and Willow's = shirt was badly torn. The young witch suddenly became aware of the = mess, her daze evaporating. "Ewww!" Willow took off for the shower. =20 <I was wondering when she would notice. > Cassandra thought with a grin. = Angel trailed after her, trying to absorb Cassandra's explanation. =20 Willow tossed the ruined clothing into the corner of her room, thinking = as she did so that she would need to burn the outfit later -- between = the blood and the tears it was a complete loss. She turned on the = shower as hot as it would go then stepped into the driving spray. = Quickly, Willow began scrubbing off the blood. It was everywhere, and = the water flowing down the drain in the floor was pink. Willow leaned = against the tile wall, watching the water as it swirled away. Finally = the rest of her stunned daze began to dissolve. =20 The small redhead slid to the floor, shaking. It was all just too much. = Learning to become a powerful witch had been exciting and much desired. = Cassandra's immortality had been a fascinating research topic, and no = more. Willow had wanted to know more about what it was like. <But = Goddess! This wasn't what I had in mind. > The young witch was = perfectly willing to admit that she was terrified, and she couldn't yet = absorb what effect this was going to have on her life. For a while, = Willow just sat on the floor, water hitting her head as she sat and = cried helplessly. About the time the water began to cool, the hysteria = began to wear off. She stood back up. <I'd better get up. Angel will = be worried if I don't show up soon. > This returned her to more = pleasant thoughts . . . reflecting on the intense embrace that they had = shared. However, Willow didn't let her thoughts or the warm tingly = feeling they gave her distract her. She wasn't ready to have a worried = Angel bursting in while she was still in the shower. <Although that = could be interesting. Behave, Willow! >=20 =20 Hair dry and clothes clean, Willow headed back down the stairs to rejoin = the others. Cassandra was mopping up the floor when her student walked = into the room. Most of the blood was gone, and Angel was wiping up the = stray smears that were out of Cass's reach. The couch, still stained, = had been set to one side. The rest of the furniture had been restored = to order. The lamps looked rather squished. The blood-covered carpet = Willow and her attacker had fallen on was gone.=20 =20 Looking around the redhead found it. It was near the front door. Cass = and Angel had rolled up the remains in it -- for disposal. The sword, = still bloody <my blood >, was on top of it. Willow could take her eyes = off the misshapen bundle. <I killed someone, > she thought in shock. = Involuntarily, a shiver shook her. =20 =20 An arm wrapped around her shoulders, holding her tight and giving her = the support she needed. Angel leaned down and kissed her forehead. He = had abandoned the clean up operation as soon as she had paled and = shuddered. Willow leaned into his arms, wrapping her arms around his = waist and burying her face against his chest. =20 Cassandra looked on in concern. "Are you alright, Willow?" Angel = glared at her, but relented a little when he saw the genuine concern in = the Immortal's face. =20 =20 Willow straightened up. She had managed to avoid crying again, though = her eyes were red. She had just needed some support. "I'm fine, or I = will be once my head stops spinning." Angel squeezed her, and she = grinned up at him. The smile was open and unstrained. It was also full = of the love that the vampire desperately needed to see. He grinned back = at her, feeling the knot of worry in his stomach relax and disappear. = Cassandra, looking on, also relaxed. It looked as if her student would = indeed be all right, despite the shock. =20 Willow's face turned serious again. She turned to face her teacher, = leaning back against Angel. Her moved his arms to her waist, and she = placed her smaller hands over his. Her eyes flickered over towards the = carpet wrapped bundle. "I didn't have a choice, did I? About killing = him I mean," she quietly asked Cassandra. =20 "No you didn't. He was a headhunter and nasty one. Going after = pre-Immortals is seen as being without honor. If you hadn't killed him = he would have killed you without a second thought. Just knocking him = out or even injuring him severely wouldn't have been enough." = Cassandra's voice managed to be both deadly serious and reassuring. "I = have gone over the rules of the game with you, haven't I?" =20 "I think so?" Willow responded her voice unsure. =20 "We need to go over that. You must know certain things." She moved to = the kitchen, Angel and Willow following her. Cassandra dumped the = bucket of water, only slightly pink, into the sink and dropped the mop = on the counter. She dropped into a chair, tired although it was early = in the day. <Lack of sleep will do that to you, > she thought wryly. = She continued speaking. "You'll need to start training seriously now. = Magic will have to wait for awhile. I want to be sure you can handle = yourself in a sword fight without magic first." =20 They sat down at the table, again, preparing to talk. Cassandra opened = her mouth to start when they all heard the front door open. There was a = brief pause then they all turned to the door and got back to their feet. = From the other room came a chorused yell. "What the Hell!?" =20 to be continued . . .