Chapter Twenty-four Bathed in the moonlight that streamed through the bedroom window, the sated couple lay nestled together in companionable silence. Caitlin's head rested comfortably on Duncan's shoulder, their fingers intertwined as she thought about her father's journal. Turning his head, Duncan kissed Caitlin's forehead and said softly. "You're awfully quiet Caitlin, what are you thinking about?" "I was just thinking, now that I know the truth behind your actions, I wish I could take back the terrible things I said. I guess I just wanted to hurt you as much as I was hurting." Lifting their clasped hands and squeezing hers slightly, he kissed the back of her hand and said. "It's over now Caitlin, I told you I understand. Lets just put it behind us and start over." Still pensive, Caitlin lay quietly against him thinking about the many unanswered questions that whirled around in her brain. Sensing her perplexity, Duncan heaved an exaggerated sigh, and jiggled their clasped hands. "All right Caitlin, what is it you want to know?" "I know you probably really don't want to talk about your past, but-" "It's okay Caitlin, I know you're curious, I know it's hard to comprehend." "Are you sure?" She said, as she rested her chin on his chest and looked up him. "I'm sure." And bent his head to kiss the tip of her nose. "Were you always an Immortal?" "Yes and no. The seed of our immortality lies dormant inside of us until it's triggered by a traumatic incident that causes our death. If that never happened then I would have lived out my life and died from natural causes just like everyone else." The thought of him dying a horrible death in order to come back to life, made her shiver. "How-" "I was raised in the highlands of Scotland. I fought in a battle with a neighboring clan and was badly wounded. When my father and some of our clansmen brought me back to our village, I died from my wounds, only to come back to life soon after. I thought it was a miracle." He couldn't bring himself to mention that his father and the people of his village thought he was the spawn of the devil and cast him out. "A battle with a neighboring clan? When was this?" Duncan paused before answering. He wasn't used to revealing this much about himself. "1622." Caitlin, sat up and looked at him, completely dumbfounded, her eyes wide and unable to speak. "Yes, I know, I'm older than I look." He said with a lop-sided grin. "I don't age, I'll always look the age I was when I- died." Unclasping their hands, Caitlin reached out and lightly touched his face and ran her trembling fingers through his hair, as if to reassure herself it was true. Taking her hand and kissing her palm, Duncan cuddled her back against him. "Your parents, were they Immortal too?" She asked, still trying to understand how utterly incredible it all was. He took so long before answering, Caitlin looked up at him, wondering if he had heard her. Wrapping his arms around her, he laid his cheek against her temple to absorb her warmth and said solemnly. "No. I was a foundling. All Immortals are. We don't know where we come from. It's part of the conundrum of who we are." Hearing the sadness in his voice, Caitlin knew she had probed long enough and decided to drop the subject for the time being. Turning, she in the circle of his arms, she kissed him deeply and said. "Do you know what? I think I've learned enough about Immortals for tonight. I think it's time you showed me again, how well a 400 year-old man can make love. I wouldn't want you to get rusty." Relieved at not having to answer any more questions, Duncan smiled and removed his arms from around Caitlin and turned to lean over her. "Rusty never. Lusty always. When it comes to you." And proceeded to show her how well he remembered the art of lovemaking.