=20 INVISIBLE DARKNESS An Elena Duran Story =20 By Vi Moreau and Janeen K. Grohsmeyer =20 =20 =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D June 23, 2008 Monastery Beach, Carmel, California =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=20 =20 /!Carajo! Fire! I'm on fire!/ =20 /The pain is absolute--every burning atom of my body is stretched to the = limit,=20 like on the rack. I always want to crawl into a hole and die, die = quickly, and=20 never come back, because I can't ever stand this pain. I can still see = the=20 light, burning my eyes even through tightly-closed lids, night turned = into day,=20 darkness into brilliance./ =20 /Then the invasion, the violation, as Gavin Stuart--the damned drunken = Scot who=20 followed me from the hospital and just would not take no for an = answer--fills=20 me, looking for a fight. I scream during the unique = aloneness-cum-fusion that=20 is the Quickening./ =20 /But I won! I'm alive! His life, my life--it doesn't matter. Light and = life=20 and laughter fill me, drown me, bubble forth from me, a fountain more = brilliant=20 than the lightning of before. Surely, there's enough life in me, and = enough=20 energy and enough power, to light a small city. Will the corpses in the = churchyard cemetery across the street suddenly burst forth from their = graves and=20 scream their own joy at being alive?/ =20 Elena Duran's legs folded completely, limp and useless, her strong legs = which=20 had kept her dancing close enough to cut Gavin Stuart, = dancing--mostly--out of=20 the reach of his sharp blade, her legs which had kept her upright during = the=20 Quickening, until now. She sank farther, right into the ground, = pummeled again=20 and again by his energy, by his entity, by those brilliant bolts of = searing=20 rage. =20 Elena lay face down on the cold sand of Monastery Beach, reduced to a = whimpering=20 mass of bruised and bleeding flesh and bone as his psyche sliced through = her=20 mind, just as his sword had sliced through her body. This second battle = was=20 always harder. She was so tired, and she hurt so much. She couldn't = even cry=20 out with the pain; she just lay there squirming, a beetle pinned to a = board. =20 And he wanted his revenge. Damn it, no, Gavin Stuart wanted to live! = He was=20 reaching into her brain, holding her heart in his hand, squeezing her = very=20 existence out and trying to replace it with his own. He wanted *her.* =20 No, not again! Elena could see them, all those she had killed during = her four=20 hundred years of fighting and living and dying. A crowd of men and = women=20 gibbered at her feet, their hands clutching at her, clawing at her, = their long- boned fingers groping blindly into her soul. Robert Trent was there, = darkly=20 smiling, for he had hacked out a home inside her, taken her over, bent = her to=20 his will. And Stuart there, on the top of the pile, still strong, and = if even=20 one of the others touched her, Stuart would have a handhold, and he'd be = able to=20 pull himself up, slither up all along her own body until he was face to = face=20 with her. And then ... =20 No. Elena closed her eyes and concentrated on ... on being herself. On = pushing=20 him and the others out of her head, on grinding her teeth together, as = though=20 that would make any difference. Stuart was a man of strong character. = Damn=20 him! Why couldn't she be the one who culled the herd and got only the = easy=20 ones? Why did she always get challenged by strong-willed, expert = fencers? =20 /Maybe *I* look like an easy kill./ =20 Sweat broke out all over her body, and her breathing hadn't slowed down = yet. =20 No! No, it would *not* happen again, as it had with Robert Trent. It = wouldn't=20 happen again because she had won! Stuart hadn't been strong enough with = the=20 sword, and he wasn't strong enough now. =20 /I am Mariaelena Conchita Duran y Agramonte, and I've beaten you, = pendejo, and=20 you can't have me./ =20 =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D =20 Time flows invisibly in darkness. =20 Elena had fainted, but she didn't know when. Her face lay in a hollow = in the=20 ground, and she could taste the salty tang of sea air, feel the cool = caress of a=20 heavy summer fog on her back. Sand grated under her cheek, but it was = still=20 much better than cold concrete or the harsh gravel of pavement. She = opened her=20 eyes and lifted her head, then rolled over onto her back, closing up = that gash=20 in her ribs, easing the hurt in her right knee, the light taking the = place of=20 the pain and of the hollow feeling, and leaving her full of herself. = Herself,=20 not him. And not the others. =20 /Just myself, thank you very much./ =20 /You're very welcome./ =20 She giggled, and it turned into a laugh. She was alive, and the = headless Mr.=20 Gavin Stuart a few meters away was not. Fuck him. Her mind drifted for = a=20 moment, for there was, in fact, someone else she'd like to fuck. Duncan = MacLeod=20 was supposed to be entertaining their guests in her ocean-side home. = But=20 Amanda, Methos, Richie, and Connor and his current lady-love Shannon (a = redhead=20 of ample proportions) could find something else to do: play Scrabble or = poker or=20 something. Maybe more music. There was still plenty of food. They'd = all come=20 into town a few days ago to hear Joe Dawson play in the Monterey Blues = Festival=20 yesterday, and afterwards Amanda and Methos had displayed unexpected = musical=20 talent, Amanda being quite the chanteuse while Methos accompanied her on = the=20 guitar. They'd obviously made music together before, probably in a = variety of=20 ways. =20 Elena was ready to make some music with Duncan. She didn't think Duncan = would=20 be worried about her just yet; it wasn't even midnight yet, and she'd = only been=20 gone a few hours. Her housekeeper, Marta Fernandez, had collapsed = earlier that=20 night in the caretakers' apartment at Elena's house, giving Arturo, = Marta's=20 husband of thirty-seven years, quite a shock. Elena had followed the = ambulance=20 to make sure Marta would be well-taken care of. =20 =20 =20 =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Earlier that night =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D =20 Arturo's hand was bony and cold in Elena's when she squeezed it and = said,=20 "Remember, your salary continues and your jobs are secure, both of you, = whenever=20 you're ready to come back."=20 =20 "You are very generous, Elena, as you always have been," Marta said = softly from=20 her hospital bed, and Arturo nodded vigorously, his once-black mustache = salt and=20 pepper now. Elena kissed Marta on the cheek and bade the couple = goodnight, then=20 quickly walked out of the hospital. All hospitals smelled the same, = even this=20 one with its lovely paintings on the walls and its ornamental fish pond = in the=20 lobby near the gift shop. The elegant trappings couldn't hide the fact = that=20 hospitals were places where mortals went to die. =20 Two weeks ago, in a hospital in Argentina, Elena had leaned over = another, older=20 woman, Carmela Onioco, and kissed her cheek for the last time. Carmela = had been=20 the housekeeper--house manager, really--of Elena's estancia in = Argentina, and=20 Carmela had also been one of her best friends--one of the few mortals = who knew=20 Elena's secret. "I was at her mother's bedside when Carmela was born = eighty=20 years ago, Duncan," Elena had told Duncan when he called later that day. = =20 "Carmela's mother died at childbirth, and I held the newborn inside my = shirt for=20 a few hours, giving her my warmth while they scrambled to find a = nursemaid for=20 her. I've never forgotten that, and I won't forget her." =20 "Nor should you," Duncan had said. "Do you want me to come down there = to be=20 with you for the funeral?" =20 "No. No, I'll be fine. Thank you." =20 "Still coming to California on the eighteenth?" =20 "Duncan, I'm not in the mood for that, not now." =20 "Carmela would want you to go," Duncan had urged her, and Elena knew he = was=20 right. "You've got tickets for the Blues Festival," Duncan had = continued with=20 his reasons, "and you've already invited a houseful of people. Joe = Dawson has=20 gotten better with age, and you'll enjoy it, you know." =20 And Duncan had been right again. Elena had enjoyed the three-day = festival, a=20 lot. And she did enjoy having people who knew and appreciated each = other in her=20 home, the light and laughter and love. =20 Outside the hospital, Elena stood on the steps, breathing deeply of the = cool=20 evening air, catching hints of sweet jasmine and the sharper scent of = pine. =20 Wisps of fog wreathed the dark branches, and the long summer day was = fading into=20 twilight. Marta would recover, the doctors had said. It was = hypertension,=20 easily controlled with medication. She would be fine. =20 Of course, someday, Marta would die. =20 Elena took another breath, then headed for her Mercedes in the visitor = section=20 of the parking lot. She'd left the top down, and the seats were moist = with the=20 evening dew. As she opened the car door she sensed the Immortal. Elena = shrugged and slipped inside the car. "Not tonight, dear," she called = out and=20 then muttered to herself, "I have a headache and I'm depressed as hell." =20 The other Immortal's presence faded when she pulled out of the parking = lot, but=20 she didn't relax until she was down the hill and past the town of = Carmel, past=20 the traffic lights and traffic jams. She drove down the two-lane = highway,=20 ignoring the dramatic sunset over the ocean off to her right, and she = stopped at=20 the Carmelite Monastery to pray. =20 Unfortunately, that Immortal, obnoxious and insistent, was waiting for = her when=20 she came off Holy Ground, and so she sighed and crossed the highway on = foot to=20 fight him on the windswept seashore, hidden from view of passing cars by = sand=20 dunes and the gathering darkness. Then she took his head. =20 =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D =20 =20 Now that Gavin Stuart was dead, Elena wanted to go home. If Duncan had = started=20 to fret, she could put him right at ease. Or put him right in bed. = Elena did a=20 pushup to get to a sitting position, then stood, feeling the strength = coursing=20 back. She picked up her sword and her coat, then trudged through the = sand back=20 to the highway, where she paused to look both ways for cars. People = drove like=20 maniacs on this stretch of road, and the darkness was nearly complete, = this far=20 from town. The moon wouldn't be up for another hour or so. =20 No cars were coming, but what the hell was that? A noise, or just a bad = feeling? Or paranoia? Her Watcher, the blond-haired man with the = glasses? Or=20 her imagination? No. Elena never ignored feelings like these, and she = didn't=20 think she was just being silly. Adrenaline started pumping as she = gripped the=20 handle of her sword and looked around sharply, listening, staring off = into the=20 night, her one eye straining to see ... =20 She heard nothing. But she saw it, that flash of light streaking toward = her=20 before the darkness took her again, before the bullets slammed into her = chest=20 and through her, shattering her ribs. She actually felt her heart = tremble and=20 stop, so that she died again, by the sea this time, close to a convent = and to a=20 cemetery full of somber corpses, not so far from an already-beheaded = man. =20 =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D =20 Elena revived, but there was no sand against her cheek this time, no = smell of=20 the sea. A cold metal chair, cold shudders through her body ... cold, = so cold,=20 and she couldn't move, couldn't move at all! She was tied down, = strapped down,=20 tight metal bands at her waist and ankles and wrists, and oh my God, NO! = Not=20 him! Not this. Not again! =20 She started to scream, but her chest hurt; Bethel must have shot her or = stabbed=20 her, and she couldn't get the words out. Gasping, trying to scream--but = she=20 knew it wouldn't help. It never helped. He never listened, never = stopped. =20 Bethel had her; he'd trapped her again and strapped her to that cold = metal chair=20 in his basement, his torture basement, her torture chair ... =20 "I'm going to break you," =20 Madre de Dios, NO! He was right there, whispering in her ear, and he = was going=20 to break her, she knew it. He was going to break her again, he was = going to=20 hurt her, he was going to break her bones and fuck her and burn her and = rape her=20 and cut her and fuck her again and again, GodohGod no! =20 Her chest started to heal, but she continued to thrash and struggle in = fear and=20 agony, knowing it was hopeless. Knew she was hopeless. She knew what = would=20 happen, what he'd do to her, now that he'd caught her again. Not again! = Now=20 that she could talk, she screamed out, "!No, os lo pido, tened piedad, = no por=20 favor, os lo suplico, no! No, no me quemeis, noooo!" =20 "What toy shall we use today, Elena?" =20 That voice again, close by her ear, amused, cold, vicious. She started = begging=20 now, whimpering, not even trying to escape anymore. "!No! !No, Bethel, = por el=20 amor de Dios, no! !Matame de una vez, os lo suplico! Just kill me, = please!" she=20 screamed impotently. =20 The empty space in her eye socket throbbed with remembered agony as she = pleaded,=20 alone and naked in the cold and dark. "!No, por favor, no me quemeis, = Bethel,=20 no, matame!" she finally whispered brokenly, knowing it wouldn't do any = good,=20 knowing she was completely helpless, knowing he would torture her = anyway, no=20 matter what she said or did. =20 "I'm going to turn out the lights, Elena, so you will know what being in = total=20 darkness is really like." =20 She knew. !Carajo!, she knew. In the dark, there is no time. In the = dark,=20 there is no hope. Only pain and fear, and despair--total blind despair. =20 Except ... =20 Except, it wasn't dark. Dim fluorescent bulbs flickered above, and a = small high=20 window glowed silver with moonlight. A window? There weren't any = windows in=20 Bethel's basement, so she couldn't be there. And ... and she wasn't in = the=20 metal chair, either. She was sitting on a cold, concrete floor, and = that was=20 duct tape on her wrists, not metal straps. She even had her clothes on. = She=20 wasn't naked. =20 But she also wasn't alone. =20 "Elena Duran." It was a woman's voice, a woman standing in front of = her,=20 calling her by name. =20 Not an Immortal, Elena felt no sensation of one of her kind nearby. She = slowed=20 her mind down a little, just a little, gasping now in relief instead of = terror,=20 because Bethel wasn't there. Bethel was dead, she remembered that now. = It=20 couldn't be Bethel, Bethel was dead. Completely and permanently. Elena = had=20 buried his head in her garden, nearly a dozen years ago. Connor had = given the=20 head to her as a present, and Bethel was dead. =20 /No B-Bethel, no Bethel, my God! He's--no, he's dead. It's not him, = and I'm=20 not chained in his torture chamber, in his basement, and he can't hurt = me=20 anymore! Bethel is dead, !gracias a Dios!/ =20 She needed to catch her breath. Deep breathing, in through the nose, = out=20 through the nose. Calm. Pain. Peace. Breathing into the belly. But = Bethel=20 had worked with a mortal, she thought suddenly, and the cold panic and = the cold=20 sweats started again ... But no! It wasn't Bethel, it couldn't be = Bethel. =20 Bethel was dead. Dead. =20 But Elena was still frightened, because the woman knew Elena's name, and = Elena=20 was completely helpless at her feet. The healing was almost finished, = and Elena=20 clamped down on the moans of pain she was making--/a little late, = Elena!/--and=20 then she focused on the woman standing impassively before her. The = moonlight=20 from the tiny window slanted across her face, highlighting a snub nose = and firm=20 chin. Moonlight? Elena shook her head in confusion. For the moon to = be that=20 high, it had to be two, maybe three in the morning. Had this woman kept = her=20 dead for hours? Why? =20 Elena went back to evaluating her captor: mid-forties, slender, maybe a = head=20 shorter than Elena herself, tendrils of blonde hair escaping from a pony = tail, a=20 flowered print dress under a beige coat. But Elena didn't have her coat = on=20 anymore. She didn't have her sword, either; it was lying on the floor, = next to=20 the blonde's feet. The woman's blue eyes were searing into Elena with = rage,=20 just as Gavin Stuart's lightning had done. =20 Who the hell was she? Why was she so angry? Elena had never seen her = before in=20 her life, so why had the woman shot her? Elena looked around slowly, = allowing=20 the last remnants of panic and pain to leave her, taking those long = abdominal=20 breaths, assessing her situation. The walls of the building were = horizontal=20 wooden planks, the floor cold concrete, and a musty smell of animals and = a moldy=20 smell of old hay lingered in the air. The scattered pieces of a tractor = or a=20 car or something lay in the far corner. Maybe a barn or a storage shed = of some=20 kind? Elena was tied--strapped, actually, with duct tape--to some metal = pipes=20 that ran down the side of the wall. Had the woman dragged her in here? = She=20 didn't look strong enough. =20 /What the hell is going on?/ The woman stood rigidly, jaw tensed, then=20 carefully took a gun out of her coat pocket, holding it almost gingerly = in her=20 right hand. Angry, yes, but nervous--and scared. Definitely not a = professional=20 killer. That didn't make Elena feel a hell of a lot better. Elena = shifted,=20 trying to get comfortable, but her right elbow throbbed with a steady, = sharp=20 beat. Everything else had healed but that. =20 The woman began, "You--" =20 "Who are you?" Elena interrupted, staring right at her captor. It was = as good a=20 question as any, and Elena wanted to take the initiative, to get some = answers=20 and *some* measure of control over the situation. Her right elbow was = twisted=20 funny and hurt like hell, probably dislocated, but Elena didn't think = the woman=20 knew or would care. Elena would just have to ignore the pain. She'd = done that=20 before. But it wasn't Bethel, thank God. Anyone, *anything* was better = than=20 that. =20 But then the woman lifted the gun and pointed it at her, and Elena saw = the hated=20 circular tattoo on the woman's wrist. /!Madre de Dios! A Hunter. = Carajo, I'm=20 fucked./ =20 "Who am I?" the woman repeated, her voice thin and trembling a bit with = anger-- or maybe with fear? "I am your worst nightmare, Elena Duran." =20 Elena almost burst into semi-hysterical laughter at the high campiness = of it,=20 the laugh you laugh after you've just escaped a horrible, terrible fate. = She=20 would have laughed, too, except she figured it would be a quick way to = suicide. =20 The woman would probably behead her anyway--that's what Hunters = did--behead her=20 with her own sword in a dirty shed, while Elena was helpless, strapped = to metal=20 pipes, not even fighting another Immortal. Duncan would never know, and = her=20 essence would be lost to murdering Hunters. =20 But ... the woman hadn't killed her yet. Did she want to gloat? Why? = Elena=20 took yet another cleansing breath and focused on the woman again. Maybe = she=20 could live through this after all. "I've had bad nightmares before," = Elena=20 answered as calmly as she could, trying not to move her elbow. "Some of = them=20 were even real." She started asking questions again. "What do you want = from=20 me? And why don't you tell me your name, since you know mine." =20 The gun didn't waver. "Pamela Johnson, not that it would mean anything = to you." =20 "You are right; the name means nothing to me," Elena said, still = controlled, but=20 she was cursing to herself, because the use of a name meant a lot to = her. It=20 meant that Pamela Johnson was indeed going to kill her, otherwise she = wouldn't=20 have given Elena her name and risked having Elena find her later. = /!Carajo!/ =20 Elena forcibly calmed herself, let the peace take over her mind and = spirit. =20 Keep Pamela talking. The more she talked, the more chance Elena had of=20 surviving. Maybe. =20 Of course, dying--even permanently--was not, Elena absolutely knew, the = worst=20 thing that could happen to her. "Who are you, Pamela Johnson?" she = asked, again=20 as calmly as possible. =20 Pamela's eyes flashed with renewed anger. "Who did you think I was = before, when=20 you were begging and pleading for your life? Bethel? He tortured you, = didn't=20 he? He got you sobbing, 'No, please don't hurt me!' My Spanish is = rusty, but=20 terror is the same in any language," Pamela said maliciously, staring = down at=20 Elena. =20 Oh, yeah. Elena had provided Pamela Johnson with quite a show, hadn't = she? All=20 unknowingly, Pamela had tapped into Elena's greatest fear. Perfect, = just=20 perfect, Elena thought in disgust, then reminded herself to keep cool. = Never=20 lose your temper in a duel. And this was definitely a duel, a duel to = the=20 death, and Elena's only weapon was words. =20 Elena tilted her head to one side, considering her best approach, her = most=20 effective attack. Pamela was obviously determined--obsessed--for some = reason,=20 and Elena had to find out why. But Elena decided to risk having Pamela = erupt=20 into more violence by trying to make the Watcher see she was out of her = element. =20 And first, Elena had to answer Pamela's question, to prove her own = strength. =20 Casually, Elena said, "You reminded me of ... a situation I was in, with = someone, but he's dead. He was an Immortal. You are not. He was a = monster and=20 a sadist, who refined the art of torture over decades of hurting people = for fun,=20 and he hurt me, a lot." =20 "You think I can't torture you?" Pamela challenged. =20 Elena smiled ruefully. Torture was definitely not something Pamela had = done=20 before, no matter how much she hated Immortals, even if she was a = Hunter. There=20 was bravado in Pamela's words and in her stance, in the gun she was = gripping as=20 a lifeline, or for protection. Elena pulled experimentally against her = bonds,=20 left hand only, and found that the claims of duct tape manufacturers = were=20 completely true. No escaping that way. However, the pipe her left hand = was=20 strapped to seemed loose, looser than the right. It came further away = from the=20 wall, and although Elena didn't dare turn her head to examine it, maybe = she=20 could pull it off in one hard yank, if she got her legs under her and = if--a big=20 if--Pamela didn't notice, and if Pamela let her guard down and didn't = just shoot=20 her the minute Elena tried anything. =20 =20 It was still worth a try. She wrapped her hand around the pipe and = carefully,=20 surreptitiously, began to apply pressure against it, back and forth. = Meanwhile,=20 more words were called for. Elena countered with a question of her own. = "Is=20 that why you didn't take my head after you shot me? So you could = torture me?" =20 Pamela started to answer, and Elena cut in again, with a mixture of = conviction=20 and dismissal, "No. Not you. Very few people are capable of = deliberately=20 inflicting pain on another person like that, and enjoying it." Elena's = voice=20 was cool and sure, all trace of her panic vanished. "You are not one of = them,=20 and you know it." =20 "You're right," Pamela agreed, sharp and brittle, the nervousness = swallowed by=20 anger once again. "But I also know that you *are* a torturer and a = murderer,=20 Elena Duran, and that is why I am going to kill you."