INVISIBLE DARKNESS: An Elena Duran Story by Vi Moreau and Janeen Grohsmeyer =20 Elena almost shrugged. She was used to being threatened, and to being = thought=20 of as a monster by some mortals--especially Hunters. She could hardly = deny=20 being a murderer. As for being a torturer--dammit, she had done that = too. So=20 she did not even bother to deny the accusations. They were, after all, = true. =20 Elena moved on to the next phase of her attack: finding out why they = were here. =20 "I didn't think Hunters needed any reason to destroy us 'unnatural' = creatures=20 from hell,'" Elena goaded. She pulled some more at the pipe; it felt = looser. =20 "Hunters?" Pamela repeated in bewilderment. "I don't know what you're = talking=20 about. This is about you, Duran, not any Hunters." =20 "No?" Elena asked skeptically. Hell, of course it was Hunters! she = thought. =20 Who else could it be? But ... if Pamela was not a Hunter--and yet why = deny it,=20 because, in Elena's experience Hunters were very proud of their = killings--then=20 why did Pamela want Elena dead? It must be personal; Elena had probably = killed=20 someone Pamela loved. But Elena had never "tortured" any Immortals, not = like=20 Bethel had tortured her. Played a bit with one or two of them during a = fight,=20 perhaps, cruelly, like a cat with a mouse, but that was just part of the = Game. =20 She shook her head to clear it of those memories, and then continued = with the=20 duel. Time to undermine the opposition's anger, time to make nice. = "May I call=20 you Pamela? Am I supposed to know you? Johnson?" =20 "My husband was Kevin Johnson," Pamela said, her voice still trembling, = but with=20 anger now. Definitely anger. Perhaps even rage. =20 So much for the idea of making "friends," Elena thought resignedly. =20 "You took him from our home in San Diego," Pamela continued, reciting a = litany=20 of vendetta. "You took him from our *bed* in the middle of the night, = on the=20 seventeenth of February in 1995. You took my husband away, and you tied = him to=20 a chair. Then you broke his leg, hurt him, tortured him--I don't know = for how=20 long. And then you murdered him by running him through with your sword. = This=20 sword," she said, pointing to Elena's blade on the floor. =20 But it couldn't have been that sword, Elena thought in confusion. She = had lost=20 her original sword, the one her father had made for her. Bethel had = broken it,=20 like he'd broken her. =20 Pamela stepped closer and pointed the gun straight at Elena's forehead, = right=20 between the eyes. "Do you remember the name Johnson now?" Pamela = demanded. "Do=20 you remember *him*? Or do you even bother to remember who you kill?" =20 /!Madre de Dios!/ Elena suddenly had trouble catching her breath again, = but it=20 wasn't from being threatened with a gun or from any wound. All the = calming=20 techniques in the world wouldn't help her now, and there could be no = escape,=20 because Elena remembered that night. She remembered Kevin Johnson, too. =20 "What, no more comebacks, Senorita Know-it-all?" Pamela asked = venomously, but=20 before Elena could even begin to answer, Pamela demanded, "Why?" Tears = of rage=20 and wild grief gathered in the corners of her eyes, and her voice was = hoarse=20 with rage. "I want to know why, Duran." =20 And *that* was why they were here. Elena forced herself to meet = Pamela's eyes=20 and took a deep breath, wondering how to begin, searching for words of=20 explanation instead of words of attack, but Pamela spoke first, slowly, = as if=20 she were piecing a puzzle together, "For thirteen years, I never knew = your name.=20 I had no idea how to find you. But I recognized you tonight after you = beheaded=20 Gavin Stuart. And it was you, wasn't it, Duran? You were killing = Watchers all=20 up the West Coast, hunting us like you hunt each other--" =20 "Yes," Elena replied, wanting--needing--to explain. =20 But there was more to it than that, dammit! "But you have it the wrong = way=20 around. It was you Watchers, your Hunters, who were killing Immortals. = And=20 anyone who got near us. Anyone that we cared about." =20 Pamela shook her head in denial then said, "All right, let's say these = Hunters=20 did exist. There were some stories about Hunters, yes, at one time, = back in the=20 '90s," she admitted. =20 "What?" Elena interrupted incredulously, furious enough to forget all = about=20 choosing her words with care. "Are you ignorant or just plain stupid? = They=20 weren't just stories, and the Hunters sure the hell existed!" Elena = cried out,=20 heedless of the consequences, straining against her bonds, jerking her = whole=20 body towards Pamela so suddenly that the Watcher jumped back. =20 "They were real," Elena snarled, "and they shot at me, and later on they = shot me=20 and captured me. They stripped me, chained me, and broke my bones. = With a=20 sledgehammer! They tried to lure a friend of mine to his death by using = me as=20 bait. And worse--Hunters murdered my friend, a sweet girl who--" =20 "There was never any killing of Immortals or their 'friends' by any = Watchers!"=20 Pamela shouted back, furious in her own right, her blue eyes blazing. = "If there=20 had been any Hunters killing Immortals, we Watchers would have taken = care of it=20 ourselves, internally. And I would have known about it!" =20 Elena forced herself to back off, back down. "Well, the Watchers = *didn't* take=20 care of it. And maybe they didn't tell you what was happening, Pamela. = They=20 didn't tell you who killed your husband, did they?" She watched = Pamela's=20 reaction, tried to gauge what the other woman was thinking, then added, = "Hunters=20 machine-gunned my friend Maria, who was pregnant, and obviously not an=20 Immortal!" =20 "That's a lie," Pamela said, her hot rage gone into a much more = dangerous cold=20 certainty. The gun was once again pointed straight at Elena's head. = Light=20 glimmered off the barrel; the hole of the muzzle was a pit of empty = black. =20 "You're a liar, on top of everything else. I know you can't die this = way, but I=20 can hurt you. And if you lie again, I will shoot you." =20 For a long moment the two women stared at each other. Elena knew Pamela = wasn't=20 a torturer, but she'd already shot Elena several times, and Elena was = damn sure=20 Pamela could do it again. Elena didn't think it was a bluff, not this = time. =20 "Yes, you can hurt me, Pamela," she admitted, staying calm, staying = cool, trying=20 to take back control. "You even know how to kill me." =20 And *that* didn't make it easy to stay cool, either. But Elena needed = Pamela=20 to understand. Elena summoned all of her sincerity and let her grief at = Maria's=20 death show through. "But I'm not lying. I didn't lie to you about your = husband. I have not lied to you at all, Pamela Johnson. My pregnant = friend=20 Maria was hunted down and murdered by Hunters in Argentina on the eighth = of=20 November, 1993. It was after midnight, and they burst into my house. = We tried=20 to run, but they hunted us down like animals. They could see she was = pregnant-- eight months pregnant, Pamela!--but they shot her, and they tried really = hard to=20 shoot me. That is how I found out about Watchers, and that is why I = hunted=20 them." =20 "Watchers don't kill Immortals!" Pamela repeated, practically shouting, = but=20 Elena could tell that the volume was just Pamela's way of trying to = convince=20 herself. "And even if some did," Pamela added in a rush, "even if these = Hunters=20 really exist, my husband Kevin was not one of them. Didn't you find = that out=20 when you tortured him?" =20 Elena was out of words, defenseless now. It was true, she'd tortured = him. It=20 was true, she'd found out he wasn't a Hunter. It was true--and she'd = killed him=20 anyway. The silence stretched between them, until Elena finally = admitted it,=20 finally faced what she had done. "Yes." =20 Now Pamela was speechless. She opened and closed her mouth several = times, so=20 flabbergasted that she forgot about the automatic and lowered her hand = to her=20 side. "You knew--" She shook her head slowly, her breath catching in = her=20 throat, and when she finally spoke, her words came through choked tears, = "You=20 knew he was innocent, and you killed him anyway?" =20 Elena closed her eye, opened it again. She had to face this, dammit. = She owed=20 Pamela Johnson the damn truth, no excuses. It was a matter of honor. = And right=20 now, Elena needed all the honor she could get. =20 "I knew he was innocent of being a Hunter," Elena said, but she couldn't = help=20 adding in her own defense, "You're a Watcher, but I didn't kill you. I = promised=20 him if he cooperated I wouldn't hurt his family, and I didn't--" =20 "Wouldn't hurt--?" Pamela interrupted. "Wouldn't hurt his family?" she=20 repeated, furious and incredulous again. "Did you think that making his = children orphans and his wife a widow wouldn't *hurt* his family?" =20 To this Elena said nothing. =20 Pamela stood there, shaking her head, the whirling confusion in her mind = reflected on her face. Then Pamela asked her original question all over = again,=20 a simple heartfelt plea, "Why him? Why my Kevin?" =20 Elena tried not to shrug. Because he was the next one in line. Because = he was=20 there. No good reason, but Pamela deserved an answer. "I wanted to = kill them=20 all, all the Watchers and all the Hunters," Elena explained. "I got his = name=20 from another Watcher." =20 "From Claire?" Pamela asked sharply. "Claire Carruthers?" =20 "I think so, yes," Elena answered after a moment, because there'd been = so many,=20 and she tried not to remember those days. "I was ... on a rampage, out = for=20 blood. I was out of control." =20 Pamela sucked air. "You were out of control," she echoed, unbelieving, = and the=20 flatness of those words stripped away the pretense of any possible = excuse, any=20 possible forgiveness. "You had an Immortal tantrum," Pamela continued. = "And=20 you murdered--" She stopped and closed her eyes for a moment, then went = on in a=20 light, controlled voice, "They adored their father, you know. Our two = little=20 girls. Caitlyn and Emily thought he was the most wonderful daddy ... = But it's=20 been thirteen years, and Emily was only seven. She barely remembers him = now,=20 and I--" Her voice broke, and she turned away, but not before Elena saw = the=20 bright tears dimming Pamela's eyes. =20 Elena's eyes filled in sympathy. And empathy. And sorrow. And not a = little=20 guilt. Oh, God. She remembered Kevin Johnson, and she remembered his = children,=20 too.=20 =20 =20 =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D 18 February 1995, 2:00 a.m. San Diego, California =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D =20 The front bedroom, lit by a Winnie-the-Pooh nitelite, has two sleeping = children,=20 both blondes. One child is about ten, the other younger, and Elena is = acutely=20 aware that they will wake up to tragedy. Only one of the couple, then. = The=20 man, not the woman. Elena will not leave these little girls = orphans--she knows=20 what that feels like. =20 In the back bedroom, Elena can see by the moonlight filtering in through = the=20 blinds that the man and woman lie intertwined in a large, four-poster = bed. =20 Across from it is an entertainment center, with a TV, stereo, CD player, = and=20 large speakers. The screensaver for their computer is little toasters = with=20 wings, flying through the air. "Looks like killing Immortals pays well," = she=20 mutters angrily to herself. =20 As Elena moves closer to the bed, the man shifts away from his wife, and = Elena=20 pulls out her sap and hits him once, expertly, behind the ear. He sags=20 completely, and this is probably what alerts the wife. =20 "Kevin?" the wife asks sleepily, quickly pulling herself up on one arm,=20 immediately looking up at Elena. There is a flash of wonderment in the = female=20 Watcher's eyes, and before she can even register fear, Elena reaches = across the=20 bed and knocks the woman out with a closed fist. =20 Elena doesn't need much time. This back bedroom looks onto the alley. = Elena=20 pulls the man towards the window, opens it, and drops him out feet = first, then=20 walks out the kitchen door again and joins him. He's landed on the = pavement=20 near her car, and his right leg is stuck out at a grotesque angle. She = levers=20 him into her trunk and drives to her prearranged site, an abandoned = railway=20 station. =20 When Kevin Johnson wakes up, Elena has already propped him up on a = chair, his=20 hands fastened behind him with plastic police handcuffs and his mouth = gagged. =20 Her sword is in her hand, and she sees in his frightened eyes his = recognition of=20 who she is. =20 "Good," she says. "What I want from you is the address of the next = Hunter--or=20 Watcher, if you prefer. And don't bother to tell me how you just watch = and=20 don't interfere. I've heard it all. And I don't want to hear it again. = So=20 ..." =20 She watches his eyes follow the path of her blade as she taps the flat = of it=20 against his broken leg. He screams into his gag, a wailing moan. Elena = says=20 coldly, "You can see how it is. You are a strong young man, but you're = hurt and=20 caught. In fact, you're done. Give me the name of the next Hunter or = Watcher=20 in line, and I won't hurt you anymore." =20 She waits for the pain to recede, and for the reality of his situation = to=20 register in his eyes. After a moment he nods, and she removes the gag. =20 "You're going to kill me," he states, his voice quavering a little. =20 "Yes," she answers. =20 "My wife ... she was there, in bed with me--" =20 "She's fine," Elena rushes to assure him. "I know she's one of you, but = I also=20 saw your children, your two little girls. For their sake," she adds = seriously,=20 "your wife lives." =20 "Then you won't--" =20 "No," Elena interrupts him again. She puts the sword down as she kneels = in=20 front of him and looks him in the eyes. The concrete floor feels rough = right=20 through her jeans. "Listen to me. Whatever happens between you and me = stays=20 here. No matter what you say or do, I will not hurt your family. You = have my=20 word." He nods in relief, but Elena continues, "But I will hurt you, = Kevin. =20 You have my word on that as well." =20 He is silent for a moment, then says, swallowing thickly, "I can't just = betray=20 my friends." =20 "Yes, you can, and you will. Now or later. The choice is yours." She = stands,=20 then lifts her sword again and swings the flat of it against his broken = leg. =20 His cry of pain fills the entire room. She only needs to do it once = more before=20 he nods, terrified, dull sweat covering his face, spent and resigned. = He gives=20 her a name, then a second name. And as soon as she gets what she wants, = she=20 nods and, without hesitation, runs him through the chest with her sword. = Then=20 she leaves him still tied to the chair, and she starts hunting again.