INVISIBLE DARKNESS: An Elena Duran Story =20 by Vi Moreau and Janeen Grohsmeyer =20 =20 Oh, yes, Elena remembered Kevin Johnson. And his broken leg, his = screams, his=20 fear for his family. And his blood on her gloved hands. And his = children, who=20 had slept so peacefully, and then woken up to a world horribly changed. = Elena=20 blinked back her tears. / I wonder if it would help to ... What the = hell would=20 help? Not a fucking damn thing. I killed him and he didn't deserve it = and--/ =20 "Did Kevin beg you to live? Did he ...?" Pamela drifted off, unable to=20 continue. =20 "No," Elena said strongly. "He was brave. He was worried about you, and = your=20 children. That's all he cared about--all of you," she said, giving his = widow=20 this one true consolation. "And he wanted to keep his Watcher oath, = too. But I=20 didn't let him." Elena cleared her throat. "And now I can't bring him = back. =20 I'm sorry." =20 Pamela swung around, trails of tears shining on her cheeks. "You're = sorry?" she=20 repeated, grinding out the words. "You're *sorry*? What good is that?" =20 "What do you want from me, Pamela?" Elena asked, knowing she had nothing = else to=20 give. =20 Pamela picked up Elena's sword. "Justice." =20 Elena flattened herself against the pipes, an involuntary shrinking away = from=20 death. Oh, yes, she had more to give. Her life. Her head. /!Carajo!/ = =20 "Pamela--"=20 =20 "Can you give me one reason why you don't deserve to die?" Pamela = interrupted,=20 her voice shaking but strong, lifting the gun in her right hand while = she=20 gripped the sword firmly in her left. =20 =20 Elena ignored the gun and stared fixedly at the weapon she had killed so = many=20 with, the shimmering metal lovingly wiped clean of all the blood, the = shining=20 blade polished again and again, honed to a fine killing edge--just like = herself. =20 "No," Elena admitted, watching closely as Pamela blinked in surprise, = maybe=20 confusion. "I can't give you a reason why I don't deserve to die," = Elena=20 continued. "Not one. But I can give you a reason why you shouldn't kill = me." =20 "I'm through listening to your lies," Pamela said, her finger tightening = on the=20 trigger. =20 "If you kill me, you become just like me!" Elena called out. =20 Pamela froze in confusion, then let go of the trigger, but didn't lower = the gun. =20 "I'll never be like *you*!" she denied. "I have every right to execute = you! =20 What you did was murder! This is justice." =20 Justice. Elena shook her head, remembering Duncan's words from years = before: =20 There is no justice--only mercy. Elena had found her weapon for this = duel, and=20 it was a weapon that could not kill. She leaned forward and spoke = earnestly to=20 Pamela, "That's exactly what I said to myself, when I killed the = Watchers and=20 the Hunters. I believed, in my heart, that it was justice, not = revenge." =20 "No!" Pamela denied furiously, her voice trembling. "You murdered my = husband,=20 and maybe a dozen others. He was innocent. You are not innocent! You = deserve=20 to die!" =20 "You're right," Elena agreed, wishing she could keep her own voice from = shaking. =20 "I am not innocent. And ... I've killed many more than a dozen, and = you're=20 right; I deserve to die." She lowered her voice and insisted, "But = *you* are=20 innocent, Pamela, and once you murder me in cold blood, you won't be = innocent=20 anymore." =20 Pamela shook her head incredulously, laughing, a strangled sound halfway = between=20 a gasp and a sob. "You lying bitch! You'd say anything to make me let = you go!" =20 Elena shook her head, even as she admitted, "Yes, you're right, I would. = But=20 I'm still telling you the truth, Pamela. I haven't lied to you, not = once. This=20 isn't about me anymore. It's about you." =20 "Oh, yes, it's about *you*," Pamela spat. "This is all about you. Why = do you=20 think you're here?" Pamela's voice was harsh and grating, wounded and = wounding,=20 scraping the protective thick skin away and rasping down into the bone. = "You're=20 here, Elena Duran, because you deserve to die. You didn't kill those = Watchers=20 out of revenge for your friend, or because you were angry, or because = you were=20 frightened. You killed them because you wanted to. You killed them = because=20 you're a damned, cold-hearted, murdering bitch!" =20 A cold-hearted murdering bitch--it was true. Elena closed her eye = again, trying=20 to hide. She had been so desperate those days, so unhappy, so drunk. = "I ..." =20 No. That didn't matter, not anymore. It never had. No excuses. She = had=20 deliberately murdered a dozen innocent men and women, for what? To keep = them=20 from killing others? For revenge? Hatred? Madness? Did it matter = why? She'd=20 still done it. In cold blood. Murderous. Deliberately. =20 "Yes," Elena whispered. "I am." =20 "No," the other woman commanded, smiling cruelly. "You said you'd tell = me=20 anything. Here's your chance. Look at me and say it. *Say* it." =20 Elena took a shuddering breath of cold air, then lifted her head to look = Pamela=20 in the eye. "I, Mariaelena Conchita Duran y Agramonte, am a = cold-blooded,=20 black-hearted, murdering bitch." And the Hunters were cold-blooded, = black- hearted murdering bastards. Elena hadn't started that particular war, = dammit-- she'd just continued it, and for good reasons. =20 Pamela shook her head in regretful disapproval. "I don't think you = really=20 believe it, Duran." The smile disappeared. "Not yet." She stepped = closer and=20 bent down, breathing in Elena's face--her spittle hit Elena's cheek, and = her=20 low, hate-filled voice went on. "I want you to remember what you did. = Do you=20 remember the mortals you caught and tied up and tortured and killed? = Murdered? =20 Do you remember running them through with your sword?" =20 Elena remembered. After breaking Joe Dawson's fingers, she'd gone to = the dojo=20 to talk to Duncan MacLeod. They'd fought first and died, both of them = bleeding=20 and wounded on the dojo floor, and when she'd revived, she'd broken down = and=20 cried. Duncan MacLeod's mercy, the pity and sorrow in his eyes, had = undone her. =20 Falling into a huddled, miserable ball on the wooden dojo floor, lying = in her=20 own life's blood, she'd wept uncontrollably for Maria and for Darius and = Gordon,=20 all murdered by Hunters. She'd wept for all the Mortals she'd killed = throughout=20 the centuries, and for the men and women she had hurt and executed in = quiet=20 rooms. She'd wept for the innocent ones, the ones like Kevin Johnson = who hadn't=20 deserved to die, and for the ones who had, and for all the ones who'd = pleaded=20 for their lives, who had begged her uselessly. She'd wept for her = mother, an=20 Indian slave who died when Elena was four, and for her father, beheaded = by=20 another Immortal, and she'd wept for herself, for the evil monster she = had=20 become. She hadn't been able to stop crying then. But now her eyes = were dry,=20 and she felt even worse. =20 "I want you to remember, you butcher!" Pamela snarled. "I want you to = relive=20 it! I have, every day for over thirteen years, while you've been going = about=20 your business, happily. Your business of killing more people." She = laughed in=20 cold scorn. "You say you were out of control, that you had reasons. = You say=20 you're sorry." =20 "I am," Elena whispered, and she was--oh, she was!--but there was = nothing she=20 could do. =20 "Remember," Pamela insisted. "Remember their faces. See them ..." =20 "No!" Elena didn't want to see, didn't want to remember. It was over = and done=20 with, a time in her life she'd put behind her over a decade ago. She = was not=20 that person anymore. Duncan had forgiven her, and she even managed to = forgive=20 herself, a little. There was nothing she could do anyway. It was over. = She=20 shook her head mutinously. No, no, no. =20 "*See* them," Pamela hissed, her blue eyes ablaze, only centimeters from = Elena's=20 own. "I want you to remember Kevin, my husband, the father of my = children. I=20 want you to remember Claire. She was my best friend; we went to the = academy=20 together. I was maid of honor at her wedding." =20 Elena closed her eyes, trying to shut this all away. But Kevin Johnson = was=20 waiting for her, there in the darkness of her mind. His face pale with = agony,=20 screaming into his gag when Elena tapped his leg with the flat of her = blade to=20 send splintering shards of pain up through it, torturing him to make him = scream. =20 Claire was waiting for her, too, a tall woman with short red hair and a = tattoo=20 of a butterfly on her left calf, gagging in pain while the butterfly's = blue=20 wings were slowly painted red by drips of her blood. =20 "No," Elena whispered soundlessly, trying once again to breathe through = the ache=20 in her chest. But there had been no sword or bullets this time, only = words. =20 Pamela Johnson had ripped open Elena's ribs again and exposed her = heart--a dark,=20 black, damned heart. A heart that pumped not blood, but a thick black = bile, a=20 poisonous clinging blackness. =20 And Pamela was still with her, forcing her deeper, dragging her under, = drowning=20 her in blood and vomit and fear. "Do you know that we found out from = the=20 autopsy, when they cut her apart, that Claire was five weeks pregnant? =20 Pregnant, just like your friend Maria." =20 "Oh, God no," Elena moaned. She didn't want to believe it. She wanted = to=20 believe that Pamela was lying to make her feel worse. But she knew = Pamela=20 wasn't lying, and Elena knew she had killed an unborn baby, too, just = like the=20 baby she and Maria had been going to raise. Elena shut her eye hard, = biting her=20 lips, then whispered brokenly, "I didn't ... God help me, I didn't = know." =20 "Neither did she. Her first baby--they'd been trying for years, and she = would=20 have made such a good mother. And you'll never understand what that's = like,=20 having a child in your body, being a mother, because you can never do = it, not in=20 five hundred years or a thousand!" Pamela spit out. "You'll never = understand=20 what it's like to live in a family, to love, because you're not even = human, not=20 anymore."=20 =20 "I am human," Elena whispered. "I do know." She knew about love, and = all about=20 loss. She'd lost two husbands, lovers and comrades, so many friends, and = her=20 baby, little Tanya, dying in her arms, gasping for breath ... =20 =20 "No," Pamela contradicted flatly. "You're an Immortal, and you kill for = the=20 Game, and you think that changes all the rules. You think it gives you = the=20 right to kill anyone you want!" =20 Elena knew all about killing, too. Mortals, Immortals ... she'd killed = so many,=20 so damn many, and she wasn't even sure why anymore. =20 "You're not human," Pamela declared again, and Elena had to wonder if = that were=20 true. Pamela calmed herself with an effort then continued, "You tortured = Claire=20 until she gave you our name. You forced her to betray her best friends, = and two=20 weeks later you forced Kevin to betray someone else."=20 =20 And Elena had betrayed Connor to Bethel, in just the same way. And = Richie and=20 Adam. Even Duncan. Everyone she loved, just to get Bethel to stop the = pain. =20 "And now they're dead, because you killed them," Pamela accused. "You = killed=20 all of them. Remember," she insisted. "Remember what they said, how = they=20 pleaded with you ..." =20 Not that! Not that! Elena thrashed blindly against her bonds, trying = to=20 escape, from her captor, from her memories--from herself. But their = words came=20 clearly in the darkness. "My wife ... she was there, in bed with me--," = Kevin=20 Johnson had said, not begging, not pleading, worried more about his = family than=20 for his own life. =20 Most of the others had begged. Claire had. "I don't know who Maria = Alsonso is! =20 Please! Oh, please let me go!" =20 So had Vicente Leon. "Si, por favor, por el amor de Dios, si, tell me = what you=20 want me to say, anything you want!" A tall thin man with the acne = scars, in an=20 empty hangar at a tiny deserted airport, while the desert wind rattled = the=20 enormous sliding doors, and he shrieked out the words. "!Si, lo que Ud. = quiera!" =20 "I swear to God, I haven't done anything, please don't do this anymore." = Maria=20 Perez' voice, shrill and cracked with pain, in a filthy garage. "!No me = haga=20 eso mas! por favor, Senorita, por favor, please, please stop!" =20 And the others. All the other voices. Harry Mattingly: "Don't hurt me again! I can't break my oath!" Danny Donovan: "I'll tell you everything you want." Mark Weathers: "I never killed anyone in my life!" Alberto Fuentes: "!Por favor! !No!" =20 But Elena hadn't stopped, no matter what they'd said or did. No matter = how=20 they'd begged or pleaded. She'd killed them all. =20 Pamela's voice went on, relentless. "Remember who they were, their = names ..." =20 Elena shuddered as the names came rolling over her, endlessly repeating, = a=20 ceaseless tide of death and pain: Joe Dawson, Harry Mattingly, Kevin = Johnson,=20 Claire Carruthers, Mark Weathers, Danny Donovan, the one who was just a = kid,=20 barely in his twenties--Mark Harrod, Olivia Sanchez, Alberto Fuentes, = Vicente=20 Leon, Maria Perez--a grandmother-- Ernesto Moreno, Joe Dawson, Harry = Mattingly,=20 Kevin Johnson, Claire Carruthers ... =20 Elena ceased struggling and wailed, long and low. There could be no = escape,=20 ever. She was damned. She had deliberately tortured helpless, innocent = mortal=20 men and women, then murdered them. She had murdered fathers and = mothers,=20 husbands and wives, sons and daughters, even an unborn baby. She had = left=20 behind grieving children, lonely spouses, desperate families, many = damaged=20 beyond repair. And she had done it over and over again. Twelve times, = to be=20 exact. =20 "Remember," Kevin Johnson's widow commanded one last time, then pulled = away and=20 left Elena alone, alone with nothing but her memories--alone with = herself. =20 And she was nothing but darkness, to the depths of her damned forgotten = soul. =20 After Bethel had finished with her, Elena had thought she was nothing. = "You're=20 a worthless, stupid mongrel bitch, and Don Alvaro never loved you," = Bethel had=20 said to her. "How could he? You were never worthy of his love! The = people in=20 your estancia are afraid of you, and justly so. The MacLeods don't care = about=20 you. You're an evil, murdering whore. You're worth nothing now, and = you were=20 never useful to anyone!" =20 But Elena wasn't nothing. She was worse than nothing. Much worse. = "!Dios mio,=20 perdoname!" she sobbed. Taking long, deep, despairing breaths, she sat = numbly=20 on the cold concrete floor, blinking slowly, trying to focus and seeing = only a=20 grey haze, trying to listen and hearing only a dim roaring in her ears. = She was=20 deaf and dumb and blind. She had no more words, and no more weapons, = and she=20 knew she was going to lose this duel, because she knew she deserved to = die. =20 Pamela returned, her gun still in her right hand, Elena's sword in her = left.=20 =20 "I--I'm sorry," Elena whispered uselessly, offering the only thing she = could. =20 She was exactly the kind of monster the Hunters wanted to destroy, and = she knew=20 she hadn't changed in the last dozen years. She'd probably do it all = over=20 again. She couldn't change anything. She couldn't bring them back; she = couldn't save them now. And she couldn't save herself. Elena looked = into the=20 dark hole of the barrel of the gun, the emptiness, the death, and = whispered,=20 "I'm damned," only now realizing the full horror of those words.=20 =20 Pamela Johnson ignored the apology she had dredged up from the black and = stinking depths of Elena's soul, and once again prepared to kill. =20 Elena looked into Pamela's blue eyes, the blank uncaring eyes of an = executioner,=20 and saw the darkness in her, too. "Pamela ...," Elena began, hoping to = save at=20 least one person, "please, don't--" =20 "'Don't'?" Pamela repeated, shouting, as the ragged edges of her = self-control=20 gave way. "'Please don't'? How the hell do you get off-- How many of = them=20 said that to you? How many screamed those same words?" =20 All of them. =20 "How many did you listen to?" =20 Not a one. But that didn't matter, not here, not now. Elena didn't = matter, not=20 any more, but Pamela did. "Pamela," Elena said again, stronger this = time,=20 "Don't do this. You don't want to become a killer. Believe me, I know. = I have=20 nightmares ... you have no idea--" =20 "I have some idea," Pamela said, softly now. "I dream about you, you = know," she=20 said hopelessly. Then she stiffened again, the hatred and anger = returning and=20 bringing a crafty look to her eyes. "I don't have to kill you myself. = I could=20 get another Immortal, let him know where you are." =20 Elena nodded. "And he does your killing for you. Do you think that = will=20 absolve you from my murder? You'll be just as guilty, Pamela. It will = be the=20 same as if you beheaded me yourself. The same." She leaned forward = again,=20 pulling painfully against her bonds and said, sadly and evenly, "The = same cold- blooded murdering bitch as I am, Pamela. The same." =20 "No!" the other woman screamed, high and desperate, and in a sudden wild = movement, she shot Elena in the leg, the bullet tearing into the thigh = and=20 glancing off the bone. =20 "Aaaahhh! Aaaahh!" Elena ground her teeth together, taking deep, = shuddering=20 breaths, her head down while she panted in agony. The healing was = already=20 starting, tiny sparks of fire arcing through the warm stickiness of = blood. =20 Elena brought her head all the way back, gasping, looking at the ceiling = and=20 letting the tears of pain come, then she faced Pamela again. =20 Hunger and hatred gleamed in the Watcher's eyes as she stared at the = healing leg=20 in revolted fascination. She stepped forward and pressed the gun barrel = against=20 Elena's temple, pushing hard. "Did you enjoy it?" Pamela asked, her = voice low=20 and husky. "Did you get off watching him in pain? Is that what you = like to do=20 for fun?" =20 "No," Elena gritted out, her neck bent to one side, the still-hot metal = burning=20 a circle on her temple next to her hair. =20 "Liar!" =20 "No," Elena said again, carefully and deliberately. "I still haven't = lied to=20 you, Pamela. You were right, I am a cold-blooded, murdering bitch." = This time=20 when Elena said it, she believed it. She had no excuses or = justifications for=20 what she'd done. None. Nada. She was damned. =20 "But I didn't enjoy it," Elena explained, because Pamela had asked and = Elena=20 owed her the truth. "I never enjoyed it. But that doesn't matter--not = to them. =20 And not to me, not anymore, not since you made me see. Alive or dead, I = am=20 damned. Even if I get away from you, I'll never get away from who--from = what--I=20 am. =20 "But you don't have to do this," Elena said, trying desperately to = convince her. =20 "I'm tied up, helpless. Do you really think you can you shoot me and = then chop=20 off my head? It's not easy, you know, Pamela. You'll have to pick up = my dead=20 body and arrange it so you can get to my neck. Maybe lay it on a chair, = then=20 swing the blade hard enough to cut through my spine, maybe hack at my = neck a=20 couple of times to get through the bones. And the blood ... it shoots = out away=20 from the body, a fountain of blood everywhere, on the floor, in my hair, = spattered on your clothes ... on your hands." =20 Pamela shuddered and lowered the gun, the sword dangling from her other = hand. =20 "Stop it," she whispered, her face pale. =20 Elena didn't stop. "You'll see my head rolling on the floor, maybe = bouncing a=20 few times, maybe even landing face up and staring at you. You'll have = to clean=20 up, dispose of me, pick up my body and my head, drag them away. And you = will=20 never forget *any* of it." Elena swallowed hard. "But you can still = walk=20 away," Elena repeated. "You can still be free, Pamela Johnson." =20 "I'll never be free of you," Pamela Johnson said viciously. "No matter = what I=20 do. But if I am going to hell, I want you to get there first." =20 Pamela raised the gun and fired, and Elena saw blinding stars and = splintered=20 lightning, then only darkness, once again. =20 =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D =20 Elena came back to life with a shudder and a gasp. /I'm getting really = tired of=20 this./ And where was she this time? Still in the old shed, but untied = now,=20 lying with her head and torso on a pile of wooden pallets, to elevate = her neck=20 off the floor. An impromptu chopping block, to make that killing stroke = just a=20 little easier. =20 Her sword lay on the floor a few paces away, pointing at her head. =20 For long moments she lay on the pallets in a pool of her own, sticky, = mostly- dried blood, slowly healing, shaking with agony and with a coldness that = came=20 from within. It was all within her, the coldness, the darkness, the = evil.=20 =20 She wondered if Pamela Johnson was still around, watching her. But = Elena=20 doubted it, or she wouldn't still be on the floor. Pamela was gone, and = Elena=20 wondered why she'd been spared. Maybe, when it came right down to it, = Pamela=20 had not been able to actually cut off someone's head. Maybe Pamela was = afraid=20 of having even worse nightmares than she had now. Was it weakness or = cowardice=20 on Pamela's part? Or was it strength? Or mercy? Elena had no idea, = and as she=20 lay there, thinking, she wondered if Pamela had really done her a favor. =20 Elena lifted her head centimeter by centimeter and looked around the = empty room. =20 She had been right--no Pamela. The metal scaffolding where Pamela had = tied her=20 was opposite the door, and Elena's coat lay in a heap in the corner. = The floor=20 was dirty and cold, and her elbow still throbbed-- =20 Finally Elena sat up slowly, then grabbed her wrist and yanked, = wrenching the=20 elbow back into its socket. The pain shot through her, and this time = she=20 welcomed it. She was a damned cold-hearted fucking murdering bitch, and = pain=20 was what she deserved. =20 It took Elena long minutes to gather enough strength--or will--to get to = her=20 feet, and it occurred to her how vulnerable she would be to another = Immortal=20 right now. But no other Immortal would show up, she knew. /It wouldn't = be that=20 easy, and I won't get that lucky./ =20 She stumbled toward the open doorway, wondering if she had the guts to = face the=20 day. To face herself. Standing in the threshold, leaning heavily = against the=20 doorframe, breathing hard and shuddering, she looked out into a nearly = black=20 misty world that showed occasional glimpses of wind-twisted trees on the = hillsides and spiked artichoke leaves in the field below. The eastern = hills=20 glowed faintly around the edges. The night was almost over. =20 But the darkness had just begun. Pamela had been right. She was right. =20 Elena stood there for a long time, staring into the cold and swirling = fog. But=20 she couldn't stay in this shed forever, and she couldn't leave without = her=20 sword. Even now, even knowing what she was, she couldn't walk away from = her=20 sword. She shrugged into her coat and made her way over to the sword, = then fell=20 heavily to her knees, staring at the weapon. =20 /Oh, God. My God. What the hell did I do, for eighteen months, = eighteen months=20 of killing and getting drunk and killing again. Killing innocent = people. =20 Killing mortals I *knew* were innocent. For what!?/ =20 Elena knelt there, swaying. She had no strength left--not even to cry, = or to=20 pray. Holy Ground, she needed Holy Ground. She needed to pray, to = confess. =20 Elena forced herself upright and picked up her sword, the handle cold in = her=20 hand, then stumbled outside to get her bearings. The dark line of trees = along=20 the dry bed of the Carmel River meandered in the distance before her; = she wasn't=20 that far from the monastery. Pamela had probably shoved her in a car = trunk and=20 driven around for a while, looking for a remote place to kill her. =20 Elena walked on the soft dark earth of the artichoke field until she = reached the=20 highway, then plodded south, just concentrating on putting one foot in = front of=20 the other, refusing to allow herself to think. Finally, through the = dark=20 branches of a grove of cypress trees, she caught a glimpse of the square = bell=20 tower of the church. Elena turned to walk up the driveway of the = convent, and=20 the gravel crunched loud under her shoes as she climbed the hill. =20 She approached the cream-colored adobe building slowly, then mounted the = stone=20 stairs that led to the door. It looked so much like the churches she'd = gone to=20 as a child, with its red tile roof and small stained glass windows, the = double=20 curve of the arches that spoke of the Moors and of Spain. Elena had = gone to=20 church every morning with her aya, and every Sunday with her father, = trying--and=20 failing miserably--to be quiet and not to fidget while the priest = chanted the=20 mass and said the prayers. =20 But this church was locked, its heavy wooden doors closed against her. = She=20 didn't deserve the consolation of asking God to help her. Dazed, she = looked=20 around her. The courtyard was quiet and still. The Carmelite sisters = were=20 hidden behind their cloister walls. Elena shivered in the shadows of = the=20 doorway, then turned and walked back down the stairs, knowing one more = place she=20 could try. The grotto in the cypress grove--she could pray to the Holy = Mother=20 there. =20 The trees wove a roof of branches overhead, and the curving path was = thick and=20 soft with faded needles, an earth-brown walkway in the dim and greenish = light. =20 Elena paused at the entrance to the grotto, a tiny chapel with tree = trunks=20 instead of stone columns and green leaves instead of a red-tiled roof, a = living=20 cave. Elena laid her sword carefully at the base of a tree. She = couldn't take=20 it in here. =20 A wooden bench faced the small stone statue of Madonna and child, but = Elena=20 ignored it and went straight to her knees, bowing her head in prayer and = taking=20 refuge in long-familiar words. "Hail Mary ... Dios te salve Maria, llena = eres de=20 gracia, el Senor es contigo." =20 But the Lord was not with Elena. The Hunters had been right after all: = /"You're=20 an unnatural monster who doesn't deserve to live."/ =20 Elena shook her head and kept going, ignoring the memories in her mind. = "Bendita=20 tu eres entre todas las mujeres." =20 Some women were blessed, not her. Elena had not lied to Pamela, and = Pamela had=20 spoken only the truth in return: /"You are a damned cold-hearted = murdering=20 bitch, Elena Duran."/ A damned cold-hearted murdering bitch in thought, = in=20 word, and in deed. =20 "Y bendito es el fruto de tu vientre, Jesus," Elena continued = desperately,=20 staring at the child cradled in its mother's arms, as she had once = cradled the=20 infant Carmela close against her heart. And just what would Carmela = think of=20 her now, a murderer of innocents, of unborn children, a monster with = blood on=20 her hands? =20 "Santa Maria, Madre de Dios," Elena choked out, then abandoned the = prayer for a=20 simple mantra of guilt and pain, pressing her forehead against the = ground. "Mea=20 culpa, mea culpa, mea culpa ..." =20 Voices sounded in her head, lapping and overlapping like waves upon the = shore,=20 dragging at her, pulling her down. "I swear to God, please don't do = this=20 anymore! /!No me haga eso mas, por favor, senorita! Please, please = stop! I'll=20 tell you everything! Please, for the love of God, stop, I beg you!"/ =20 But she hadn't stopped, she hadn't listened, no matter what they'd said = or done. =20 She had tortured twelve people, and then she had killed them all. =20 "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," she whispered, but now her own voice crashed = down=20 upon her, and she whimpered in remembered fear. "!No, Bethel, por el = amor de=20 Dios, no! I'll do anything, anything! Please stop!" =20 But Bethel hadn't stopped, he hadn't listened, no matter what she'd said = or=20 done. He had tortured her and he had killed her, over and over again. = Elena=20 froze, immobilized by that single searing thought: She deserved = everything=20 Bethel had done to her, because she had done the same. =20 =20 No wonder the church had been closed to her. She wasn't fit to set foot = inside. =20 She wasn't fit to live. She was damned. She was one of the walking = undead, a=20 vampire who killed in the darkness and sucked out people's life-blood. = Elena=20 shuddered and backed out of the grotto, cringing as she scuttled away. =20 She stopped at the edge of the grove and stared unseeing into the = glowing haze=20 of white fog, stood there shattered into pieces by another blinding = thought, the=20 logical conclusion: She was just like Bethel, that sadistic evil = monster. She=20 was just like him. =20 The same. =20 /"You belong to me, body and soul."/ =20 Oh God, no. Not that. No. =20 Yes. =20 He was right. Bethel had been right about her. She was a worthless, = murdering=20 bitch. She was exactly the same as Bethel, and the Watchers had hated = and=20 feared her, just as she had hated and feared him. Just the same. The = same=20 helplessness, the same unheard pleas for mercy, the same screams of = terror and=20 pain. The same. =20 A bird was singing somewhere nearby, welcoming the dawn. Elena fell to = the=20 ground and vomited onto the sandy soil, retching up bile and blood, = choking on=20 dark and bloody fear, an unceasing vomiting of self-hatred and despair. =20 Water, she needed water. She needed to get clean. Elena fled down the = hill and=20 across the hard black road, then on to the scrub-covered dunes. = Branches and=20 brambles caught at her clothing, bony fingers clutching at her soul. = Elena=20 pushed her way through, sobbing and panting, finally reaching the = storm-scoured=20 beach, finally reaching a place where she could run. Small broken = balloons of=20 brown kelp squeaked underfoot, and tiny black flies rose in clouds = around her=20 ankles. Elena kept running, the sand giving way to pebbles and narrow = bands of=20 tide-washed debris, then back to sand, and then at last to surf and = foam, water=20 surging round a great black rock and spitting high into the air. =20 The water was freezing, stinging her with hard-flung lashes of spray. = Elena=20 licked the salt-water when it ran down her face, the warmth of her tears = mixed=20 with cold ocean droplets. The waves tumbled over her, pushed her and = dragged at=20 her, pulled her deeper as she scrubbed at her face and her arms and her = hands=20 over and over again. =20 /"You are a cold-hearted, murdering bitch, Elena Duran. You're not even = human."/ =20 Elena collapsed to her knees, weeping soundlessly as she remembered = those words. =20 Even the ocean couldn't wash away all the blood from her hands, and = nothing=20 could ever clean her soul. She had been so glad she hadn't had to kill = Bethel,=20 didn't have his consciousness as a part of hers--but it didn't matter. = She=20 *was* Bethel, and Bethel was her. She was damned. =20 The next wave swept over her completely, lifted her up and carried her = out to=20 sea, tumbling her endlessly, in a world of no direction and no end. = Elena=20 floated unresisting, wanting to die, but she couldn't help but gasp for = air as=20 she was pummeled and beaten against the rocks by the waves. And she was = condemned to live--that was her punishment. The ocean vomited her back = onto the=20 shore, and Elena was left sprawling face-down in the sand. Her arms = spread wide=20 and her fingers clutched feebly at the sand, as her broken body twitched = with=20 cold and pain, crucified on the cross she'd built with her own bloody = hands. =20 "Mea culpa," she whispered, wishing she'd listened more carefully when = her=20 father, Don Alvaro, had made her go to the Catholic masses. Ah, but = this one=20 she knew: "Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. I am a sinner. I = am--" =20 But Elena couldn't even ask for forgiveness, not any more, not after she = what=20 had done. One thing only was left to her, a plea to be remembered in = prayer. =20 "Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for me, a sinner, now and at the hour of = my=20 death, for I am damned." =20 /?Dios mio, what have I done?/