Title: Double Edge Author: Kat Solano Characters: DM, CM, M, RR, Alexandra Johnson, John MacLeod, Jack Donovan, bunch of OFCs Rating: PG-13 Archive: 7th dimension; anyone else please ask Summary: sequel to "Pearl of Great Price." The Caelum are back. This time, they've brought powerful allies. Connor MacLeod is the key to the mystery left by the Xeno Core and vital in defeating the Caelum. If only they knew how. Disclaimer: Anyone you recognize probably doesn't belong to me; they belong to Panzer, Davis & Rysher. They met me over coffee, decided I was just too danged cute & smart and lent them to me for a while... (manaiacal laughter) Further Hoopla: Thanks to my beta reader, Jen, who put up with eveyrthing my Spell-checker decided to skip over. This may nor make sense unless you've read the "Pearl of Great Price" first so be warned. Also, since I'm sort of kind of going to crossover with comic books in the future, I'm using comicbook fan-fic punctuation. To translate: ::words between double colons are thoughts or telepathis speech:: :~:words between these cool thingies are telepathic speech between the Sovereigns (who they are will be explained in the story:~: <words between arrows is the language of the Underground (which agian will be explained in the story)> The entire explaination of the multiverse reality that takes place here was explained in the introduction to Pearl of Great Price but feel free to email me if you don't understand it. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Got anymore time to waste? Visit my world o' X-Men, Gargoyles and Highlander fics & pics at http://xeno3kattz.tripod.com/index.htm Rogue: What am I going to do with you, Remy LeBeau? Remy: I have a list, but I left it in my other pants. ~Astonishing X-Men #1 Goliath: I never realized when you were human just how beautiful you were. Elisa (with a smile): You mean you thought I was ugly? Goliath: Uh... careful! Updraft!! ~Gargoyles: The Mirror Methos: It's got such a nice ring to it. Yeah, no more fighting, no more killing. Peace and harmony. Don't tell me you never fantasized about that? Some young sucker's always gonna fall for it. Duncan: Richie has. Methos: Voilą. Highlander the Series: The Messenger _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp