There are 2 messages totalling 82 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. 10 things I enjoy about Highlander (2) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2006 17:15:33 -0600 From: Nora Jones <> Subject: Re: 10 things I enjoy about Highlander Below is my list. Carmel borrowed the 10 things idea from here (I think) for the HLWW list, and I jotted this down for that list. I didn't think it was proper that I respond there and not here, too, so here's what I said there. (Hoping none of those geezer people with rocking chairs a canes come after me. Perhaps I should find my own rocking chair and cane... I'm coming up on my 10 year anniversary in this fandom -- Yikes! Time flies when you're having fun.) Carmel wrote: >I'm stealing this idea from wonderful Marina on another list. It started >off as 10 things you love about Highlander but I thought that it would be >interesting to ask people what it was that you loved when Highlander was >airing and why you were a fan then (10 reasons or less) and what those >reasons are now???? Have they changed? Here's my list of ten things. They are in no particular order except that the balance of then and now has changed, I guess, with the emphasis on the items listed first being earlier on, and the later listed items being more the emphasis as time has progressed. What I love/loved about Highlander: 1. Stories involving moral dilemmas – the best kind of entertainment, IMHO, is that which makes me think and feel. 2. Duncan MacLeod, the gorgeous, sexy, strong yet sensitive, dashing, debonair, noble, and (insert more superlative adjectives at will), hero, but I especially liked that he wasn’t perfect and had things to learn. 3. The immortality concept and seeing and reflecting on how immortality would interact with the world and life as we know them. 4. Many of the other characters were great and just clicked – Richie, Tessa, Joe, Methos, Amanda, (and even Anne), and even the baddies like Kalas, Grayson, and Horton – and interacted wonderfully with Duncan and each other. 5. Fight scenes that weren’t cheesy (mostly <g>). 6. The flashbacks made history come alive. I always hated history in school because of how it was taught, mostly – so much memorization of dates and events, never got to see or think about what life was like for folks then. 7. Finding a network of like-minded (mostly <g>) people to discuss the show and a myriad of other things. 8. Conventions – the excitement of gathering to meet with friends, the actors, and others connected with making the show what it was, and the opportunity to travel to places I wouldn’t have otherwise gone. 9. The opportunity to study (in a fun, loose, non-rigorous way) the impact of “entertainment” choices, hero worship, and “TV crushes” on our lives. 10. Following the careers of the actors involved (and yeah, my favorite remains Adrian Paul… could never guess that, could ya? <g>), along with learning what the acting profession and the entertainment business entail. -- Nora (where can I find an irritatingly squeaky, yet ornately carved rocking chair for not too many virtual $?)(Will DEBBIE ever show up?)(I think I'd like a katana-shaped cane, are those available somewhere?) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2006 19:34:53 EST From: Subject: Re: 10 things I enjoy about Highlander Hi wow the 10 things I enjoy about Highlander........ 1 The people I have meet around the world some are not just friends but Family. I never had a sister growing up now I have 100's of sister and a few new brothers. 2 Conventions I would go to con's even if there was no GOH. 3 Highlander fans spending weekends at my house and outings. Also We been know to arrive for Lunch at our favorite watering hole "Joe's bar and grill" have dinner, then a snack and head home around 10. 4 collecting shooting scripts and trading to trade for ones I am missing. 5 getting my script covers signed. Checking Internet for any con where someone who appeared on Highlander the series. 6 Highlander the series I loved the series I loved the first season "Family" I really do not have a favorite person. 7 Loved the chat room when the series was going strong and AOL you paid by the minute. Then we on east coast had to stay up late because Donna and Gillian would come in. 8 meeting the people responsible for Highlander. The wonderful actors, writers, staff who treat you as a person and marvel that some of us travel across the earth to see them. David telling me he was impressed with my scripts and him signing funny remarks on my script. David laughing at lunch (which I won) how much fun it was to wait and see who had one of my script covers. Braun running up to me in Sydney and saying I saw you in audience and said "She's Here" (not sure that is good or not.)Then gave me a bear hug..... 9 Carmel and staff for having Highlander events. 10 All the wonderful people I have met. ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 21 Feb 2006 to 22 Feb 2006 (#2006-46) **************************************************************