There are 3 messages totalling 152 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. Highlander animated movie trailer up (3) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2005 10:36:02 -0400 From: Wendy <> Subject: Re: Highlander animated movie trailer up <<<For the first time, the MacLeod katana blade will find itself in the hands of a Japanese master.>>> Heidi-- > > What was the backstory on Connor's sword? I remember Ramirez > > telling him something about the man who made it but I don't > > remember the details. Nina: > Ramirez told Connor he got his katana from a renown Japanese > sword-maker--his 3rd & last father-in-law--named Masumuni, in > 593BC. And, of course, Duncan got *his* MacLeod katana from a real Japanese master too. Interestingly, the Official site no longer has the bit about the katana on it. I wonder if someone realized that a) both MacLeod katanas *had* been in the hands of Japanese masters and 2) the sword shown in the anime doesn't look anything like either MacLeod sword. It has a square guard whereas both MacLeod katanas have round ones. Further, both MacLeod katanas have carved dragon's head hilts whereas the anime one appears to be plain and wrapped in black cording. Do they really and truly not understand that fans notice things like that? Nina: >Not that TPTB would remember that; they couldn't keep Holy Ground > straight in Endgame. ::::snort::: The sad thing is that the HG issue in the original version of the movie could have made the movie better. Having the Watchers hold the "reserve" Immortals on HG is the only way the whole scenario makes sense. Watchers know that HG is (supposedly) inviolate and therefore a safe holding place and the Immortals who agree to be held feel safe enough to allow themselves to be held otherwise helpless. Having Kell violate HG is the only thing that makes sense in terms of the Watchers being so freaked and telling Duncan that one of his kind had gone "renegade". An Immortal who kills lots of Immortals isn't a "renegade" - he's a player. There has to be more - and being willing and able to kill on HG is it. Plus, it would have opened the door to examining just what the discovery that HG *isn't* inviolate would mean for Immortals. Could the bell be "unrung"? Could the knowledge be buried along with Kell? Removing the reference to HG just made the whole movie that much more stupid (not that that was hard to do.) Wendy(Can a katana wielding Immortal deflect laser guided bullets?)(I guess in anime he can.)(Cute use of tartan as a head scarf.)(Why do I still care?) Immortals Inc. "Weasels for Eternity" ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2005 18:02:14 +0200 From: T'Mar <> Subject: Re: Highlander animated movie trailer up >(Can a katana wielding Immortal deflect laser guided bullets?)(I >guess in anime he can.)(Cute use of tartan as a head scarf.)(Why do I >still care?) I'm more interested in knowing: if Immortals lived in the Star Wars universe, would there be Quickenings or would they just become part of the Force and return with a blue glow around them? Immortals with lightsabres... yeah, baby! - Marina. \\ "I think somewhere on the road to reality, ||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // // you took a left turn." - Nowhere Man || R I C H I E >> \\ \\||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // //===Chief Flag Waver and Defender of Richie==|| \\ "We all have our little faults. Mine's in California!" - Lex Luthor; Superman The Movie ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2005 10:46:46 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: Re: Highlander animated movie trailer up Wendy-- > Interestingly, the Official site no longer has the bit about the katana > on it. I wonder if someone realized that a) both MacLeod katanas *had* > been in the hands of Japanese masters and 2) the sword shown in the > anime doesn't look anything like either MacLeod sword. It has a square > guard whereas both MacLeod katanas have round ones. Further, both > MacLeod katanas have carved dragon's head hilts whereas the anime one > appears to be plain and wrapped in black cording. Do they really and > truly not understand that fans notice things like that? Well, Donna Lettow jumped all over me once on the old Forum when I mentioned the barge's name plaque was clearly visible in many, many Paris episodes over the seasons & alternated randomly between Nobile & Amadeus; she said it was absurd & obsessive for fans to notice such things. Is a sword silhouette any different? > The sad thing is that the HG issue in the original version of the movie > could have made the movie better. Having the Watchers hold the > "reserve" Immortals on HG is the only way the whole scenario makes > sense. Watchers know that HG is (supposedly) inviolate and therefore a > safe holding place and the Immortals who agree to be held feel safe > enough to allow themselves to be held otherwise helpless. Having Kell > violate HG is the only thing that makes sense in terms of the Watchers > being so freaked and telling Duncan that one of his kind had gone > "renegade". An Immortal who kills lots of Immortals isn't a "renegade" - > he's a player. There has to be more - and being willing and able to > kill on HG is it. And that's exactly what TPTB don't want--fans who think. Since season's 5's FUOT & Modern Prometheus, absolutely nothing that's been called Highlander has fostered or even stood up to thoughtful analysis by the viewer. Season 6, Raven, Endgame, that silly Methos net-toon--it's all toothless fluff w/ sexy swords. There's no consistency, no depth, no philosophical ramifications, nothing to tweak the heart or the brain. It's become junk, desperately trying to compete w/ entertainment that is largely slicker & better-promoted junk. We keep trying to treat it like the old multi-layered Highlander we loved, & we are repeatedly & crushingly disappointed. Nina (of course, fans should notice swords & plaques & inconsistent sword origin stories & missing flashback date/place markers & recycled film footage & the like) (there just aren't many storytellers who lovingly attend to details) (much less who WANT their viewers to think, as opposed to just stare at the screen) (everything Whedon makes requires AND rewards thought) (as does Veronica Mars) (& Battlestar Galactica) (though not nearly as much as Farscape did) (TNT's Closer may well, if it lives up to this week's pilot) (damn little else, though) ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 13 Jun 2005 to 15 Jun 2005 (#2005-69) **************************************************************