There is one message totalling 60 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. HIGHLA-L Digest - 29 May 2005 to 30 May 2005 (#2005-54) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 30 May 2005 21:10:50 -0700 From: FKMel <> Subject: Re: HIGHLA-L Digest - 29 May 2005 to 30 May 2005 (#2005-54) He would have made a deliciously angsty Immortal, wouldn't he? *laughs* hehe....I did that in a fic set after the death scene. (drop me a note offlist and I'll send you the link if you want to read it) LOL @ Duncan and Faith...I won't talk too much fic on here, but I've seen some strange things and interesting mixes of the shows. (I wanna see some Watcher interactions too...Joe and Giles and Wes getting together for a drink? lol) I know about the Due South thing...I think the reason it didn't affect me as much is because I'm a spoiler freak and also had seen some S3 episodes before going back to the beginnnig. And anyway, they never wanted to imply that he was dead, Burning Down the House takes care of all of that. (true about the bringing him back thing though). I recently heard a rumor that Spike was possibly going to get his own series, but then it was axed after Noxon's "Point Pleasant" tanked. I haven't gotten this validated, though. I also heard that Whedon was pretty much done with doing TV himself. I hope things change. :) Hehe. Maybe there could be another Firefly TV show after Serenity kicks ass in the box office. But that's not really conntected, so moving on. :) No, it's not totally over yet, there's still talk about it on the Angel and Buffy lists...something about JM saying he'd be willing in the next couple years, before he gets too old, and someone wanting to talk with him, but I can't recall the whole thing. There are Angel comic books coming out to continue his story (and they won't allow any post NFA books because Joss wants to explore that part more) and there's a new book called Queen of the Slayers out that's set after the end of Buffy. __________________________________ Yahoo! Mail Stay connected, organized, and protected. Take the tour: ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 30 May 2005 to 31 May 2005 (#2005-55) **************************************************************