There are 3 messages totalling 138 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. AP's Tides of War photos 2. 'Best Of' Really? (2) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2004 13:05:32 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: AP's Tides of War photos Go here for an article w/ on-set pix of AP filming his upcoming indie movie TIDES OF WAR on Oahu-- Nina (this says they are planning to release both a gay & a straight version of the film....) ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2004 18:52:25 -0500 From: Heidi <> Subject: Re: 'Best Of' Really? From: Highlandmg@AOL.COM well The Gathering will always be on my top ten [..] I love how Duncan facical expressions in the kitch with Tessa and Connor. I love Tessa is this as well as well as Richie being a teenager. From: MacWestie <> It was the first ep & started something amazing. Parts of it clearly showed the potential of both the concept & the ensemble. [..] Yes, Slan was a buffoon, the plot was shaky, & AP's take on Duncan there was frequently wooden. Doesn't matter--the ep is still something special. Same w/ the Farscape pilot ep--at times brilliant, yet laughable in some areas--but still, it was the riveting beginning of something great. I agree that parts of the episode were good. But I thought Slan was so bad and distracting that you couldn't really take the episode seriously anytime his character was around. I think recasting that role would have made the overall `feel' of the episode much different. So it's hard to judge the episode evenly since you can't really ignore the character. The eps used weren't so much the best (in the sense of favorites) of the series as they were landmark episodes--& surely the pilot ep is a must- have in that category. Yea, `Best Of' is a bit misleading of a name but an understandable title for a DVD set. Were they all `landmark' episodes though? I don't have the list of episodes handy but I thought there were a few that, while good, were just `ordinary' episodes. =}{= ( ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2004 15:43:55 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: Re: 'Best Of' Really? Heidi-- > I agree that parts of the episode were good. But I thought Slan was so > bad and distracting that you couldn't really take the episode seriously > anytime his character was around. I think recasting that role would have > made the overall `feel' of the episode much different. So it's hard to > judge the episode evenly since you can't really ignore the character. Slan really didn't bother me that much, probably because he wasn't that much of a presence in the ep. He was a buffoon (& I've read the actor was _told_ to play Slan that way) but he didn't have that many minutes onscreen. When I recall the ep, it is for the several scenes showing Tessa & Mac's unique relationship, as well as the many quips & AP & CL sparring in the warehouse to reveal what we needed to know of Duncan & Connor's relationship. And, of course, AP's stunning bare-chested challenge of a play-acting Richie. And CL's silly green hat in the flashback--THAT rivalled Slan for over the top distracting. However, something made me check, & in fact The Gathering was NOT Included in the Best of HL vhs & book set that came out several years ago. Referring to my copy of the book, the 13 eps in THAT set were Band of Bros., Legacy, Samurai, Methos, Homeland, S. Wicked, Deliverance, M. Gift, Till Death, End of Innocence, Comes a Horseman, Rev. 6:8, & Duende. Now, the current discussion started when Prodipto Roy on 10-30 posted-- >>>I just got the Best of Highlander DVD set. These are the episodes they used: The Gathering - First Episode. Passing of the torch from Connor to Duncan. Band of Brothers - Introducing Darius and the "ancient" immortals Legacy - Introducing Rebecca and telling Amanda's back story The Samurai - Telling how Duncan got his katana Methos - Introducing Methos Homeland - Duncan's back story before he became immortal Something Wicked - The Dark Quickening part I Deliverance - The Dark Quickening part II Methuselah's Gift - Closing the loop on the Methuselah Stone Till Death - Possibly the most successful "comedy" episode, but one of the "best" episodes?? The End of Innocence - Reintroducing Richie after Duncan almost killed him Comes a Horseman - Methos' back story part I Revelation 6:8 - Methos' back story part II Duende - IMO the weakest of the episodes on the Best of Series>>> Same list as for the vhs set, except Gathering is added. I don't have the DVD set, so maybe TPTB added a 14th ep for some reason. Or, not. > Yea, `Best Of' is a bit misleading of a name but an understandable title > for a DVD set. Were they all `landmark' episodes though? I don't have > the list of episodes handy but I thought there were a few that, while > good, were just `ordinary' episodes. End of Innocence was, in my view, neither a "best" nor a "landmark" ep & seemed included mainly to give SK something to chat about in the extras. In an old Eon site interview, extras interviewer Maureen Russell had this to say about the eps chosen & not chosen-- "We were having a horrible time narrowing it down," she says. "I argued strenuously for 'Valkyrie.' This is one of David Abramowitz's favorite shows - he was surprised it didn't make the list. It's one of those things - it was in the top 20. 'Forgive Us Our Trespasses' was in the Top 20. 'Archangel' made the top 20. That surprised me a little bit, mainly because it's the episode where Richie dies, but I think it probably was up there because it has such a dramatic arc for Duncan." Nina (The Darkness should be included in any "top" HL list) ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 1 Nov 2004 to 5 Nov 2004 (#2004-201) *************************************************************