There are 5 messages totalling 163 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. Season Five dvd Commentary: Prophecy (2) 2. Revenge is Sweet (3) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2004 06:53:09 +0200 From: T'Mar <> Subject: Re: Season Five dvd Commentary: Prophecy >Good lord. She admitted Daniel was *in* an episode???? Why, does she not like him? That's just crazy! <g> I got that quote off GateWorld because I thought it was cool. I have no idea of the reviewers or anything like that. - Marina. \\ "I think somewhere on the road to reality, ||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // // you took a left turn." - Nowhere Man || R I C H I E >> \\ \\||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // //===Chief Flag Waver and Defender of Richie==|| \\ "... Daniel returned to his favorite pastime of getting shot a lot..." - Alli Snow, reviewing the SG-1 episode 'Avatar' ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2004 14:00:10 -0400 From: Wendy Tillis <> Subject: Re: Season Five dvd Commentary: Prophecy MacG says: > I still >believe the whole point of having Young Duncan wasn't to tell him to >plug his ears, that's just too easy. It was about finding the inner >strength to ignore the Voice, to *believe* he could resist. Otherwise, >it just doesn't make sense to me. It also fits the emotional tone they >struck both at the end of OMTM and the beginning of this episode. I don't think the point of Young Duncan is to give Old Duncan inner strength, I think it is to do just what he did- supply a simply answer for a simple problem. The man (and the woman) were too adult to see the obviously (childish/childlike) answer- "don't listen". It's a standard plot device- having the child (or the village idiot) come up with the solution because they don't over-analyze the problem. Of course, it would make much more sense if we didn't know that Cassandra had had hundreds years to think of a solution. It's one thing to have the answer come "out of the mouths of babes" in an emergency, quite another for it to happen when the adults have had lifetimes to consider the possibilities. >(trying to make the pieces fit, using a hammer and chisel, if necessary <g>) Yeah, if you grind the logic up small enough, you can use the resultant sand as back-fill for the plot holes. Wendy(Cassandra was really the most helpless 3000 year old woman.) Immortals Inc. "Weasels for Eternity" ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2004 14:44:53 -0400 From: Wendy Tillis <> Subject: Revenge is Sweet Caught "Revenge is Sweet" on SpikeTV this morning. Some random thoughts: What ever happened to Vanity? She *really* couldn't act. Richie selling used cars...priceless. Duncan pecking away at his computer. Only a few episodes later he is hacking British Intelligence. He must have taken a course somewhere <g> Did anyone really think that those big metal circles were Tessa's "best work"? Did anyone else think that the colored paint improved the big metal circles? What was the significance of the numbers spray-painted on the sculpture? Duncan made a big deal out of it being the "double 1 2 3" but what does that mean? Did Tessa often change clothes in the living room after Richie moved in? The chemical-in-the-dress seemed too subtle for either Reinhardt (or Rebecca). Rebecca doesn't give up easily - still hitting on Duncan when her dead fiance's body was lying a few feet away. Wendy(Early episodes are so fun to watch as the Series struggled to find its feet.) Immortals Inc. "Weasels for Eternity" ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2004 15:59:13 -0400 From: Heidi <> Subject: Re: Revenge is Sweet From: Wendy Tillis <jjswbt@COX.NET> What was the significance of the numbers spray-painted on the sculpture? Duncan made a big deal out of it being the "double 1 2 3" but what does that mean? I vaguely remember there being some comment about it having to do with a fencing move. Spike seems to pick odd scenes to trim for commercials, so I wouldn't be suprised if that's something they edited out. =}{= ( ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2004 10:07:31 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: Re: Revenge is Sweet Wendy-- > What ever happened to Vanity? She *really* couldn't act. Vanity, then a protégé of TAFKA Prince, is now herself known as Denise Matthews. She nearly died from drugs, then reformed & found God, becoming a minister & preaching against the old lifestyle. Or, maybe she's still acting, just in a different venue.... > Did anyone really think that those big metal circles were Tessa's "best work"? They looked like Dunkin Donuts to me. I kind of liked the big split circle thing that hung from the shop ceiling & followed DM to the loft. But, the idea her art could wither away ala TB/NTB isn't wildly unlikely, given what we see of her efforts. > What was the significance of the numbers spray-painted on the sculpture? Duncan made a big deal out of it being the "double 1 2 3" but what does that mean? I read someplace it's a fencing practice thing--the #s of the standard positions repeated over & over. > Did Tessa often change clothes in the living room after Richie moved in? Well, what other action did the boy get? > The chemical-in-the-dress seemed too subtle for either Reinhardt (or Rebecca). Any excuse to get AV stripped & in the shower, I guess. TPTB evidently hadn't figured out yet that getting _AP_ stripped & in the shower would up their ratings far more.... Nina (Best thing about HL:TS season 1 was the store/apartment set--absolutely incredible.) (Watching Farscape DVDs this summer & can't help comparing its season-by-season evolution to that of HL:TS; FS is winning, hands down. HL:TS was hamstrung by so many rules--necessary ones as well as silly ones. A show willing to do ANYTHING is SO much fun to watch, & FS epitomizes that--even making a success of it 90% of the time.) ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 30 Aug 2004 to 31 Aug 2004 (#2004-165) ***************************************************************