There are 5 messages totalling 197 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. Comes a Horseman/Rev. 6:8 2. Poll Party 3. Suede nails and poll calls (or something)/Seacouver RepCo 4. PW speaks...& speaks...& speaks... 5. HNR Interview with Peter is up w/pics! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Mon, 1 Sep 2003 01:46:34 -0700 From: Gregory Mate <> Subject: Re: Comes a Horseman/Rev. 6:8 Robin: >::groans:: Greg! LOL Alright, who did you like better, Tessa or Cassandra? Between those two, that's pretty easy. Regardless of gender or preference, I think the nails put off pretty much everyone (although, again, a choice between nails or D/R/M, I think I'll take the nails). Tessa wins out for a variety of reasons (nails being just one). The voice is another (Methos' voice does it for some; Tessa's does it for me). Jette: > it's that Y chromosome. Yep. Although if memory serves me correctly, Duncan does look rather cute in drag. Nails still wins, though. ZK: > DR ANNE!!!! It's a tossup between Dr. Anne and Cassandra. Tessa is still in first place. <snip> > but along the way (over a very short time), which didn't seem to happen with Tessa, he went nuts at least once, kept getting shot at, had this little troll of a "nephew" who tried to kill her, then finally took a dive off a balcony, then topped things off by revealing his deep dark secret over the phone. Duncan was actively "out" of the Game during most of his twelve years with Tessa, so he could ease her into his world. And Kenny wasn't a troll. He was just a child. A poor sweet innocent child who was sucked into the Game too early in his life and as a result was only trying to play the hand he was dealt by Fate. Warped by evil Immortals early in life. Forced to beg, borrow and steal. 814 years old, never kissed a girl (to paraphrase a song). Heck, he couldn't even have Cassandra (and we know how much she likes 'em young). Only tried to kill the Dr. because of Duncan. Poor Kenny. He should be the One. Oh, I'm rambling... Dr. Anne didn't have the strength of character, IMO, that Tessa had. And that's another thing which made Tessa attractive. Maybe she's in Archangel Heaven with Richie, clucking disapprovingly at Duncan's libido. Now if it was Amanda (non-blonde) vs. Tessa, that would be a tough decision. ....Greg.... He Who Really Shouldn't Be Typing This Late At Night ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 Sep 2003 01:57:39 -0700 From: Gregory Mate <> Subject: Re: Poll Party Marina: >Well, unless Duncan was doing a lot more slicing and >dicing in ArcA, there are only two chunks of Richie >to go around. Maybe the Richie list will lend you >one of the clones... TWO Richies?! Wasn't one Richie enough? Now you have to cut them like worms to get more? Yeesh. Next thing you'll want to clone Kennys. ....Greg.... He Who Thinks Cloned Amandas Shouldn't Get Within Speaking Distance Of Each Other ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 Sep 2003 10:11:47 -0400 From: KLZ3 <> Subject: Suede nails and poll calls (or something)/Seacouver RepCo > > Dr. Anne didn't have the strength of character, IMO, that Tessa had. It doesn't take strength of character to be an ER doc? :::: raised eyebrows :::: I take it you don't know many ER/trauma personnel <g>. We saw Tessa in some tense situations, either watching Duncan go off to war, or facing Grayson, or when she was kidnapped in The Darkness. But she had a firm, long-term, relatively untroubled relationship with Duncan for many years, and she owned an antique store, with all of its challenges (maybe negotiating the Escher Antique Store was enough). Anne, otoh, apparently decided early enough in life to be a doctor that she put off having much of a social life (which I blame for the awkwardness as well as the wardrobe), and was strongly motivated to do so. I think you'd have to be, to go through that many years of school/internship/residency. ER Docs, esp. starting out, often have horrendous six-figure school loans, and their income is relatively low, so she obviously wasn't in it for the money. She truly cared about people and when she was in Doctor mode, she became oblivious to everything, including TFDIND. Character? I think so. > And > that's another thing which made Tessa attractive. Maybe she's in Archangel > Heaven with Richie, clucking disapprovingly at Duncan's libido. > Having enjoyed Duncan's libido for many years, I doubt if she'd disapprove <g>. > > Now if it was Amanda (non-blonde) vs. Tessa, that would be a tough decision. I think that comparing Amanda with anything is definitely comparing apples and kumquats. Except that they were both tall and thin, they had little in common. If Amanda had been a man, Duncan would have whacked her in 1650. :::: remembering great scene of Amanda and Michelle teasing Duncan on their way out in Rites of Passage :::: Seacover RepCo: I was watching 24 last night (Dad-gummit, I did *NOT* want to get addicted to another series!!!! They're right - it's the most addictive show on TV) and who should walk in but Midori Koto Kent. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ (up till 4 am watching 24 indeed!)(Guess what I'm going to be buying come Sept. 9?) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 Sep 2003 10:47:39 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: PW speaks...& speaks...& speaks... There's a new interview w/ the loquacious Petey Wingnut online. Go all the way to page 4 for HL franchise tidbits, at least his perspective on it & its future. Nina (like 1 more threatened film isn't enough to drive one to drink; & he meant FUOT in season 5--not 6) ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 1 Sep 2003 21:00:01 -0400 From: TCBO2 <> Subject: HNR Interview with Peter is up w/pics! Please see the lovely spread Peter has been given at: Peter was contacted and agreed to be interviewed by the Hollywood North Report's Mark & interviewer Frank Garcia after I contacted them initially on July 14th. Nine emails later, Peter, Mark, and Frank met ... and we had this really interesting and seriously intelligent interview. You should know that although the interview could use a little "beta-ing" the website's content is routinely scanned by show business PTB in both Canada and Hollywood because of its ability to get information and articles posted before the rest of the pack - and in a respectful, intelligent manner. This can only be another little publicity "assist" for Peter's career. This was the latest in an ongoing 8-year series of PW support campaigns of the Unofficial Peter Wingfield Appreciation Guild (UPWAG). Yes, we're still alive, well, and functioning merrily! :) I'd be very grateful if all of you who can take a moment, would send an email of appreciation to both of them at: Mark: Frank: TCBO2 UPWAG ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 31 Aug 2003 to 1 Sep 2003 (#2003-206) **************************************************************