There are 14 messages totalling 514 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. HL on TNN? (5) 2. HL on TNN--on at 4pm (not 5pm) 3. trivia--DM dialogue--ANSWERS 4. trivia--Mac's Thunderbird--ANSWERS 5. Eurominutes - Epitaph ForTommy 6. A mystery solved! (3) 7. trivia--Mementos from friends 8. YKYBWTMHW.... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 29 May 2003 22:04:17 EDT From: Evelyn Duncan <> Subject: Re: HL on TNN? In a message dated 05/29/2003 8:58:31 PM Central Daylight Time, writes: << Is everyone else still receiving HL on TNN at 5pm? It hasn't been on all week for me - just curious. I should probably go look for their site & check the listings. >> TNN moved HL to 4pm EDT, which is 3 PM CDT. I wish it were still on at 4 here (Tulsa). I would get off work at 3:30 and hurry home to watch it. Now I have to tape it to watch later. Does anyone know why TNN is changing its name to Spike? I wonder if they know that that name belongs to a certain blond vampire. Evelyn Duncan They'll have to rip the Oreos from my cold, dead hands. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 May 2003 16:11:28 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: Re: HL on TNN? > Is everyone else still receiving HL on TNN at 5pm? It hasn't been on > all week for me - just curious. I should probably go look for their > site & check the listings. The early showing moved up an hour as of last week, I think. Here, it was on at 2PM, & now it's on at 1PM. The nighttime showing is still on at 10PM. Otherwise, I don't know of any changes, except there was no early showing on Mon., due to the holiday. Nina (The whole SPIKE TV thing strikes me as SO funny....) ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 May 2003 22:40:21 -0400 From: TCBO2 <> Subject: Re: HL on TNN--on at 4pm (not 5pm) Rachel Shelton <> wrote: > Is everyone else still receiving HL on TNN at 5pm? It hasn't been on > all week for me - just curious. I should probably go look for their > site & check the listings. Rachel, a couple weeks ago, TNN moved HL up one hour to 4pm (immediately preceded by "Seven Days"). Friday's ep: "Bless the Child" where AP gets to speak in Lakota Sioux (or somethin' like that) to the Indian lady kidnapping her baby from her father-in-law. Best scene: Duncan gets the bear to focus on eating the strawberry jelly --instead of eating RICHIE! <heh heh heh> <sorry Marina & Co.> TCBO2 ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 May 2003 22:12:27 -0700 From: Shelton <> Subject: Re: HL on TNN? At 10:04 PM -0400 5/29/03, Evelyn Duncan wrote: >TNN moved HL to 4pm EDT, which is 3 PM CDT. Thanks to all who replied! I thought it may have been moved since they're revising 9or whatever) that channel. When I turned on the TV this week at 5:15 or so, I got something called Real TV. At least HL's still airing! >I wish it were still >on at 4 here (Tulsa). I would get off work at 3:30 and hurry home to >watch it. Now I have to tape it to watch later. Yes, I agree - I'd like the showings to be later, myself, but perhaps it's good for others? My TV rarely gets turned on before dark. I must find time to dig out my tapes (still buried after last year's move)(no DVDs yet) and watch along, soon. TNN's reception is sadly lacking here in the N.CA mountains anyway & I'm getting the house ready for company this month so will be doing most/all of my TV viewing late at night. So.....I must do some digging so as to watch along late at night. Even tho' I'm weeks behind right now on listmail, I've seen some new faces, along with other very familiar ones. <g> It's SO much fun watching & listening to people fall in love with HL for the first time (or all over again). Not to mention the great discussions that take place here on this list. It's so nice to have HL airing again & see more mail arriving in my HL mailbox once again. :) I've been reading some wonderful con reports (waves at Carmel&Sonja et al) from the recent HLDU convention on another list and it's bringing back such great con memories - I wish I could've been there. >Does anyone know why TNN is changing its name to Spike? I wonder if >they know that that name belongs to a certain blond vampire. LOL! I've been wondering the same thing. They're certainly pitching it to the guys, from what little I've seen of the commercials (mute button gets a workout from me). Half the stuff looks like some awful 'Guy Show' or something I've seen on another channel. Ah well, at least they have the good taste to air HL. Rachel (adding 'retrieve boxes of HL tapes' & 'check TNN PDT listings' to my to-do lists) -- Rachel Shelton * @}->->->- "Good times are always mutual; that is what makes good times." Emily Dickinson ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 May 2003 23:21:52 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: trivia--DM dialogue--ANSWERS Wendy's answers were funnier, but.... trivia--DM dialogue--ANSWERS So, who is Duncan talking to/in what episode? --"No Immortal ever died of a chill." Richie/Counterfeit 1 --"Nature, _______, you can't fight it." Kanis/Leader of the Pack --"Teacher's a teacher for a reason." Jean Phillipe de Lefaye/Immortal Cimoli FB --"I haven't thrown a knife in public in 70 years." Amanda/Immortal Cimoli --"I think you need some oil & vinegar." Richie/Line of Fire --"Now I think the noblest thing a man can do is live." Karros/Revolutionary --"Moderation, ___________, is for monks." Margaret/Bless the Child FB --"Good skin runs in my family. There's nothing I can do about it." Tessa/Gathering --"Hear that, _________? It's the fat lady singing." Kalas/Finale 2 --"But you're women. And you're English!" Amanda & Rebecca/Legacy FB --"All our friends & lovers--they all die & we remain." Segur/Prodigal Son FB --"I never thought I'd be grateful for your libido." (to Richie) Richie/Hunters --"Work through the anger. Work through the pain. I thought you were gone. A hundred years of forgetting, & it all comes back. Why is it I can still taste you?" remembering Sarah Carter during his kata/Obsession --"Go for your gun, & I'll make you eat it." Clinch/Family Tree --"Dressed like that, who are you calling a fop?" Fitz/Star-Crossed FB -- "Are you here in an official capacity or simply to ponder the vicissitudes of the antiques trade?" Cop Cominsky/Free Fall --"You're a mad woman! First you seduce me, then you betray me, and now you rescue me." Reagan Cole/Deadly Exposure --"We were the best of friends." to Warren Cochrane/Through a Glass Darkly --"Courage is hard to deny." Diane Terrin /Blitz FB --"There's a problem thinking the strongest can take what they want. ... There's always somebody stronger." Canaan/Zone --"But I'm not ready for marriage!" Fitz/Till Death FB --"So they had to die because you got your feelings hurt? ... It was murder." Baptista/Justice --"________, don't lose your head over a fairy tale." Amanda/Methuselah's Gift --"Bad food, bad weather, nice Mafia." Amanda/Immortal Cimoli --"You don't trust anybody, do you?" Methos/Through a Glass Darkly --"Some people are evil--not bad, not misunderstood--just plain evil. And you don't talk to evil, you destroy it." to Richie, re: Culbraith/Messenger --"You know what they say, don't you--two's company & four's ... not sanitary." Cory/Money No Object --"If you even so much as scratch her, I'll dissect you." Dr. Wilder (about Randi)/Deadly Medicine --"The dead don't want revenge. They want nothing. They feel nothing!" Watcher Shapiro/One Minute to Midnight --"Amanda's got a big mouth." Methos/Forgive Us Our Trespasses Nina ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 29 May 2003 23:35:26 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: trivia--Mac's Thunderbird--ANSWERS trivia--Mac's Thunderbird--ANSWERS 1) Who besides DM did we see driving the T-Bird? (I have 5, but there could be more.) Richie, Tessa, Dr. Wilder, Cassandra & Cory Raines 2) Episode we see DM use a remote thingee to open the convertible top? Little Tin God 3) Episode the windshield gets smashed? See No Evil (when Tessa takes out the Scalper) 4) License plate # ? #827 KEG 5) Episode it is featured in nifty time-lapse photography? Band of Brothers (& then Randi hops in) 6) Episode it is stolen? Deadly Medicine (by Dr. Wilder as he abducts DM) 7) Episode it gets a parking ticket? Bad Day in Building A 8) 2 episodes the windows are shot out? Eyewitness (by Ballin) & Run for your Life (by rogue Watcher cop) 9) What it (well, one of the 2 cars used in the series) sold for at the Anaheim convention? $61,000 10) Its 2 Paris counterparts? Citroen & Range Rover Nina (What exactly was DM hauling around Paris in the Range Rover? Oh, yeah--his non-beige clothes.) ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 30 May 2003 08:26:37 EDT From: Robin Tidwell <> Subject: Re: HL on TNN? In a message dated 5/29/2003 9:57:43 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > Is everyone else still receiving HL on TNN at 5pm? It hasn't been on > all week for me - just curious. I should probably go look for their > site &check the listings. > > TIA, Rachel > -- > Rachel Shelton * > > @}->->->- > It comes on at 4 pm EST. Robin ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 30 May 2003 08:27:33 EDT From: Robin Tidwell <> Subject: Re: HL on TNN? In a message dated 5/29/2003 10:08:14 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes: > Does anyone know why TNN is changing its name to Spike? > I wonder if they know that that name belongs to a certain > blond vampire. > > Evelyn Duncan > > They'll have to rip the Oreos from my cold, dead hands Girl, I thought the exact same thing! Robin ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 30 May 2003 13:40:20 -0400 From: Subject: Re: Eurominutes - Epitaph ForTommy I said: >>Wendy(Flipping back and forth between VCRs makes one queasy<eg>) Greg answers: >And here I thought you just had a fantastic (bordering on flashbackable) >memory. Well :::considers being modest::::::gives it up as a lost cause::::: I probably could do most episodes from memory. Between watching them all dozens of times and having multiple lengthy discussions of them, I know most of them very very well. Maybe not individual-lines-of-dialog-taken-out-of-context-well (as Nina's trivia contest showed, Duncan said many of the same things with only minor variations to people over and over throughout the years) but well enough to know which scenes were in the US versions and which are Euros. The trick is remembering exactly when the "cut" is made and picking up on the really short cuts that consist of a longer pan shot or a single line of dialog cut. To do it right, one really does need to have both versions to compare. Wendy(I bet there are any number of geezers here who could win spot-the-euro without needed to check the tapes)(The mystery is why things I know were Eurominutes seem to be showing up on TNN) Fairy Killer ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 30 May 2003 16:25:34 -0400 From: Subject: A mystery solved! It was bugging me that the Eurominutes I wrote up way back when the European versions first became available didn't match what I taped off of TNN last week. I *knew* that the scene in "Epitaph for Tommy" with Duncan hanging upside down and hallucinating was *not* shown the first time around. Well, I was right. (I do so love to be vindicated). I watched UCOA yesterday and they showed a scene that was definitely not shown the first time the series was broadcast. The scene with Duncan and Laura talking in the park at night *is* a Eurominutes. Further investigation shows that TNN is showing the Euroversions and making their own cuts to fit in the time allotted. When UCOA was first shown, the park scene was the only real Euro-scene and it comprised a bit over 4 minutes - the entire cut needed to reduce a 48 minute European show to a 44 minutes American one. TNN added most (but not all) of that 4 minutes back in and cut almost 4 minutes from other places throughout the episode. (Which means that my original post of "Epitaph for Tommy" has the correct Eurominutes and I shouldn't have revised them.)(Not that anyone but Carmel cares<g>)(Hi Carmel)(I owe you Raven Eurominutes, don't I?)(Do you think anyone will notice that this is now a private conversation?)(No, most people are too busy to notice such things.)(I'm thinking of putting my HL web site back up.)(How are things in Australia?)(Moving on toward winter now, right.?)(OK, better go back to what I was doing) So what does this mean? Nothing to 97% of you <EG> All it really means that my quest to identify and record all the Eurominutes is a lot harder than it was a few hours ago. Where I have notes from the original broadcast, I'm going with those. Otherwise...I'm going to have to rely on what a wonderful memory I have. Wendy (Or maybe I'll just quit and find a more productive obsession <g>.) Fairy Killer ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 30 May 2003 17:00:07 EDT From: Subject: Re: A mystery solved! In a message dated 5/30/03 4:26:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: > ?)(Do you think anyone will notice that this is now a private > conversation?) aha. caught ya. yes, we notice these little things:) And yes, on the forum we were discussing last week that TNN has done its own editing. Most unusal choices at times. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 30 May 2003 12:03:44 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: Re: A mystery solved! Wendy-- > Well, I was right. Of course you were. > Further investigation shows that TNN is showing the Euroversions and making their own cuts to fit in the time allotted. True. I was sure some of the Euros were being shown, back in the 1st week when TNN's Road Not Taken included the Euro tag scene of DM & Tessa chatting on their bed. Yet, other odd bits are mysteriously missing in all the eps. Nina (the world is an imperfect place--watching La Femme Nikita late night on Oxygen comes at the price of those cheesy sex-gel-for women commercials) ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 30 May 2003 18:13:40 EDT From: Subject: Re: trivia--Mementos from friends <<> And, don't they realize "Spike" means something entirely different to > genre viewers now?) > >>> LOL! I have to admit I've been thinking the same thing and wondering if they used that name on purpose. No...we're talking studio execs here. I guess not. Kristi ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 18 May 2003 11:27:36 -0700 From: FKMel <> Subject: YKYBWTMHW.... You know you've been watching too much Highlander when you're watching one of the preview races that ESPN aired before the Preakness and find yourself rooting for a horse named Scottish Warrior. (he didn't win, but he did come in third) Mel, who doesn't bet, just watches ===== The trouble with immortality is that it tends to go on forever-Herb Cain FK:NickNatPacker, Knight of the Cross,Knightie, Natpacker/Highlander:Duncan Flag-Waver/Due South Fan/Tracker Fan/Angel Fan/Port Charles Fan __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo. ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 29 May 2003 to 30 May 2003 (#2003-95) **************************************************************