There are 12 messages totalling 529 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. Highlander 5? (7) 2. Dragon Con Photos and Cartoon 3. D & P's power (was" Highlander 5?") (2) 4. Copywrong/was: Re: D & P's power (was" Highlander 5?") (2) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2002 09:52:16 -0700 From: Prodipto Roy <> Subject: Highlander 5? I just got this from a DP newsletter... Greetings Highlander Fans ... On the second anniversary of the release of "Endgame" we wanted to take a few moments to share with you, the ever-faithful fans, what is on the horizon in the Highlander universe. First, we are excited to announce that the rumors are true. The story continues as the fifth motion picture is slated to begin filming early in 2003. We don't want to reveal too much but we think that "The Source" is destined to be a truly exceptional Highlander film. Due to the unprecedented success of the DVD version of the first season of the Highlander series, we are planning to follow-up with two more DVD releases. The first is the long-awaited Best of Highlander DVD collection. And soon after, all 22 action-packed episodes of the second season of Highlander the Series will be available on DVD. Our new "72 Hour Sales" have been such a success that we have made it our number one priority to bring you the most exciting deals on the most interesting merchandise you have ever seen. Over the coming months, you will have the chance to get all those Highlander goodies you've been coveting at a price you just won't be able to pass up. (And remember, it's never too early to start thinking about Christmas gifts!!!) And coming very soon ... get your very own "FREE" Highlander email account. How would you like the rest of cyberspace to know you as You're about to get your chance. More details on this exciting new feature will be released in the very near future so stay tuned and keep visiting Highlander: The Official Site - THE place on the web for all that is Highlander. Take care and thanks for your continued support. Peter Davis and Bill Panzer --Pro CFW for Ursa "There can be only...ooh, pretty..." ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2002 14:21:42 EDT From: Subject: Dragon Con Photos and Cartoon Feel free to forward this to any lists or anyone you think might find it of interest. Photos from Dragon Con 2002 (including Traci Lords, Tracy Scoggins, Ted Raimi, Peter Jurasik, Andreas Katsulas, Judson Scott, Teryl Rothery, Peter Williams, Sarah Douglas, Andrea Thompson, Leni Parker, Lani Tupo and more), a new cartoon by Leah in honor of Dragoncon 2002, and links to day by day convention reports. The only link that isn't "live" yet is the link for the "Finale" convention report. I'm hoping to finish it today. You can also get to the site (and Leah's cartoon), through the Stargate cartoon site: A big THANK YOU to everyone who voted for Leah's cartoon in the recent Stargate awards. The banner they gave her for winning is now on the Stargate cartoon site. Annie "Unless the last two years have been a wacky, wacky dream, I am a member of SG-1." -- Dr. Daniel Jackson **************** Save Daniel Jackson: Ashton Press: Fan Fiction: Fanzines: Gateway, A Stargate Slash Discussion/Fiction Group: ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2002 12:09:36 -0700 From: Stephen Bryce <> Subject: Re: Highlander 5? > First, we are excited to announce that the rumors > are true. The story > continues as the fifth motion picture is slated to > begin filming early > in 2003. We don't want to reveal too much but we > think that "The > Source" is destined to be a truly exceptional > Highlander film. Oh, if I had a nickel for every time I've heard a producer say THAT one... My only comment thus far would be that I hope D & P do their job and KEEP CONTROL of this movie, given the track records of the other sequels (particularly Endgame and "The-One-that-must-not-be-named", since they both had severe studio interference of one kind or another). Stephen Bryce Author, "Highlander: The Legacy" (fan-fic) ===== __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2002 09:25:29 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: Re: Highlander 5? Hmmm... I'm feeling queasy. Dengue Fever? West Nile? Preggers? Nope--FAR worse. HL5 (the pitter-patter of little Immies) is officially announced. > On the second anniversary of the release of "Endgame" we wanted to take > a few moments to share with you, the ever-faithful fans To mention "Endgame" & faithful fans together--he's got balls, I grant him that. > First, we are excited to announce that the rumors are true. Aren't the really awful rumors always true? > continues as the fifth motion picture is slated to begin filming early > in 2003. We don't want to reveal too much Possibly because there's no script, no director, & no signed stars. BUT, it'll supply lots more "one-of-a-kind" coats for DPP to auction off on Ebay. Maybe they'll figure out that underwear would fetch more bucks AND cost less to ship. > but we think that "The > Source" is destined to be a truly exceptional Highlander film. "Exceptional" compared to WHAT, exactly? It's not like the bar of achievement in the HL franchise is super high at this point, & there's clearly a downward spiral of late. I predict--DIRECT TO VIDEO! > Due to the unprecedented success of the DVD version of the first season > of the Highlander series, we are planning to follow-up with two more DVD > releases. Ka-ching! > Our new "72 Hour Sales" have been such a success that we have made it > our number one priority to bring you the most exciting deals on the most > interesting merchandise you have ever seen. Over the coming months, you > will have the chance to get all those Highlander goodies you've been > coveting at a price you just won't be able to pass up. (And remember, > it's never too early to start thinking about Christmas gifts!!!) Ka-ching ka-ching ka-ching! [That's my cash register sound, BTW. Hey, it's early here &--remember--I'm feeling queasy.] > And coming very soon ... get your very own "FREE" Highlander email > account. How would you like the rest of cyberspace to know you as > Well, if HL5 sucks half as much as Endgame & all the other HL entries aside from HL1 & seasons 1-5 of HL:TS, I'd be deeply mortified. > Take care and thanks for your continued support. I'm SO touched that I think I'll call up the HL: Store & just order 1 of everything! Nina (beginning to suspect "The Source" of HL has devolved to BP's rectum) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2002 12:37:28 -0700 From: Stephen Bryce <> Subject: Re: Highlander 5? > > continues as the fifth motion picture is slated to > begin filming early > > in 2003. We don't want to reveal too much > > Possibly because there's no script, no director, & > no signed stars. That's not totally true; Russell Mulcahy has been confirmed as H5's director, the last I'd heard. Steve Bryce Author, "Highlander: The Legacy" (fan-fic) ===== __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2002 09:37:32 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: Re: Highlander 5? Stephen Bryce > My only comment thus far would be that I hope D & P do > their job and KEEP CONTROL of this movie, given the > track records of the other sequels (particularly > Endgame and "The-One-that-must-not-be-named", since > they both had severe studio interference of one kind > or another). > > Author, "Highlander: The Legacy" (fan-fic) OK, since you are so strongly FOR DPP retaining control of HL/how HL is presented & so AGAINST outside interference, I'm curious. Exactly how much control did DPP have over your fan-fic, touted above? Do you wonder if perhaps they consider fanfic to be interference w/ their own inept yet morally & legally valid steering of the franchise? And, did DPP grant you permission to publicly promote something Highlander as your own creation? Nina (still queasy, but chocolate helps) ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2002 20:44:34 +0100 From: "John Mosby (B)" <> Subject: Re: Highlander 5? > My only comment thus far would be that I hope D & P do > their job and KEEP CONTROL of this movie, given the > track records of the other sequels (particularly > Endgame and "The-One-that-must-not-be-named", since > they both had severe studio interference of one kind > or another). > > Stephen Bryce > Author, "Highlander: The Legacy" (fan-fic) And if you listen to what some of the primary members of the crew have said, you might think the exact opposite. Either way, let's hope that if it DOES get made, it's good. At this point I believe that neither Adrian Paul or Christopher Lambert have expressed any interest in returning, so there's plenty of a way to go yet.... John ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2002 20:57:37 +0100 From: "John Mosby (B)" <> Subject: Re: Highlander 5? > > That's not totally true; Russell Mulcahy has been > confirmed as H5's director, the last I'd heard. > > Steve Bryce > Author, "Highlander: The Legacy" (fan-fic) Uh-huh. This would hot from a contact at the Highlander Store, perhaps? Did they confirm Sean Connery and Pamela Anderson as well? ;) For the record: NO director hired. NO actors cast. NO script finalised. NO *official* starting date John ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2002 13:11:57 -0700 From: Stephen Bryce <> Subject: D & P's power (was" Highlander 5?") There are some good points in here, I'll admit. > Exactly how much control did DPP have over your > fan-fic, touted above? Do > you wonder if perhaps they consider fanfic to be > interference w/ their own > inept yet morally & legally valid steering of the > franchise? That's a fair point, however my arguement is meant to reflect the films that they are directly involved with and they have repeatedly allowed to slip out of their grasps. Producers are supposed to be the ones mainly in charge of a film's operations, but at least two of the films have been altered prior to release without their involvement, and have subsequently been far inferior to the versions they DID forsee. > And, did DPP > grant you permission to publicly promote something > Highlander as your own That's not really what I do, with my fan-fic. My stories take place in an entirely original setting, and with new characters, so calling THOSE STORIES my own work is accurate. In the biline, I always credit Gregory Widen for creating "Highlander" in general, and my final story also thanked D & P. Stephen Bryce ===== __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time stock quotes ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2002 21:29:34 +0100 From: "John Mosby (B)" <> Subject: Re: D & P's power (was" Highlander 5?") ----- Original Message ----- From: "Stephen Bryce" <sibryce@YAHOO.COM> To: <HIGHLA-L@LISTS.PSU.EDU> Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2002 9:11 PM Subject: [HL] D & P's power (was" Highlander 5?") > There are some good points in here, I'll admit. > > > Exactly how much control did DPP have over your > > fan-fic, touted above? Do > > you wonder if perhaps they consider fanfic to be > > interference w/ their own > > inept yet morally & legally valid steering of the > > franchise? > > That's a fair point, however my arguement is meant to > reflect the films that they are directly involved with > and they have repeatedly allowed to slip out of their > grasps. Producers are supposed to be the ones mainly > in charge of a film's operations, but at least two of > the films have been altered prior to release without > their involvement, and have subsequently been far > inferior to the versions they DID forsee. This depends soley on who you believe has the Final Cut. Davis Panzer assured us (Impact) that Miramax had the final cut for Endgame. Others connected with the project insist that Davis Panzer were significantly involved in the Final Cut and that it accurately reflects their vision of the film - at the time. After the film bombed on its US release that they indicated it wasn't their vision and released the altered DVD Now, I'm not saying or claiming one version of events as being more accurate than another. I'm saying that many people including actors, the director and editors have openly said things which may cast doubt on either scenario. John ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2002 17:27:42 -0400 From: KLZ <> Subject: Copywrong/was: Re: D & P's power (was" Highlander 5?") Woo-hoo! Gear up the copywrong wars! Drag out the List Methusalahs! Alert the lurkers! Is that on the schedule for this month, btw? ::::: hauling sandbags to front of porch and installing Liser's Yakapult ::::: TPTB are the owners of the concept of Immortality (as well as the characters) as defined by the HL universe. Even original characters who are immortal are part of the copyrighted material. TPTB on most fandoms try valiantly to turn a blind eye to f*nf*c and other infringements, unless a person is making goo-gobs of money. If the infringement is put in a place where they can't possibly ignore it (such as a f*nf*c incident at a con), they must protect their copyright if they want to keep it, and a flurry of "Cease and Desist" letters will go out. On the just-plain-silly front, I remember a person on - um - who got a c&d letter from a fan club for quoting a two-line phrase in the course of a discussion, even though the phrase was indented, with quotes, attributed, and used in discussion. ZK (Round up the Holy Cows!)(Stock the HLAC with warm amber liquids and chocolate!) ("PoRA roasting in an open fire...Weezuls nipping at your toes...") ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2002 23:27:36 +0100 From: "John Mosby (B)" <> Subject: Re: Copywrong/was: Re: D & P's power (was" Highlander 5?") > TPTB are the owners of the concept of Immortality (as well as the > characters) as defined by the HL universe. Even original > characters who are immortal are part of the copyrighted material. Any Immortals (not immortals) who carry swords and can only be killed by decapitation (or bad ratings) are covered by the umbrella copyright of the concept created for Highlander. An immortal that could only be killed by slicing off his big toe would probably be acceptable (at the very least under parody!) > TPTB on most fandoms try valiantly to turn a blind eye to f*nf*c > and other infringements, unless a person is making goo-gobs of > money. If the infringement is put in a place where they can't > possibly ignore it (such as a f*nf*c incident at a con), they must > protect their copyright if they want to keep it, and a flurry of > "Cease and Desist" letters will go out. Yup. > On the just-plain-silly front, I remember a person on - um - > who got a c&d letter from a fan club for quoting > a two-line phrase in the course of a discussion, even though the > phrase was indented, with quotes, attributed, and used in > discussion. > > ZK Exactly the problem I'm having with a Buffy/Angel site this week...who took the whole of a recent interview I did for Impact and posted every word of it on their site - with instructions on how people should copy from magazines and repost there. In most cases it is perfectly acceptable to quote a small piece of an article or to paraphrase a report on what the article said....but specific and lengthy reproduction without permission is illegal and just plain annoying. John ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 2 Sep 2002 to 4 Sep 2002 (#2002-132) *************************************************************