There are 19 messages totalling 816 lines in this issue. Topics in this special issue: 1. DVD's 2. The Void ... Amanda Tapping interview (4) 3. Opposite and Smale Sex warning: (was- Re: [HL] 'The Void' on SABC 4. HL DVD's (2) 5. Opposite and Smale Sex warning: (was- Re: [HL] 'The Void' on SABC 6. 'The Void' on SABC (5) 7. ADMIN: Spoilers for other first-run series (2) 8. Stargate backstory request (with spoiler space just in case) (2) 9. Opposite and Same Sex warnings now ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 3 Aug 2002 18:40:50 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: Re: DVD's Kamil-- > Besides, you've heard me castigate someone before, Nina. That was barely a > snark, more on the level of a sleepy grump. <g> Well, everyone KNOWS how sensitive I am, & I just felt all this messy empathy.... I feel & give too much, you know? Kindness is a burden. Claire Li-- >>>So, Lynn, here is one consumer who did try to play the dvd's on multiple players in spite of your claims to the contrary.>>> No comment--I just wanted to see that again. >>>So, Lynn, here is one consumer who did try to play the dvd's on multiple players in spite of your claims to the contrary.>>> And again. Lynn-- >>>My point (which seems to have been lost in the muddle) is that not *every* problem is attributable to a bad disc, and that it wasn't a conclusion that should be immediately leapt to, as some people have.>>> There's that pesky "some people" again. Let's just shoot them. Mary-- >>>I am begining to think if people see highlander store they see inferior Products.>>> Gee, I wonder why? Just realized they haven't called lately at a supremely inopportune time (like, 3am) to lie to me; I'm hurt. Nina (In the interests of fairness, K-Mart has just as crappy a selection of cafe curtains as Walmart....Penney's, Macy's, & a dozen mail order companies. God, I HATE to sew! Could be time to really "get to know" the neighbors.) ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 3 Aug 2002 23:55:55 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: Re: The Void ... Amanda Tapping interview >>>Marina. (I've always enjoyed the fights more than anything, and I suspect you have, too. Are we just weird?)>>> W/o a doubt. Red57 (about AP fantasy guesting on Farscape)-- >>>I think I'm having an attack of the vapors. But unfortunately, unless he makes a hell of a debut, he'd probably be wearing a red shirt with those black leather pants. ;)>>> As fiendish as Farscape's TPTB are, he'd be in a Scorpie suit, mask & all. Ick........................ But, thanks for the leather pants bit. Voice of Reason (OK, it's Wendy)-- > How can you say that! The woman *didn't* want her intimate bits touching AP's intimate bits. That > "freaky" by definition! There are any number of otherwise sane women (and a fair number of > Canadians) who would pay money to have their intimate bits placed in close proximity to AP's > intimate bits. Whew. I thought it was just me--who was willing to admit it. And adult women who blush annoy me on principle. I have no idea who originally said this-- > > >Besides, she's right. Jack O'Neil is the best. <g> Um--I had heard O'Neil was crusty but his barely-there manner in S6 of SG1 puzzles me. Has the character had an alien-induced stroke or something? Or does RDA have a problem learning dialogue? It feels to me like he's got his one-liners scribbled in his palm. > > Wendy(McGuyver was best) Nope--Kirk was (just _please_ don't make me look at Shatner now). Actually, Spock was best. (Slashers--I know, but please don't.) Ginny: > Would the main character be called "Dirk" or something? Wendy-- >>>Oh yes. And he would be tall and strong and well educated (by school or by life) and he would be able to fix a broken car (or airplane) and drink bourbon all night without getting stupid drunk. He could handle himself in a fight (swords, knives, guns *and* fists) and in bed. He is a loner..but willing to give himself totally to the right woman. All women find him attractive...many fall in love with him. He has rugged features..doesn't consider himself handsome - but he *does* have that "little boy" quality that men think women find so attractive <eg> He will manage to win the battle, bed the woman, solve the crime, and walk away assured in his skin and ready for another day. >>> Ah--that WOULD be Dirk--Clive Cussler's Dirk Pitt, who (except for his much-touted deep green eyes) I've long said would be a nice role for AP. List Goddess1812-- <<<Debbie (Ben Browder was ...ok... in the first few seasons of Farscape but I guess he sort of grows on you. Adrian still has him beat six ways to Sunday in the sexy department though - especially with his shirt off)>>> I confess--if I had to pick just ONE of those guys to lustily ogle/assiduously follow the professional advances of, it would be very tough. So, it's lucky for me there's no limit to fandoms. As for the shows, Farscape is mesmerizing in a totally different way from Highlander, & personally I've always preferred sci-fi to fantasy genre-wise. And Farscape has another big plus over HL--a future. Nina (oh--& Farscape's DVDs seem to work....) ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2002 00:29:37 -1000 From: MacWestie <> Subject: Re: Opposite and Smale Sex warning: (was- Re: [HL] 'The Void' on SABC [Re: the subject line--"Smale"? Typo or ???] me before-- > > I was told they paid gay guys for inside scoop & brand names of the best > > lubricants. (How stupid must those gay guys think fanfic writers are???) Kamil-- > Oh come on, Nina. Seriously? Seriously, I DO recall someone (I'd have said it was you, actually, but I guess not) posting to another list (Wendy's, probably) during a slash debate that the intimate details for the sex scenes in slash often came from experts, so to speak, who supplied groups of writers for purposes of verisimilitude, inventive magnificence, consumer protection, what have you. It sounded rather odd to me, but then so much of any slash debate does.... Probably someone was just toying w/ wee me. And, no, I certainly didn't save the posts. As for the rest of your post--sorry, but *ewww.* Still, no blushing. Nina (life needn't be THAT complicated--get a cat) ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2002 10:51:21 +0100 From: "John Mosby (B)" <> Subject: Re: HL DVD's Lynn's right. A handful of problems with a few DVDs don't indicate a control problem with that product. Even the best manufacturers and suppliers will have the ocassional blip. However, I think it would be fair to say that the company's selling techniques, their frequency for distorting the truth, their unwilingness to sort out problems that some people have encountered for months (a Big well known Highlander fan was recently told that the money he's been owed by them for eighteen months is now null and void because they are operating as a new company) generally leaves a bad taste in the mouth and a sense of distrust. Not everyone has had problems with the Store - but enough people have to make it a genuine concern. While I don't think the conclusion was accurate, and that the Store's problems have more to do with supply and attitude...I don't blame anyone whose first reaction was 'Dang...a duff product!' Just always worth checking first. John ----- Original Message ----- From: "Lynn" <> To: <HIGHLA-L@LISTS.PSU.EDU> Sent: Sunday, August 04, 2002 2:26 AM Subject: Re: [HL] HL DVD's > From: "Claire Li" <clairesa@OPTONLINE.NET> > > > > I am apparently one of those "under 10" people that Lynn is referring to > who > > complained about "defective" HL dvds. > > Claire, yes, you are... in fact you're the only person on this list I recall > making such a complaint. > > I clearly said that there probably *were* some bad discs out there. A few > isolated problems with a few discs are not indicative of a widespread > "quality control problem" with the HL DVDs as some people apparently > believe. Any look at a general home theater forum will show that almost > every DVD release has isolated cases of bad discs. > > My point (which seems to have been lost in the muddle) is that not *every* > problem is attributable to a bad disc, and that it wasn't a conclusion that > should be immediately leapt to, as some people have. > > Lynn ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2002 13:28:46 +0100 From: Jette Goldie <> Subject: Re: Opposite and Smale Sex warning: (was- Re: [HL] 'The Void' on SABC Nina: > [Re: the subject line--"Smale"? Typo or ???] > > me before-- > > > I was told they paid gay guys for inside scoop & brand names of the best > > > lubricants. (How stupid must those gay guys think fanfic writers > are???) > > > Kamil-- > > Oh come on, Nina. Seriously? > > Seriously, I DO recall someone (I'd have said it was you, actually, but I > guess not) posting to another list (Wendy's, probably) during a slash debate > that the intimate details for the sex scenes in slash often came from > experts, so to speak, who supplied groups of writers for purposes of > verisimilitude, inventive magnificence, consumer protection, what have you. > It sounded rather odd to me, but then so much of any slash debate does.... > Probably someone was just toying w/ wee me. And, no, I certainly didn't > save the posts. > I don't need to save the posts - I have a close friend who writes slash fanfic and yes, she does get "details" from gay male friends. Jette (aka Vinyaduriel) "Work for Peace and remain fiercely loving" - Jim Byrnes ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2002 09:33:27 EDT From: Subject: Re: 'The Void' on SABC Thanks for the info on the Witchblade universe, Ustadawn. Convoluted and fascinating, I guess I like the show because it takes it for granted that you can follow what's going on without having it explained to death onscreen. Leah ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2002 08:37:50 -0500 From: Debra Douglass <> Subject: Re: The Void ... Amanda Tapping interview On 8/3/2002, on, MacWestie wrote: >>List Goddess1812-- (Now I've become a DRD... No... wait ... I am one. This is too weird. <beep beep zap>) >><<<Debbie (Ben Browder was ...ok... in the first few seasons of Farscape >> but I guess he sort of grows on you. Adrian still has him beat six >> ways to Sunday in the sexy department though - especially with his >> shirt off)>>> >> >>I confess--if I had to pick just ONE of those guys to lustily >>ogle/assiduously follow the professional advances of, it would be very >>tough. So, it's lucky for me there's no limit to fandoms. As for the >>shows, Farscape is mesmerizing in a totally different way from Highlander, & >>personally I've always preferred sci-fi to fantasy genre-wise. And Farscape >>has another big plus over HL--a future. For me the beauty of Farscape has always been that it is an ensemble show, even with all the cast changes. Granted Crighton is the lead character but he would be nothing without the others and that's how the writers write it and that's how it is directed and produced. The makers of Highlander:TS never learned how to do that. -Debbie -- .------------------------------------------------------------------. |Debra Douglass| `------------------------------------------------------------------' ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2002 09:57:51 EDT From: Subject: Re: HL DVD's In a message dated 8/3/02 9:47:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes: << I agree here with Lynn as I have returned a movie or two when it did not work in my player. I returned two disks Bravheart and The Sixth Sense. My Highlander series dvd have been watched and re watched much to my enjoyment. I have had no problems I am begining to think if people see highlander store they see inferior Products. >> Quite apart from the three defective DVDs in our house, we just picked up the first season set of QUEER AS FOLK and had to go back to the store for another copy *three* separate times; the Borders Books manager told us the entire case they'd received and sold was coming back; the whole thing was apparently defective. Leah ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2002 09:58:59 EDT From: Subject: Re: ADMIN: Spoilers for other first-run series In a message dated 8/3/2002 11:34:19 AM Central Daylight Time, writes: > Thanks, Debbie. I was wondering if I'd now have to start sifting > through HIGHLA-L messages trying to avoid Stargate spoilers. > > (I assume the spoilers are only for the season currently being > shown? Darn, my apologies to everyone that follows Stargate. I hadn't stopped to consider that viewers in other countries won't be seeing it on the same schedule we have in the US. I'd always assumed I was a year behind, anyway, since we don't have Showtime and the repeats we were watching on the other cable channel were from the previous season to whatever Showtime was running. But since it's now moved to the SciFi channel, the episodes I'm watching are now "current" and spoilable to others outside the US. Debbie - where's the whip? ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2002 10:01:16 EDT From: Subject: Re: 'The Void' on SABC In a message dated 8/3/2002 1:18:55 PM Central Daylight Time, writes: > Oh yes. And he would be tall and strong and well educated (by school or by > life) and he would be able to fix a broken car (or airplane) and drink > bourbon all night without getting stupid drunk. He could handle himself in > a fight (swords, knives, guns *and* fists) and in bed. He is a loner..but > willing to give himself totally to the right woman. All women find him > attractive...many fall in love with him. He has rugged features..doesn't > consider himself handsome - but he *does* have that "little boy" quality > that men think women find so attractive <eg> He will manage to win the > battle, bed the woman, solve the crime, and walk away assured in his skin > and ready for another day. In other words..he is just your typical > "guy" everyman to the nth degree. <barf> > Whoa. Sounds like Tom Selleck or Harrison Ford. But the character would always be named "Dirk." I'm not sure, but I think Clive Cussler has been writing about this guy for a while. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2002 10:04:41 EDT From: Subject: Re: The Void ... Amanda Tapping interview In a message dated 8/4/2002 4:56:41 AM Central Daylight Time, writes: > Ah--that WOULD be Dirk--Clive Cussler's Dirk Pitt, who (except for his > much-touted deep green eyes) I've long said would be a nice role for AP. > > Hah! I knew it! although the original thought of naming the male-MS character "Dirk" had nothing to do with Mr. Cussler's books at all. Heh. Never mind. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2002 10:14:38 EDT From: Subject: Stargate backstory request (with spoiler space just in case) In a message dated 8/4/2002 4:56:41 AM Central Daylight Time, writes: > Um--I had heard O'Neil was crusty but his barely-there manner in S6 of SG1 > puzzles me. Has the character had an alien-induced stroke or something? > Or > does RDA have a problem learning dialogue? It feels to me like he's got > his > one-liners scribbled in his palm. > > Incoming remarks about a show not all may have seen: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ V / / thud! I'm not sure myself, so I'd appreciate knowing if the "injury" that O'Neill suffered in one episode that kept him off the team for a while was to cover a real-life injury or not. Also, he was out of commission carrying around a symbiote for a while. That's another thing I'm not entirely clear on, (the symbiote plot point with some characters), since the first 4 years of this show aired a year behind on the cable channel we had, and I missed a lot of backstory owing to never remembering to set the VCR. As for the one liners, he's always struck me as a terse kind of guy who preferred to let all the scientists jabber away in their opaque lingo, and let them think he was just a dumb military jock who likes to blow stuff up. Was he a lot more jabbery himself in the early seasons? ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2002 15:28:01 +0100 From: "John Mosby (B)" <> Subject: Re: Stargate backstory request (with spoiler space just in case) Okay, I haven't seen any of the eps past Frozen yet, but having been on set during Season Six......spoilers ahead. > \ > \ > \ > \ > \ > \ > \ > \ > \ > \ > \ > \ > \ > \ > \ > \ > \ > \ > \ > \ > \ > \ > \ > \ > \ > \ \ V / / > *splish* > > I'm not sure myself, so I'd appreciate knowing if the "injury" that O'Neill > suffered in one episode that kept him off the team for a while was to cover a > real-life injury or not. Yes. RDA injured his knee quite badly during the break between seasons. He's recovering/ed nicely, but it meant that for a while he was unable to be seen running and jumping. He's received treatment and there should be no serious long-term effects. > Also, he was out of commission carrying around a > symbiote for a while. That's another thing I'm not entirely clear on, (the > symbiote plot point with some characters), since the first 4 years of this > show aired a year behind on the cable channel we had, and I missed a lot of > backstory owing to never remembering to set the VCR. Due to events in the Frozen episode this season, Jack faced the prospect of having to be a host to a Tok'ra symbiote to save his life. RDA actually had another project he was working on and so they arranged shooting scenes to help with his schedule and wrote him out of one episode. Despite rumours to the contrary and presuming the the current schedule remains on track, O'Neill/RDA should be in every other episode this season. > As for the one liners, he's always struck me as a terse kind of guy who > preferred to let all the scientists jabber away in their opaque lingo, and > let them think he was just a dumb military jock who likes to blow stuff up. > Was he a lot more jabbery himself in the early seasons? Open to question. Certainly the wise-cracks are still there. :) ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2002 17:15:25 +0200 From: Marina Bailey <> Subject: Re: ADMIN: Spoilers for other first-run series Ginny wrote: >Darn, my apologies to everyone that follows Stargate. I hadn't stopped to >consider that viewers in other countries won't be seeing it on the same >schedule we have in the US. Well, here in the good old R of SA we've only seen up to the end of the second season (the last ep shown was "1969"; apparently overseas countries don't get the cliffhangers until the *next* season). So anything after that would be MAJOR spiolage. Which doesn't explain why I'm whining about missing Daniel. :) - Marina. \\ "You've heard it said that living well is ||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // // the best revenge? Au contraire - living || R I C H I E >> \\ \\ forever is the best revenge." - Lacroix ||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // //=====Marina|| \\ \\=============Chief Flag Waver and Defender of Richie============// "A starship also runs on loyalty to one man, and nothing can replace it or him." - Spock to Kirk; TOS ("The Ultimate Computer") ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2002 17:15:28 +0200 From: Marina Bailey <> Subject: Re: The Void ... Amanda Tapping interview >>Are we just weird?)>>> >W/o a doubt. 'Kay. Just checking. I'd hate if it was only me. >Nope--Kirk was (just _please_ don't make me look at Shatner now). Actually, >Spock was best. (Slashers--I know, but please don't.) Now you've done it. How can I fight with someone who says Spock was best? :) I won't make any slashy remarks. How about a quote, instead? *Snicker* "Captain, please... not in front of the Klingons." (Begging your forgiveness, Nina! BTW, regarding your other post... I'm allergic to cats.) >(oh--& Farscape's DVDs seem to work....) I've never <touch wood> had a problem with Region 2 DVDs (including Farscape) except for the Stargate SG-1 DVDs that say "This DVD is not web enabled". Does anybody know what that might mean? Not that I planned on buying the SG-1 Region 2 DVDs, because they're not in the right order, and some even have first and second season eps mixed up. - Marina. (Who kind liked MacGyver, too.) \\ "You've heard it said that living well is ||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // // the best revenge? Au contraire - living || R I C H I E >> \\ \\ forever is the best revenge." - Lacroix ||>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // //=====Marina|| \\ \\=============Chief Flag Waver and Defender of Richie============// "A starship also runs on loyalty to one man, and nothing can replace it or him." - Spock to Kirk; TOS ("The Ultimate Computer") ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2002 12:52:09 -0500 From: Kamil <> Subject: Re: Opposite and Same Sex warnings now <Nina> [Re: the subject line--"Smale"? Typo or ???] Typo, caused by massive denial over the fact that I need to get reading glasses in the worst way. Which normally wouldn't be a problem, but lo those many years ago, when I had my RK the eye doc told me they'd under-correct me so that when I became "middle aged" I wouldn't need to get bifocals or reading glasses. Ya know, if the guy had just left the "m-a" word off, my life would be sooo much easier these days. :) me before-- > > I was told they paid gay guys for inside scoop & brand names of the best > > lubricants. (How stupid must those gay guys think fanfic writers are???) Kamil-- > Oh come on, Nina. Seriously? > Seriously, I DO recall someone (I'd have said it was you, actually, but I guess not) posting to another list (Wendy's, probably) during a slash debate that the intimate details for the sex scenes in slash often came from experts, so to speak, who supplied groups of writers for purposes of verisimilitude, inventive magnificence, consumer protection, what have you. It sounded rather odd to me, but then so much of any slash debate does.... Probably someone was just toying w/ wee me. Like that'd ever happen. <g> Seriously, okay, now I remember what you're talking about, and yeah, it was me. But I wasn't talking about "paid gay guys for inside scoop & brand names of the best lubricants." Especially the paying part. <g> Most of us gals already know how to make correct lube choices, all of the details on anal sex, etc. I was referring to Minotaur, a gay slash writer who has often jokingly offered to 'test drive' sexual situations for his fellow listees, and/or the casual observer who might happen to visit his website, see his "selfless offer" (snerk), and get sucked in. Erm, so to speak. LOL Seriously, occasionally he gets work helping out with multiple partner scenes and other odds and ends. Oh for a different phrasing. <Jette> > I don't need to save the posts - I have a close friend who> writes slash fanfic and yes, she does get "details" from> gay male friends. I can see where that might come in handy, for writers who meet Wendy's profile or who have a somewhat, erm, less adventurous past. :) I did finally met a few of those folks who fit that profile of yours, Wendy, aka the folks who have never made The Sex, in any of its forms. At least if they have, one couldn't tell it from looking at them. <eg> Quite an eye opening experience -- and interestingly enough, I realized 'so *that's* why they can't write sex worth a damn'. <weg> Or write about men in general, for that matter. Just to have some form of comparison, I wrote down the first seven slash writing friends who came immediately to mind, and of those seven, five are married, three with children, and the other two -- well, if they've never made The Sex -- they surely do like to flirt, and have no doubt left many, many sad and disappointed men and/or women in their wake. <weg> -- Kamil Vic: "Promiscuous? Let me tell you about promiscuous. Promiscuous is anyone having more sex than you." " Queer as Folk" ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2002 14:12:06 -0400 From: KLZ3 <> Subject: Re: 'The Void' on SABC > I think I'm having an attack of the vapors. But unfortunately, unless he > makes a hell of a debut, he'd probably be wearing a red shirt with those > black leather pants. ;) Nope. One of those sickening yellow and green shirts that his aunts keep giving him. ZK ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2002 14:22:42 -0400 From: KLZ3 <> Subject: Re: 'The Void' on SABC I just haven't been able to get into a series to the obsession level since HL. I think it spoiled me for the rest of TV. I keep comparing everything to HL: "Oh, yeah, they did that in [insert name of ep] and it was better cuz..." I was really taken by Stargate for a few seasons but I got so annoyed at them last year for holding new eps that I cancelled Showtime and got high-speed internet access instead. Harrumph. I watched (most of) Dante's Peak last night; Brosnan's still got the best profile since John Barrymore, though I had trouble seeing him as a geeky vulcanologist. He just stands out too much. The first series I got really attached to since - um - The Man From Uncle?, was Remington Steele (OBHLR: Gillian Horvath has often said that Remington Steele got her started on her path to being a TV writer). In any case, the whole movie, I kept wondering if getting covered up in a lava flow would count as decapitation and if there were an immie vulcanologist around, would he get the quickening? It's pretty pathetic when my favorite shows are Animal Precinct, Pet Psychic (oh be quiet Wendy), and So Weird. I'm getting a lot of reading done, though. ZK (actually, the forest service truck must have been immortal; didn't blow up bumping over a lava flow) ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2002 14:27:01 -0400 From: KLZ3 <> Subject: Re: 'The Void' on SABC > If anyone's been following DEAD ZONE, I've noticed that the hero's eerie > abilities give the writers the opportunity to do flashbacks on the show, > despite the fact that nobody is Immortal. Very well written, so far. I like that one too - possibly because of the clever way they do flashbacks. It's a bit more - um - LSD-like - though, than the HL flashbacks. I keep wondering when Johnny is going to blink. I don't think he's blinked so far. It is a refreshing flashback in itself to HL, though. ZK (No, dad-gummit, I never used it but the whole danged decade was psychedelic)(Volcano shows.)(I like volcano shows too)(And the Sunday Night Lifetime lineup (Jury's still out on For the People but I like The Division) ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 3 Aug 2002 to 4 Aug 2002 - Special issue (#2002-115) *****************************************************************************