There are 9 messages totalling 364 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. Eurominutes_Raven - The Devil You Know (2) 2. Eurominutes_Raven - A Matter of Time 3. anybody looking for roomies for the Highlander Reunion Con? (4) 4. fevered brows (was--Re: anybody looking for roomies for the Highlander Reunion Con?) (2) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 12:24:21 -0400 From: Subject: Eurominutes_Raven - The Devil You Know Why does Lucy say that Amanda has been dating "since 1397"? What was she doing for the first 500 years of her life? I really disliked Lucy in this one (even more than normal) She isn't very nice to Nick and she clearly pushes Amanda toward doing the diamond job with Victor. Phooey on her! ********************************** The Devil You Know 1) extended scene: Victor and Amanda are dancing on the pier. Fade out on shot of the water . US: Fade in interior of Amanda's apartment. Lucy is playing with a laptop..Nick is sitting nearby. L: Maybe I should get a T-shirt made -"I don't know where she is". N: Fine. I'll wait. Euro: There is about 10 seconds more dancing, Amanda and Victor gaze into each other's eyes. Then cut to Amanda's apartment. L: Maybe I should get a t-shirt made -"I don't know where she is". N: Lucy, I really need to find her. L: Oh now honestly, Nick, not a clue! Now. I don't mean to be rude but I have 8000 shares to move on the Tokyo market in the next three minutes. <pause> No thanks to you. N: What do you mean "no thanks to me"? L: Well, the money used to flow two ways when she was a thief. Now it only flows one way- out! N: Fine. I'll wait. 2)New scene Amanda says good night to Vick and Nick and closes the door on them. A: Let's go check my new motorcycle. US: Cut to Vick on the street, hailing cab. Nick approaches. Euro: Cut to Nick and Vick standing side by side in the elevator. They are subtly checking each other out. V: So you're a friend of Lucy's? N: Isn't everyone? V: Just met her tonight. N: Lucy? (Trying to see if Victor has known Amanda longer) V: She's great. N: Yeah. She's great. Nice lady. Cut to Vick on the street, hailing cab. 3) New scene US: Nick turns away from Victor's departing cab. Cut to exterior of Amanda's apartment , then Nick climbing over the wall onto her patio. Euro: Nick turns away from Victor's departing cab. Cut to Amanda's bedroom. Amanda is lounging on the bed. There are papers spread out all over (the plans for the robbery) . Lucy comes in carrying a bowl of popcorn and settles down on bed by Amanda. L: So? A: So what? L: What do you mean "what"? How was it? A: Well...let's see. The <something> was a little young. The soup was a little salty and the pasta wasn't quite as "el dente" as I prefer. L: Amanda! You know what I mean. How was *he* ? A: He was <smiles>...nice. L: Nice? A melon is nice! A: Ok. He was more than nice. He wants me to steal the Valentino diamond. L: Are you going to do it? A: <indicates indecision> I..."frumfurted" L: You "frumfurted"? A: I didn't say yes..I didn't say no. L: We could use the money. You said you were bored. You said you needed a challenge. A: I know what I said. L: A year ago you would have jumped at the chance. A: Things are different now. L: They are? A: <thoughtful> Sure. Maybe. What would you think if.....forget it. L: Sure. Whatever you say. A: Was Nick waiting long? L: Long for you or long for a mere mortal? <pause> He was jealous, you know. A: <pleased> Of Victor? L: No..of the Easter Bunny. Amanda...if you're going to stop being a it for you...not for someone else. A: Why don't you put a nice pot of coffee on. It's going to be a long and bumpy night. L: You're going to do it? A:Maybe ...maybe. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 12:41:20 -0400 From: Subject: Eurominutes_Raven - A Matter of Time Notes and quibbles: Korda burns a village and kills everyone (how very Kronos of him) and brings the baubles to Amanda. Amanda is clearly shocked and troubled that he would kill a village for these trinkets and that she has profited by his actions. is it that 100 years later she appears to be totally surprised that people die as a result of Immortal actions (in this case hers)? Just what does she mean when Korda comes up behind her in the tent and she says" I hate it when you sneak up on me like that"? Since when could Immortals sneak up on each other? How many times in one hour does Korda say" Resistance is useless "? Enough times that I wanted to shoot a script writer. Since Nick says that the armored car evidence has been presumed "washed out to sea" I guess we can pinpoint their location as somewhere near the sea. That narrows it down a bit. Not Chicago, for example <eg> Why does Joe...a man with some experience with guns... hold it in that ridiculous sideways manner? further proof that the decision to make Nick Immortal came late in the game...witness Korda's actions with Nick. His initial decision to send Krista after Nick sounds right..Krista was prepared to behead him (I presume..she had her sword with her) (Although she may have had a gun to use on Nick) the end...Korda says that he has decided to kill Nick..and then has him shot. Would you really shoot an already pissed off pre-Immortal ? Now, of course we could argue that only Amanda ( and Father Liam) is able to sense that Nick is destined for immortality..but that is cheating <egg> ********************** A Matter of Time New scene: Nick, Amanda., Joe, Korda, Krista, etc hold guns on each other. They all decide to go home. US: Cut to Amanda. Joe and Nick in Joe's hotel room. Amanda storms out. J: Tell me...were you really going to bury Korda in cement? Cut to Korda counting a suitcase of money. Euro: J: Tell me...were you really going to bury Korda in cement? N: I don't get it Dawson. Where's your spine? How can you just sit there and watch? J: Faith. N: Faith in what? Rolling heads? J: I believe we're all here for a purpose. Even Immortals. See...if I came forward, I blow their cover and ours. They either put me in a psycho ward or worse yet..they believe me. season on Immortals. N: That's a pretty big leap. J: Tell long were you a police officer? N: 12 years. J: Then you know. People get scared..they shoot first and ask questions later. Human nature at its finest. N: <cynically> You show a lot of faith, Dawson. Do you think I care if they kill Korda? J: But what about Amanda? What happens when they come after her? You know..they used to burn witches at the stake. N: <disgusted> So Korda walks. J: Maybe. Maybe not. N: Not? J: I'll tell ya..I've been a Watcher a long time. And there are no guarantees of happy endings. Cut to Korda and the money. 2) Extended scene US Korda finishes with the money and talks to Krista. Krista wants to go with Korda. Korda: You need to show me what a god girl you can be. Understand? Cut to Joe and Amanda at Joe's hotel room. Euro: Korda: You need to show me what a god girl you can be. Understand? Mr. Wolf has been a continual thorn in my side So...what's your job? Krista: To take care of him. Korda and Krista kiss. And kiss. Korda: That's my girl. See what a great team we are? Cut to Joe and Amanda. 3) Extended scene Amanda meets Krista in an unfoggy alley. US: A: Why don't we go someplace more comfy and we'll get this over with. Cut to fight in foggy alley. Euro: K:I didn't come for you. A: You'll have to go through me to get to him. K: Fine. Whatever you say. They prepare to fight. A kid on a bicycle rides up nearby. A: Not here. K: <grunts in assent> A: Why don't we go someplace more comfy and we'll get this over with. Cut to fight in foggy alley. 4) Extended scene After Nick sees the Quickening US: Cut to Nick inside Amanda's apartment , banging on doors and yelling "Amanda". Euro: Cut to Dawson inside Amanda's apartment. Nick pounds on door , yelling "Amanda". Dawson opens the door and steps aside as Nick rushes through. Pick up US version with Nick going through the apartment looking for Amanda. 5) Extended scene US: After we see shots of Paris at night, cut to Korda at the bar. A man at his side. M: Monsieur? K: Give this to Sulieman..... Euro: After shots of Paris at night, cut to the bar. We see the man walk through the bar and approach Korda. M: Monsieur? K: Give this to Sulieman..... ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 16:56:03 EDT From: List Kathy Avery <> Subject: anybody looking for roomies for the Highlander Reunion Con? Hi. I was wondering that because the hotel costs is a lot of money. Im deciding whether I should go or not and people tell me to go because of certain reasons, but most of all that it will be fun. If I cannot find roomies for the hotel and I dont think I can just bunk at a persons house around there, then I will have to just drudge not going and so on. Kathy ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 17:15:00 -0400 From: KLZ <> Subject: Re: anybody looking for roomies for the Highlander Reunion Con? > > Hi. I was wondering that because the hotel costs is a lot of money. Im > deciding whether I should go or not and people tell me to go because of > certain reasons, but most of all that it will be fun. If I cannot find > roomies for the hotel and I dont think I can just bunk at a persons house > around there, then I will have to just drudge not going and so on. I don't know where Reunion is located, but there may be other hotels or motels in the vicinity that are less expensive, at the price of a short walk. It would be worth checking. And yes, it *will* be fun. :) ::::: anxiously feeling the Weezul's fevered brow; wondering if she needs a vacation that she's watching Raven eps - *twice* ::::: ZK (Of course, it could just be that there's nothing on TV right now)(::::: giving Jack O'Niell Honorary Rocker a vicious kick to wake the old codger up so he comes up with some new Stargate SG-1 eps ::::)(::::: hiding freshly painted "THIS WAY TO WEEZUL-BURROW POOL PARTY" signs behind back and whistling innocently :::::) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 17:25:36 EDT From: Subject: Re: anybody looking for roomies for the Highlander Reunion Con? ZK (Of course, it could just be that there's nothing on TV right now)(::::: giving Jack O'Niell Honorary Rocker a vicious kick to wake the old codger up so he comes up with some new Stargate SG-1 eps ::::)(::::: hiding freshly painted "THIS WAY TO WEEZUL-BURROW POOL PARTY" signs behind back and whistling innocently :::::) when did this happen Zk acting innocently. Just wait till she shows up at the con. People This is a warning out for ZK and her scooter. You have been warned. Mary ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 17:29:22 EDT From: Subject: Re: anybody looking for roomies for the Highlander Reunion Con? <<If I cannot find roomies for the hotel I think there is a bulletin board at the Reunion website where one can search for roomies. ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 13:34:35 -1000 From: Geiger <> Subject: Re: fevered brows (was--Re: anybody looking for roomies for the Highlander Reunion Con?) Zk-- > ::::: anxiously feeling the Weezul's fevered brow; wondering if > she needs a vacation that she's watching Raven eps - *twice* I'm SO glad the HL Light/Euros have resumed. I was nearly bored enough to buy Raven tapes off eBay. Well, no, but still. It's lovely to get "new" almost-HL bits. Thanks, Wendy! Nina (Trouble w/ Raven--OK, _one_ trouble w/ Raven--is there's NOTHING THERE to fever a brow....) ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 20:12:27 -0400 From: Sandy Fields <> Subject: Re: Eurominutes_Raven - The Devil You Know At 12:24 PM 06/19/01, jjswbt@EARTHLINK.NET wrote: >L: Well, the money used to flow two ways when she was a thief. Now it >only flows one way- out! Like you, Wendy... I don't much care for this remark. First of all, blaming someone for influencing someone to stop stealing is just... bass ackwards. Secondly, it doesn't work for me. I like Nick. He's a cutie. But he ain't no Duncan MacLeod. If all those years of a relationship with DMOTCM didn't move Amanda to stop her thieving ways, a few weeks with Nick sure isn't gonna do it. -- Sandy ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 21:25:08 -0400 From: Subject: Re: fevered brows (was--Re: anybody looking for roomies for the Highlander Reunion Con?) ZK wrote: >> ::::: anxiously feeling the Weezul's fevered brow; wondering if >> she needs a vacation that she's watching Raven eps - *twice* What can I say....I got inspired. Of course it only lasted until I had to watch "A Matter of Time" . I kept thinking...there could have been a good plot here. There could have been headboard rattling here..instead we got...well..nothing. Korda is just annoying as a villain....I kept thinking that someone should just smack him...preferably Joe. Then he could kill Joe and we'd have an honest-to-god plot! Oh yeah..Joe annoyed me too. It really brought home how morally bankrupt the Watchers are. They sit and watch Immortals do nasty things because they can't interfere. How many people have they watched die because they had to record and not interact? And..when you think about they really think *anyone* is going to care that Immortals lived..once the Immortals are dead? How many people care about the comings and goings of the Phoenicians today? Show me a live Phoenician...I'm excited. Show me a 2000 year old book about long dead Phoenicians..I'm bored. Same with Immortals..I would want to see a live one..not read about dead ones. I think people will be angry that the Watchers knew about these neat guys and kept it all a secret. That whole "we can't trust people to react sanely" rap is just an excuse to play "I know something you don't know" through the ages. Nina adds: >I'm SO glad the HL Light/Euros have resumed. I was nearly bored enough to >buy Raven tapes off eBay. your money. (I did finally break down and buy a katana.)(I guess some obsessions die harder than others)(Now I want a swept-hilt rapier.) >Well, no, but still. It's lovely to get "new" >almost-HL bits. Thanks, Wendy! You're most welcome. Of course, now you'll expect more and you'll just have to wait a week or so. I have a weaseling to pack off to Europe before I can settle down in front of the twin VCR's and subject my brain to the Paris episodes . > (Trouble w/ Raven--OK, _one_ trouble w/ Raven--is there's NOTHING >THERE to fever a brow....) You can say that again. If we couldn't have great plots and superior acting...we could have at least had steamy sex scenes. #mean-spirited(And I still want one tiny reference to Duncan in 22 hours.)(I know...I know..they didn't want to confuse anyone.)(I know ..I can't just drop lines into scripts willy-nilly.)(I still want it.)(Watching Nick walk along the Seine, past the barge's old mooring was painful.)(One damn flashback could have been about Duncan.)(They used enough HL:TS clips as it was.)(Am I ranting?)(Still ranting after all these years.)(Did someone say "get a life"?)(Oh, shut up over there!) Fairy Killer ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 15 Jun 2001 to 19 Jun 2001 (#2001-169) ***************************************************************