Note: The following segment is rated PG for language. Those of you=20 underage or easily offended by a string of profanity should skip=20 Chapter 11. Legal Disclaimer: See first post, or visit the URL below for full=20 disclaimer. Just let it be known I don't own this universe.=20 Archive only according to rules mentioned in full disclaimer.=20 I hope you enjoy the story. Fully formatted text of Chapters 1-12 available at:=20 =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D =20 Chapter Eleven And Then There Were None. Eadgils was sitting in what he had named jokingly The Dojo Of The=20 Mind, when Sue finally showed up. =20 He was unsure of how long he had been there, time was odd in this=20 place, but it had felt like he had been sitting on the mat for years. When Sue finally stepped into view he rose, and turned to=20 her. "Where have you been?" he asked. "Thinking." She replied. "About what?" "Stuff." "You should be here. You have a lot to learn if you are going to=20 survive long in the Game. You of all people should know that." "Yeah. Like it really matters anyhow. Seems like you are just fine=20 living for me." "What's that supposed to mean?", he asked. "What the fuck were you thinking? Why didn't you kick that redneck=20 bastard in the nuts the second he started trying to come on to you? =20 Instead, you pretty much fucking ADOPTED him! What the hell am I=20 supposed to do with a STUDENT?" "Calm down Sue. Anger won't help anything. What's done is done."=20 Eadgils responded, shocked by the vehemence of her sudden=20 outburst. "What are you so angry about anyhow?" "I am a WATCHER. I CAN'T ADOPT AN IMMORTAL! How can I have one=20 following me around like a fucking PUPPY?" "What would you have had me do? Leave him to fend for himself?"=20 Eadgils asked, honestly. The dojo had vanished, leaving nothing but=20 the eternal darkness, with the small lighted area surrounding them,=20 unbroken this time by either the wall or table which had been here=20 before, assuming this was the same place as before. "If you hadn't picked him up in the first place, he'd probably still=20 be alive. GODS! Can't you meet anyone without totally fucking up=20 their lives?" "Hey I resent that! I have met lots of people without fucking up=20 their lives! I have done so consistently for almost four thousand=20 YEARS!" "Yeah, but when you fuck up a life, you REALLY FUCK UP THE LIFE,=20 DON'T YOU?" she yelled, "I mean, look at me. I'm a watcher. A=20 FUCKING WATCHER, WHO'S SUPPOSED TO WATCH IMMORTALS, AND NOT=20 INTERFERE! Suddenly, the next thing I know, I'm one of those fucking=20 Immortals I'm supposed to watch, what's more, I have the fucking=20 GHOST of another fucking Immortal stuck in my fucking head, and now=20 that fucking ghost has fucking adopted another goddamed fucking=20 Immortal! GODDAMNIT!" Sue screeched. =20 "Well I'm the one who's DEAD! Do you see me complaining about it?"=20 Eadgils asked, finally loosing his cool as well. "Yes." Sue replied flatly, her glare hard enough to cut diamond. "Ok. Bad example." Eadgils replied. "Well, what's done is done. =20 I'm sorry if I have needlessly complicated your life. I'll leave you=20 alone from now on!" With that, Eadgils strode to the wall, which had=20 somehow returned, stormed through the door, and slammed it behind=20 him, leaving sue alone in the formless darkness. As water started to fall from the sky, Sue turned away from the wall=20 and sank down in the rain on the muddy grass of the hilltop and just=20 cried. She cried and cried until finally she drifted off to=20 oblivion, sleeping a normal sleep, and dreaming normal dreams. Of Eadgils, there was no sign. =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D =20 Chapter Twelve With Three, You Get Egg Roll It was a bright morning when Sue awoke. First off, she hit the shower, washed her hair, and got dressed,=20 automatically putting on both the Bowie knife and the stiletto before=20 pulling on her shirt and her pants. That taken care of, she collected her Cell Phone, and called the=20 increasingly familiar Seacouver number. =E2=80=9CJoe=E2=80=99s Bar.=E2=80=9D Said some female voice. =E2=80=9CUh, yeah, is Mike there?=E2=80=9D=20 =E2=80=9CHold on a moment. May I ask who=E2=80=99s calling?=E2=80=9D =E2=80=9CTell him it=E2=80=99s Sue.=E2=80=9D =E2=80=9CHey there Suzie-q=E2=80=9D came another familiar voice, not Mike= =E2=80=99s. =E2=80=9CHey Joe.=E2=80=9D =E2=80=9CYou make it to L.A. yet?=E2=80=9D=20 =E2=80=9CNope. I=E2=80=99m stuck in Memphis, and I have an, er, complicatio= n.=E2=80=9D =E2=80=9CA complication.=E2=80=9D Joe asked, an odd tone in his voice. =E2=80=9CYes.=E2=80=9D She replied. =E2=80=9CIn Memphis?=E2=80=9D Joe asked again. =E2=80=9CYes.=E2=80=9D =E2=80=9CUh, this wouldn=E2=80=99t be a complication which might last a long= time,=20 would it?=E2=80=9D Joe asked. Before she could answer, another phone picked up. =E2=80=9CHi Sue! Make it= =20 home yet?=E2=80=9D =E2=80=9CNo Mike. As I was just telling Joe, something has come up.=E2=80= =9D She=20 answered. =E2=80=9CYou know, Joe and I were just looking at some reports. There seems= =20 to be a lot of activity right now in Memphis.=E2=80=9D Mike responded. =E2=80=9CSue, you don=E2=80=99t know anything about the young man who was sh= ot by the=20 cops, and then had his body stolen last night by necrophilic=20 terrorists do you? We were speculating it might be someone who=20 should have an eye kept on them.=E2=80=9D Sue couldn=E2=80=99t help but laugh at the mental imagery raised by Joe=E2= =80=99s=20 question. =E2=80=9CSue?=E2=80=9D Mike asked in concern. =E2=80=9CNecrophilic terrorists. Heh. Uh, yeah. That was kind of why I wa= s=20 calling. Remember when I said I might have to leave the watchers? =20 Well, I think I need to tender my resignation right now.=E2=80=9D =E2=80=9CWhat?=E2=80=9D Mike asked. =E2=80=9CWhy?=E2=80=9D asked Joe at the same time. =E2=80=9CI=E2=80=99m Immortal.=E2=80=9D Sue said simply. =E2=80=9CCome again?=E2=80=9D Joe asked. Realizing this was not the time to come clean on the whole situation,=20 she rephrased herself =E2=80=9CI said =E2=80=98An Immortal=E2=80=99. As in=20= sleeping in the=20 room next door.=E2=80=9D =E2=80=9CHow do you know?=E2=80=9D Joe asked while Mike asked =E2=80=9CWhat=20= happened?=E2=80=9D both=20 pretty much at once. =E2=80=9CI, uh, put him there. After I broke him out of the morgue.=E2=80= =9D =E2=80=9CYou What!=E2=80=9D Joe exclaimed. =E2=80=9CNow Joe, there must have been a good reason. Sue?=E2=80=9D Mike in= tervened. =E2=80=9CI said I broke him out of the morgue.=E2=80=9D Sue clarified. =E2= =80=9CI saw him=20 die, and I couldn=E2=80=99t very well leave him there. He had no idea what=20 he is.=E2=80=9D =E2=80=9CWhy would you do something like that?=E2=80=9D Joe asked. =E2=80=9CWell, you could say I wasn=E2=80=99t acting quite myself lately.= =E2=80=9D Sue=20 replied, earning a long silence. =E2=80=9CYeah, well you might have even more long lived problems. Cassandra= =20 seems to be following you.=E2=80=9D Mike finally responded. =E2=80=9CMike,=E2=80=9D Joe began. =E2=80=9CNot only that, but another one is already there. Do you know Du...= =E2=80=9D=20 Mike continued. =E2=80=9CMIKE!=E2=80=9D Joe yelled. =E2=80=9CWhat?=E2=80=9D Mike asked, frustrated at being cut off. =E2=80=9CMike, that=E2=80=99s enough. Let me handle this. Sue, given the=20 circumstances, I can=E2=80=99t accept your resignation at this point in=20 time. I am sure you are aware of how badly you have broken your oath=20 though, and I can=E2=80=99t tell you how disappointed in you I am at the=20 moment. At the same time, as you know, I myself have blurred the=20 line before, when the Hunters were after Duncan. I know how=20 stressful it can be to loose your assignment, and I understand the=20 special circumstances surrounding your involvement in Eadgils=E2=80=99s loss= =20 as well. I can even see how you might feel like saving another=20 Immortal could help balance the scales, but you have to understand,=20 this is part of why we can=E2=80=99t get involved. First it is a balancing=20 of the scales, then it is something else. =20 =E2=80=9CNow, Mike, I can agree with your warning her about Cassandra, since= =20 she really does seem to be following Sue, but until we get this all=20 sorted out, Sue, while I can=E2=80=99t accept a resignation from you over th= e=20 phone, I can and will suspend you from active service immediately. I=20 will be terminating your network access and passwords as soon as I=20 hang up the phone, so please don=E2=80=99t try to access any watcher=20 resources. Mike, please don=E2=80=99t pass along any information about othe= r=20 Immortals to Sue without clearing it with me, and Sue, if you=20 encounter any other watchers, please don=E2=80=99t make contact with them. =20= I=20 will instruct them that you have been suspended, due to your=20 circumstances, and ongoing contact with an Immortal. Is everybody=20 clear?=E2=80=9D =E2=80=9CYes.=E2=80=9D Came Mike=E2=80=99s voice in a flat monotone. =E2=80=9CYes Joe.=E2=80=9D Sue responded. =E2=80=9CAnd Joe?=E2=80=9D =E2=80=9CYes Sue?=E2=80=9D =E2=80=9CThank you.=E2=80=9D =E2=80=9CYou=E2=80=99re welcome. Take care my little Susie-q. I know how d= ifficult=20 a spot you=E2=80=99re in right now. Remember, at some point you will need t= o=20 explain your actions, possibly even to a Tribunal. Our oath is not=20 something to take lightly. Even resigning from active service=20 doesn=E2=80=99t relive you of it, you know.=E2=80=9D =E2=80=9CI know.=E2=80=9D Sue replied. =E2=80=9CJoe?=E2=80=9D Sue asked. =E2=80=9CYes, Sue?=E2=80=9D=20 =E2=80=9CCan you tell me about Cassandra? She=E2=80=99s really following me= ?=E2=80=9D =E2=80=9CSince she seems to be following you, I guess I can tell you what I=20 know. She flew in to Savannah Saturday afternoon. She must of left=20 within a few hours of Eadgils=E2=80=99s death. When she arrived, she went=20 straight to the alley where he had been killed. She looked around,=20 never crossing the police tape, but she seemed unsatisfied about=20 something. Saturday night, she checked into a hotel near the crime=20 scene. On Sunday morning, she headed to Macon Georgia. She poked=20 around a Motel 6 there for a while, prowled around the place, then=20 specifically requested room 2152. She spent a few hours there,=20 sleeping, we think, then late last night, she got back in her rental=20 car and headed off towards Atlanta. She didn=E2=80=99t stop there though,=20 she kept driving all night long, and a while ago her tail checked in,=20 saying she=E2=80=99d just arrived in Memphis. We did some checking, and it=20 took us a while, but you stayed for two nights in room 2152 in the=20 Macon Georgia Motel 6, didn=E2=80=99t you?=E2=80=9D Joe asked. =E2=80=9CUh, yeah.=E2=80=9D Sue answered, a chill running up and down her sp= ine. =E2=80=9CWe thought so. We were about to call you and see where you were,=20 and tell you to be careful.=E2=80=9D Mike added. =E2=80=9COk, although what can I possibly do if Cassandra comes after me?= =E2=80=9D=20 Sue answered. =E2=80=9CDo you still have that Hunter=E2=80=99s gun?=E2=80=9D Joe asked. =E2=80=9CUh, yeah. I haven=E2=80=99t found a good place to dump it yet.=E2= =80=9D Sue=20 answered. =E2=80=9CYou could always shoot her and run away.=E2=80=9D Joe replied. =E2=80=9CUm, Joe, that didn=E2=80=99t work too well for the girl in Terminat= or.=E2=80=9D Mike=20 offered. =E2=80=9CNo, but it=E2=80=99s about all I can recommend. Anything more woul= d be a=20 blatant violation of her oath. Sue, I know you wouldn=E2=80=99t do such a=20 thing, but if you were to kill an Immortal, under any circumstances,=20 you have to know that there would be a full Tribunal, with you=20 charged as a Hunter, right?=E2=80=9D Joe added. =E2=80=9CUh, yeah, I guess.=E2=80=9D Sue replied. =E2=80=9CGood. You know, even as disappointed as I am with you right now, I= =20 still care about you a great deal. I would hate to see a verdict of=20 guilty levied against you. You know as well as anyone that the=20 penalty for that would be death. But at the same time, I can=E2=80=99t allo= w=20 my feelings for you or my memories of your father to get in the way=20 of my doing my job. Under these circumstances, warning you is about=20 the best I can do. Do you understand?=E2=80=9D =E2=80=9CI suppose so.=E2=80=9D Sue answered. =E2=80=9COk then. I=E2=80=99ll let you talk to Mike alone for a bit. You t= ake care,=20 ok sweetheart?=E2=80=9D =E2=80=9COk Joe. Bye.=E2=80=9D Sue replied. She could then hear a thunk-click as the phone was hung up. =E2=80=9CSue, you still there?=E2=80=9D Mike asked gently. =E2=80=9CYeah.=E2=80=9D Sue answered flatly, her emotions having run complet= ely dry. =E2=80=9CYou gonna be ok?=E2=80=9D =E2=80=9CI suppose. As long as Cassandra doesn=E2=80=99t kill me.=E2=80=9D=20= She answered. =E2=80=9COk then. Adam was worried about you. He=E2=80=99s the one who act= ually=20 thought it might be you who was responsible for the =E2=80=98necrophilic=20 terrorist attack=E2=80=99 on the morgue last night. Neither of us believed=20 him, of course. I guess he knows you better than we do, heh? I=20 didn=E2=80=99t know you two had gotten so close in France.=E2=80=9D Mike sai= d. =E2=80=9CI didn=E2=80=99t either,=E2=80=9D Sue replied, =E2=80=9CAs I said I= really wasn=E2=80=99t myself=20 last night. I=E2=80=99m not sure what came over me, I=E2=80=99d given Patri= ck a ride=20 to town, and during the course I found out he was Immortal. Then,=20 when he got shot, well, something must of snapped or something. I=20 dunno. I still don=E2=80=99t know what to do about it.=E2=80=9D =E2=80=9CWell, I have faith in you. Despite what Joe said, you have the=20 potential in you to be one of our best Watchers. I=E2=80=99d hate to see yo= u=20 throw it all away because you ended up in a bad situation caused by a=20 bunch of Hunters. You know what I mean?=E2=80=9D =E2=80=9CYeah, Mike, I do.=E2=80=9D Sue replied. =E2=80=9COk then. I=E2=80=99ll let you get going. You really might want to= hit the=20 road quickly if Cassandra is on your trail. I don=E2=80=99t know that I=20 believe even half the things in her chronicle, but even if I do only=20 believe the other half, she can do some weird things.=E2=80=9D =E2=80=9COk Mike, I=E2=80=99ll get out of here as soon as I can. I=E2=80= =99ll let you know=20 where I am tomorrow.=E2=80=9D =E2=80=9CAlright. Take care.=E2=80=9D =E2=80=9CWill do. Bye Mike. And thanks for the warning about Cassandra.= =E2=80=9D =E2=80=9CNo problem. Bye.=E2=80=9D As the phone went dead, Sue got up and looked around the room, then=20 looked at the connecting door to the other room. She went to the connecting door, and knocked on it as loudly as she=20 could. =E2=80=9CPatrick!=E2=80=9D she called. =E2=80=9CWha?=E2=80=9D she heard faintly from the other side of the door. =E2=80=9CGet up, we=E2=80=99ve got to get out of here, pronto.=E2=80=9D As quickly as she could, she packed up Ed=E2=80=99s laptop, then turned to=20 her luggage. She was just tossing her dirty clothes into a plastic=20 bag when she felt the tingle of another Quickening coming into range. Freezing for a moment, she looked at the door to the other room, then=20 walked over to it and knocked again. =E2=80=9CPatrick?=E2=80=9D she called. =E2=80=9CCome in=E2=80=9D he replied. Opening the door, she stepped in, and found Patrick standing by the=20 bed, clothed in the same outfit he had worn last night when they=20 arrived here from the hospital. =E2=80=9CMy brain itches.=E2=80=9D Patrick=20= said=20 simply. As she took another step towards him, she suddenly felt the edge of=20 another Quickening brush against hers. Patrick cringed at the same=20 instant, and said =E2=80=9CThe itch just got lots worse.=E2=80=9D At that moment, there was a firm but insistent knocking at the door=20 to Patrick=E2=80=99s room. Darting over to the window, Sue looked out. =20 =E2=80=9CHousekeeping=E2=80=9D came a male voice. Through the window, Sue could see a cart, but nothing else. Glancing at Patrick, she cautiously opened the door, and stepped=20 back, wishing she had thought to put on at least one of the knives=20 that morning, and forgetting that she had already donned them. The open door revealed a man in Days Inn uniform, a maid=E2=80=99s cart=20 beside him. =E2=80=9CSorry,=E2=80=9D he said. =E2=80=9CI can come back later if you=E2= =80=99re not ready yet.=E2=80=9D =E2=80=9CPlease do,=E2=80=9D Sue answered him, her heart rate slowly subsidi= ng to a=20 normal pace. =E2=80=9CAlso, please wait on the room next door, it=E2=80=99s= mine as=20 well.=E2=80=9D She finished, gesturing towards her own room, and the open=20 door in between. =E2=80=9COk. Have a nice day.=E2=80=9D The man said, backing out of the doo= r, and=20 closing it behind him. =E2=80=9CWhat=E2=80=99s wrong?=E2=80=9D Patrick asked. =E2=80=9CThat itch you are complaining about, did you feel it last night?= =E2=80=9D =E2=80=9CYeah, hadn=E2=80=99t realized it, but I think I felt it all night l= ong, was=20 gone this morning. Does it mean I=E2=80=99m gonna die again or somethin?= =E2=80=9D =E2=80=9CNo, that is an effect of the Quickening. It means there is another= =20 Immortal around.=E2=80=9D Sue answered nervously. =E2=80=9CSo, I=E2=80=99m feelin you in my head?=E2=80=9D Patrick asked. =E2=80=9CNo.=E2=80=9D Sue said flatly. =E2=80=9CWe=E2=80=99ve got to get ou= t of here. Now.=E2=80=9D Returning to her own room, Sue grabbed the Katana, and slipped it=20 back into the pocket in the back of her coat. Stuffing the plastic=20 bag containing her dirty clothes into her suitcase she zipped it up=20 as well. She then indicated the duffel bag and the suit case, while she=20 herself reached for the Laptop and the back pack she thought would be=20 aptly named the 'Evidence Bag', considering the nature of its ever=20 growing contents. =E2=80=9CCan you get those two?=E2=80=9D she asked Patric= k, while=20 collecting her cell phone and the keys off the dresser. =E2=80=9CSure thing=E2=80=9D. Patrick answered, effortlessly lifting the tw= o bags,=20 one in each hand. With a final sweep of her eyes around the room to make sure nothing=20 was forgotten, they headed out the door, and to the stairs leading=20 down to the car, Patrick in the lead. It was as he stepped on the second stair down that his left shoe=20 started to come off. When he moved his foot to place it on the third=20 step, the shoe twisted, and Patrick started to loose his balance. =20 Still clutching the bags out he swung his arms out and twisted in an=20 odd parody of a ballet pirouette, then began to tumble backwards down=20 the steps. About halfway down, his head bent at an odd angle,=20 accompanied by a sharp =E2=80=9Ccrack!=E2=80=9D, like someone breaking sever= al=20 pencils at once. Landing at the foot of the stairs, his body laid still, his head at=20 an impossible angle. Sue headed down the stairs herself after him as fast as she could,=20 but upon reaching him, she knew he was dead. She stood over his=20 body, and couldn=E2=80=99t even feel his Quickening. She looked over at her car, and setting down the laptop and backpack,=20 she moved to try and lift Patrick to drag him the short distance. As she struggled to stand under his weight, she heard a soft, lightly=20 accented female voice from over her left shoulder. =E2=80=9CHello Child=E2= =80=9D. Whirling her head around, she took in the sight of the woman behind=20 her. She was dressed in white. White pants, white shirt above them, and a=20 long, white coat worn on top of it all. Her dark hair flowed down over her shoulders, in shimmering waves. =E2=80=9CLet me help you with the other Young One. I am Cassandra. What is= =20 your name?=E2=80=9D Her heart pounding, Sue answered, =E2=80=9CSue.=E2=80=9D Leaning over, Cassandra gently lifted Patrick=E2=80=99s head and shoulders=20 off the ground, supporting his head so as not to put any additional=20 strain on his broken neck. =E2=80=9CYou have no reason to fear me, Sue. I=20 have not come to harm you.=E2=80=9D Putting her fears aside for a moment, Sue lifted Patrick=E2=80=99s feet, and= =20 together, the two of them lugged him over to Sue=E2=80=99s car, where she se= t=20 him down and opened the back door, before they slid him in onto the=20 rear seat, lifting his feet so they could close the door on him. Suddenly Cassandra=E2=80=99s hand shot out, capturing Sue=E2=80=99s left wri= st. Her=20 eyes widened and she looked back at Sue. =E2=80=9CYou are an Observer? How= =20 can that be?=E2=80=9D Pulling her arm from Cassandra=E2=80=99s grasp, she said, =E2=80=9CIt can= =E2=80=99t. I was a=20 Watcher, but now I am one of the Watched. Or I will be, if I ever=20 tell them, and they agree to let me go.=E2=80=9D =E2=80=9CWere you my Teacher=E2=80=99s Watcher?=E2=80=9D Cassandra asked. =E2=80=9CTeacher?=E2=80=9D =E2=80=9CLong ago, I met him on the plains. I had been held a slave, for=20 over a hundred years. Raped and tortured to death time and again by=20 the Horsemen. Death was the worst. He seemed fixated on me=20 somehow. Finally, one night I managed to escape. I fled into the=20 plains, where I wandered for weeks, dying, and rising again to wander=20 some more.=E2=80=9D Sue listened, an image of Adam, or Death as Ed called him, floating=20 to the surface of her mind, her memories of the happy grad=20 student/researcher totally incompatible with the memories Ed had=20 shown her, and even more so with the description she was hearing now=20 from the woman before her. =E2=80=9CI was not going anywhere, you understand, just trying to escape fro= m=20 them. Anyway, one afternoon, I woke to see a rider coming towards me=20 on a horse. As he neared, I suddenly felt him, as I had previously=20 only felt The Four and my first thought was that it was Methos or=20 Kronos, come to take me back. I turned and ran as fast as I could.=E2=80= =9D=20 Cassandra continued. At the mention of the name Methos, Sue looked up again, another image=20 of Adam flashing across her mind. He was the Methos Researcher. He=20 couldn=E2=80=99t actually be... =E2=80=9CHe called out to me, in a voice I was unfamiliar with, but I still=20 ran as fast as I could, panicked at the thought of returning to the=20 hell of the Horsemen=E2=80=99s camp. I was not watching where I was going,=20 and I stepped in a hole of some sort. Twisted my ankle, and much=20 like your friend there,=E2=80=9D Cassandra nodded at Patrick in the rear of=20 the car behind them as they walked slowly back to the base of the=20 stairs, and the accumulation of luggage lying on the ground beside=20 them, =E2=80=9CI fell and broke my neck.=E2=80=9D Reaching the pile, Cassandra bent and lifted the suitcase and duffle=20 bag Patrick had been carrying when he fell. She continued her story=20 as she turned towards the car, leaving Sue to recover her own=20 burdens, and follow her. =E2=80=9CWhen I next revived, I was laying by a=20 fire, wrapped in a blanket. Food was cooking nearby. There was a=20 man, and from him I sensed the same power as I did from the Horsemen,=20 but unlike them, he did not feel, I guess these days you would call=20 it Evil. Back then there was not really a word I knew for the force=20 of bad as opposed to good. In any case, he was different enough. =20 But he was still a Man, and I a Woman, and so I knew I had to fear=20 him. For the longest time, he just sat there across the fire,=20 watching me. Finally he moved, and as he did I flinched a bit,=20 fearing what I knew would come. Instead he handed me a stick, upon=20 which was skewered a roasted fowl, and said =E2=80=98Eat girl, you look like= =20 you are dying of starvation.=E2=80=99 I was so shocked; I just sat there and= =20 did as he told me.=E2=80=9D They had reached the car again, and Sue opened the trunk, allowing=20 Cassandra to set the two bags she carried inside, before adding the=20 Laptop and knapsack on top. =E2=80=9CHe then told me a story. He told of=20 how he had been killed one day by an arrow shot by the hand of Death=20 himself, yet Death could not hold him. He told of awakening amidst=20 the ruin of his peoples, all slaughtered by the horsemen. He told of=20 tracking the horsemen by foot, and finally chancing upon yet another=20 man who Would Not Die. He then told me all he knew of Immortals in=20 general, and finally, in a show of trust, he gave me the greatest=20 gift I have ever received, either before or in the three thousand=20 years since then, he told me how to kill them. =E2=80=9CHe then offered to teach me the art of the sword. Despite my size,= =20 and gender, he thought I should be able to learn how to defend=20 myself. We found a village, and he had the blacksmith craft a weapon=20 for my size and strength, a thinner blade than was the usual back=20 then, the sides fluted to further reduce their weight. I carried his=20 blade for almost five hundred years before losing it in a battle. I=20 cried the day I lost it, for it was the only physical remnant I had=20 of my Teacher. I had thought him long dead, until I heard his call=20 the other night.=E2=80=9D =E2=80=9CHis call?=E2=80=9D Sue asked, still not understanding. =E2=80=9CAll this time, he has lived. My first true love, my oldest friend,= =20 the one I called Teacher. I never sought him out, for I thought him=20 long dead in his quest to bring down the Horsemen. I had heard of=20 how a great warrior, Immortal like they themselves had ridden into=20 their camp, killed their followers, and scattered the remnants of=20 their army before himself loosing his head to the one they called=20 Death. The Horsemen broke up after that, Death just left, and=20 without him, the other three fell to arguing, and eventually drifted=20 apart. I had made it my quest to avenge my Teacher, to find Death=20 and to kill him, thus closing the circle. But when I had the chance=20 in Bordeaux a few years ago, I passed it up. Death himself had knelt=20 at my knees, amongst the corpses of his three one time partners, one=20 dead at his own hand, and I had wielded an ax, ready to cut off his=20 head, but to my regret and dishonor, I stayed my hand.=E2=80=9D Cassandra=20 leaned against the open trunk, her eyes haunted by the memories. =E2=80=9CWhy? I mean, if after three thousand years, you finally had a=20 chance to end it, why?=E2=80=9D =E2=80=9CBecause a man I love and trust, one who has shielded my honor in th= e=20 past, he asked me to. And I granted him that boon, despite the pain=20 it caused my soul. I laid down the ax, and I walked away, leaving=20 Methos and Duncan in the lair of the Horsemen. I returned home, and=20 wept for my Teacher all over again. I wept for my failure, both as=20 his student, and as his vindicator.=E2=80=9D Sue finally reached out, and closed the trunk. =E2=80=9CDuncan MacLeod?=E2= =80=9D she=20 asked. Cassandra=E2=80=99s eyes widened, =E2=80=9CYou know him Child? But of cours= e. You=20 were of the Observers, or Watchers. I had not learned their name in=20 English, only in the French.=E2=80=9D =E2=80=9CI don=E2=80=99t know him, but I know a friend of his. In fact, I k= now=20 several friends of his.=E2=80=9D Sue explained. =E2=80=9CPerhaps I shall see him, while I am here. However, as I was saying= ,=20 three days ago, I suddenly felt my Teacher. In my heart, my soul,=20 and my mind. He was there, I knew right where he was, and then, he=20 was gone. I could not believe it. After all these centuries, he=20 still lived. It took me a while to find where to go, but I was drawn=20 to Savannah. When I arrived, imagine my heartache when I found that=20 he had died the day before. What I had felt had been his soul=20 released at last from the bounds of life. While I was no longer=20 shamed by my failure to seek vengeance for him against Methos, and=20 the debt that man owes to me is one I have the power, and someday=20 possibly even the will to forgive, but again the burden of avenging=20 his death has been laid on me. And this time I saw the body. It=20 truly was that of Eadgils, last speaker of the Flornlef, as I am the=20 last Seer of the Trancatta.=E2=80=9D =E2=80=9CEadgils?=E2=80=9D Sue squeaked, her heart racing. =E2=80=9CI was right then. You did know him, Child.=E2=80=9D Cassandra=20 continued. =E2=80=9CThere is more to my tale, however. Even as I sat=20 searched in Savannah for clues to my Teacher=E2=80=99s killer, I awoke=20 yesterday morning and again I felt him in my soul. He still lived! =20 But he could not, for he was dead, I had seen the body. I checked=20 again, verified that the host I had seen was that of my teacher,=20 before I followed my heart. It took me towards Atlanta, but I was=20 compelled to stop in a town along the way. It was there that I so=20 strongly felt the trace of his soul. It is a talent I have, I can=20 touch a thing, and I can see images, or feel feelings, hear sounds,=20 or remember memories if they are strongly enough associated with it. =20 A room in a hotel in that town cried out with the memories, thoughts,=20 and feelings of my one time Teacher, Lover, and Friend. =E2=80=9CBut there was more. There was another trace there as well, a faint= =20 one. I followed again the trail of my Teacher, and it led me here,=20 to this town, to this building, and finally to you. But I can tell=20 from your Quickening, you, like your friend, are but an infant in the=20 Game. You have yet to take a single head. So now that you know my=20 story, I ask you, and ask you true, what can you tell me of my=20 Teacher? Where has he gone, what has happened, and most importantly,=20 WHO TOOK HIS HEAD?=E2=80=9D The last few words Cassandra spoke had a force=20 unlike anything Sue had experienced before in her life. Up until then, the soft, spoken words of Cassandra had been soothing,=20 almost mesmerizing. As she told her story, Sue could almost see the=20 poor woman lost, starving, and frightened amongst the open plains of=20 eastern Europe. She could feel the regard the woman held for her=20 Teacher, and she could feel the pain and heartache the woman had=20 suffered in the recent years. She somehow felt the longing=20 compulsion which caused the woman to cross an ocean in search of a=20 man she had not seen in three thousand years, and the renewed pain=20 she had felt on finding him dead. But with the last part, when Cassandra had asked her about Eadgils,=20 her voice had subtly changed. No longer was it simply hypnotic, now=20 it was compelling. Had Cassandra asked her to pull her blade and=20 chop off Patrick=E2=80=99s head, she had no doubt she would have done it. =20 But that was not what the woman had asked of her. Instead of a=20 simple task, she had asked the impossible. The geas thus laid on her=20 soul was so painful, as a part of her strained with all it=E2=80=99s might t= o=20 form the words to tell Cassandra all that had happened, yet at the=20 same time, another equally powerful part was fully aware she still=20 had no idea what all had happened. She DID NOT KNOW where he had=20 gone, or what had happened to him at present. She knew the mechanics=20 of what Eadgils believed had happened. But Cassandra had not asked=20 that, and surprisingly the part of her which struggled for=20 independence from the part which wanted only to obey Cassandra had no=20 problem preventing the whole from bringing that up. So, she was left=20 with only one part of the geas she could resolve, the last question=20 laid before her. Entirely against her will, she opened her mouth,=20 and a single word escaped, the pain it was causing her evident in her=20 entire being. =E2=80=9CHhh-hunTERS!=E2=80=9D she shouted at last, freeing h= erself=20 from the strange spell. Cassandra looked confused. =E2=80=9CWhat sort of hunters? I don=E2=80=99t=20 understand, Child.=E2=80=9D Cassandra=E2=80=99s voice was more normal soundi= ng again,=20 while still almost hypnotic in its cadence, it lacked the strength it=20 had had previously. Feeling like a weight was suddenly lifted from her soul, Sue shook=20 her head, and glared at Cassandra. =E2=80=9CWhat was that?=E2=80=9D she ask= ed. =E2=80=9CI=E2=80=99m sorry Child. I did not realize the use of the Voice wo= uld cause=20 you such pain. You have a strong personality for one so young. I=20 would be grateful if you could tell me what you know though. I must=20 do what I can to help the soul of my teacher find peace. It stirs=20 restlessly, and apparently is following you around. In my experience=20 however, I have never seen a soul with so much strength after its=20 passing. The traces he has left are almost like he still lives. =20 Obviously he seeks vengeance against those who killed him, and he=20 must think you can help him somehow. Were you the writer of his=20 stories for your Watchers? Did you see his death?=E2=80=9D This time the=20 question was entirely without the compulsion it had had before. Sue took a breath, and spoke. =E2=80=9CI took an oath, on my eighteenth=20 birthday, a year and a half ago. 'I am a Watcher. I take this oath=20 to observe and record the lives of any Immortals I encounter. I will=20 do so without interfering in their lives, nor allowing them to know=20 of my presence. To this I swear and pledge my life, so help me God.'=20 My very existence violates that oath now, Cassandra. I can not=20 interfere. But I can tell you this much of Eadgils death. I was his=20 Watcher. And I died my first death at his side. He died protecting=20 me from rouge Watchers called Hunters. It was no Immortal who took=20 his head. It was a mortal, and that mortal died, his very body=20 laying atop the torso of the man he had killed. I know this because=20 when I awoke, the sword was still in his hand. Eadgils=E2=80=99s own sword.= =20 Any vengeance has likely been satisfied, as both the men involved are=20 now dead.=E2=80=9D =E2=80=9CTwo Mortals? And they killed both you and Eadgils?=E2=80=9D =E2=80=9CThey had guns. I shot one. Eadgils stabbed another. The one I=20 shot had shot Eadgils dead, before I shot him. He also shot me, and=20 then killed Eadgils before he died. There was one other, my=20 supervisor, who had told them where to find Eadgils, who was really=20 their target - they didn=E2=80=99t know about me, heck, I didn=E2=80=99t kno= w about=20 me at the time. The watchers took him into custody the next day. I=20 don=E2=80=99t know if he has been tried yet, but when he is, and he will be,= =20 they will almost certainly find him guilty. The sentence for a=20 watcher who so breaks his oath so as to harm, let alone kill, an=20 Immortal is simple, and consistent. Death. Vengeance will be=20 served. You need not worry.=E2=80=9D Sue explained. As a sudden gasp came from inside the car, Sue felt Patrick=E2=80=99s=20 Quickening spike back into her mind. Looking in the window, she saw=20 Patrick suddenly sit up, rubbing his neck with his hand and look=20 around the inside of the car. Looking outside, he saw Sue, and he smiled, then he saw Cassandra=20 standing a bit behind her, and he froze. Opening the door, Sue said =E2=80=9CPatrick, come on out and meet Cassandra.= =E2=80=9D As Patrick climbed out of the car, Cassandra introduced=20 herself. =E2=80=9CGreetings Youngling. I am Cassandra, Witch of Donan=20 Woods, student of Eadgils of the Flornlef tribe. I mean you no harm.=E2=80= =9D Patrick stood to his full height, and proudly introduced himself in=20 his lazy southern drawl. =E2=80=9CPleased ta meetcha Miss. I=E2=80=99m Pat= rick=20 Wescott, student I guess of Sue.=E2=80=9D He added, reaching out his hand fo= r=20 a shake. At that last, Cassandra raised an eyebrow and looked askance at Sue,=20 while reaching out her hand to shake Patrick=E2=80=99s. As her hand touched his however, she gave a little jump, then just=20 held his hand and looked closely into his face. =E2=80=9CYou have a cloud=20 over you, Youngling. Someone has expended a great deal of energy to=20 see that you come to harm. What do you know of this?=E2=80=9D Patrick looked bewildered, and said, =E2=80=9CNothing at all, Miss=20 Cassandra. What kind of cloud?=E2=80=9D =E2=80=9CHave you experienced an exceptional amount of bad luck lately?=E2= =80=9D=20 Cassandra asked. =E2=80=9CYa mean like getting killed on my Uncle=E2=80=99s front lawn? For=20= that=20 matter, now that I thin =E2=80=98bout it, loosin=E2=80=99 my job, my wife, m= y=20 house, =E2=80=98an my life, all in =E2=80=98bout six months?=E2=80=9D he gro= used. =E2=80=9CExactly like that. Someone has Cursed you. I will have to look=20 into this. This is a misuse of the Power.=E2=80=9D Cassandra replied. Then turning to Sue she simply said =E2=80=9CAren=E2=80=99t you a little new= to the=20 game to be taking on Students?=E2=80=9D Patrick piped in them, asking =E2=80=9CWhy, how long do ya gotta be Immortal= =20 before you can take on a Student?=E2=80=9D Cassandra replied with a wry smile, =E2=80=9CI don=E2=80=99t think there are= any=20 rules on the matter, but I do believe three days is a new record.=E2=80=9D Patrick just gasped, and whirled around to look at Sue with=20 shock, =E2=80=9CThree days?=E2=80=9D =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D= =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D =20 To be continued in Chapter Thirteen - "Immortals and French Toast"=20 Comming Friday, 4-30