BENE-HA-ELOHIM (THE CHILDREN OF GOD) An Elena Duran-Corazon Negro Story 9/15 by Julio Cesar Elena had been listening to Heru-sa-aset for a half hour. "Let me see if I understand all this." There was only so much information she could absorb in one sitting. Keeping facts straight wasn't easy when in the company of Corazon Negro. "You, the legendary Heru-sa-aset, as well as Zarach and Aylon, Corazon Negro and another three Immortals are all part of the Ancient Gathering." "I'm not one of the very first Immortals who created the Ancient Gathering, but otherwise, yes," said Heru-sa-aset, popping a grape into his mouth. A huge platter of fruits, chesses and exotic pastries rested on the table separating them. The Prince nibbled on red grapes. Elena snacked on cheese. Corazon Negro, as usual, ate nothing. "My stepmother, Isis, was a brilliant sorceress. She learned about the Immortals nearly eight thousand years ago. When Sutekh came to take me under his care, she tried to save me from him. Of course, Sutekh was a Headless Child, as you probably have guessed by now. He killed my stepfather Osiris and his only son, Anubis. In order to save Isis, I accepted Sutekh's offer, and I became his protege. Unfortunately, he didn't fulfill his oath, and sent Isis into the land of the dead millennia ago. So, I was alone to battle him and his brood of Immortals, until Zarach Bal-Tagh rescued me." "As far as I know, Zarach and you have managed to recruit a fair number of troops in the war over the millennia," Corazon Negro commented, grabbing Elena's hand. Heru-sa-aset shrugged. "Several dozen loyal Immortals served me in my unending struggle with the Corrupter," he declared. "But how can a handful of Immortals prevail against the hordes of the Headless Children? Whenever their numbers are few, Lilitu merely recruits a new legion of acolytes." "You could stop fighting," Corazon Negro said, testing Heru-sa-aset's determination in the battle to come. "Never," said the Prince, angrily. "Sutekh destroyed my stepparents and killed my brother. The fiend is the lord of darkness and corruption, just as is his mother, that abomination called Lilitu. As a member of the Ancient Gathering, it is my holy mission to put an end to their evil." "I thought you might say that, " Corazon Negro said, smiling. "Can I ask a question?" Elena asked, eating her cheese. "Of course, my dear," Heru-sa-aset answered, his rage vanishing as swiftly as it had appeared. "What do you wish to know?" "Even thought Lilitu controls vast powers," spoke Elena, "she is the same as us, an Immortal, and can be killed. When that happens, her Quickening will depart her physical form and is going to attack the nearest Immortal-right?" "A much-simplified explanation, but essentially correct," Heru-sa-aset stated. "What is your point, my cherished?" Elena looked at her piece of cheese almost causality, then she continued. "I'm worried about a Dark Quickening. In this particular case, I'm talking about the mother of all Dark Quickenings ever." "You are right," replied Heru-sa-aset, an odd smile on his lips. The Prince shook his head. "We only hope that if we'll gather all our strength together, we can avoid the Dark Quickening. That's why it's imperative for the Ancient Gathering to battle against Lilitu as just one being. This time, no more rules, no 'one on one.'" Elena nodded in agreement. She was liking this particular member of the Ancient Gathering. Corazon Negro noticed that. "When Zarach learned I planned to visit Heru-sa-aset three weeks ago," he said, "he requested that I bring you with me. I suspect that he hopes that someday in the future you will study with the Prince, my love. Heru-sa-aset is one of the greatest warriors in the world, and a great scientist also." "I would be quite pleased to accept you as a student, Elena," said the Prince. "Your warrior skills and my teachings combined would be an interesting mix." Heru-sa-aset looked at Corazon Negro. "Zarach, however, is being too modest. He and Myrddin have long been regarded as history's supreme alchemists. Zarach and I have spent many hours together in my laboratory trying to reformulate ancient elixirs using modern ingredients." Elena kept her mouth shut but let her thoughts roam free. Over the years, Corazon Negro had entertained her with the various legends regarding Zarach Bal-Tagh, the Immortal known as the Son of the Endless Night. It had been a fascinating recital. According to the most widely accepted version of the legend, Zarach had been a powerful hunter many thousands of years ago before the Deluge. Once Lilitu found him, she forced him to battle against another Immortal named Abel. Hence the genesis of the biblical legend about the two brothers, children of the first couple. Over the years, Lilitu taught Zarach ancient arts while they both lived in the city of Tell Halula, the mythical Garden of Eden, where seven Immortals, the original Ancient Gathering, ruled humankind. However, one night Zarach confessed to Lilitu how he had killed Abel-by beheading him. That had been the first Quickening ever. With this new knowledge, Lilitu killed the supreme ruler of the Ancient Gathering, the Immortal known as Yenkril. The rest was history. Elena, knowing how time and history tended to distort the facts, suspected the legend contained only a bare hint of truth. Still, she could not help but wonder if thousands of years later, Zarach was having second thoughts. "Enough about the past," Corazon Negro said gruffly. As usual, whenever talk turned to Zarach, he seemed anxious to change the subject. "We need to talk about the present. I'm concerned about Lilitu. Zarach's message reached me just yesterday, as sure you received it too, Heru-sa-aset. The hag is free again. Where you able to discover anything about her whereabouts?" "Nothing since Australia, I'm afraid," said Heru-sa-aset. "There's been a great deal of talk about her since the attacks. But no facts." "Attacks?" Corazon Negro asked, suddenly nervous. "What attacks?" "I assumed you knew-all over Europe the most powerful Immortals have disappeared." Corazon Negro's gaze narrowed. "The ones who don't stand with Lilitu are against her, even if unaware of her schemes. What better way for her and her brood to carry out her plans than destroying all Immortals at once? She desires to end the Game." "That's not the worse. Mortal men were involving in the attacks. Watchers," Heru-sa-aset declared solemnly. "I hate those guys," Elena whispered. "I'm not surprised, but something is missing," Corazon Negro declared in low tones. "She wants to kill the Ancient Gathering the most." "You think the hag would dare attack the combined might of the Ancient Gathering?" Heru-sa-aset asked. "Much as I hate her, I respect her powers, and her intelligence. Directly challenging our group would be suicide, even for her." Corazon Negro nodded. "I agree. It just feels right." His features twisted in annoyance. "The timing works. Too many mysteries surround Lilitu and her Headless Children. She must have a plan. But I'll be damned if I can figure it out." "I was able to learn more about the situation in Australia," Heru-sa-aset commented. "Tell me about it," Corazon Negro asked. "Tell me about this killings." "Right after I received Zarach's mind message," the Prince begun, "I noticed some kind of strange behavior inside the Watcher's brotherhood. It seems that a renegade pack of them found an ancient tomb inside the Great Desert. Now I can guess the tomb was the place where Lilitu was resting after the events happened in Mexico, back at 1985. I transferred three agents from Brisbane to Darwin. They had strict instructions to investigate the murders in the wilderness of Australia, but otherwise stay uninvolved." He snorted. "The last thing I wanted was to have my men killed by Lilitu." "She is considered the most intelligent of us," said Corazon Negro. "She was only remotely human before her first death. Afterward, she became known as a relentless destroyer abomination, attacking anyone or anything that crossed her path, mortal or Immortal." He looked significantly at Elena, who had been following the conversation closely. "In total, sixty-six people were killed during the course of the night she resurfaced," said the Prince. "Despite elaborate security measures, settlers in outlying districts were slaughtered in their homes, as were all animals in the area. In every case, the victim's heart was ripped out of his body leaving teeth and claw marks. No traces of their hearts were found." "Nor will they be," said Corazon Negro. "Just like in Mexico, before she killed Quetzalcohuatl on Holy Ground, she is purifying the ground in her unholy way." "The deaths ended as abruptly as they began, that very same night. Just one nighttime of madness, then nothing more. It was over. No clue to the killer's identity was found. Right now, the aborigines who had descended on Darwin in a mass exodus have begun returning home. The local government, of course, tried to claim full credit for the natives' departure. But, my agents made it clear in their reports that the reason had nothing to do with politics. In some manner, the aborigines sensed that the danger was past. Lilitu is gone from their country. It is safe for them to go back home." "She is gone now, and she could be anywhere," Corazon Negro whispered. "Today, the news became more disturbing," said Heru-sa-aset. "The Watchers begun to move their forces all over the world, trying to find this mysterious Immortal they didn't know about until now. However, they have no clue either. Lilitu is still at large, my friend. If I were you, I would watch my back very carefully." "I gather she is not in a good mood," Elena said, swallowing a piece of cheese and drinking some more water. "What about the ancient tomb where she was locked. Any clues?" Heru-sa-aset nodded, "The caves are going to be the site of a major archeological dig. They did learn one thing you will find interesting." "The news," Corazon Negro commented, "is not going to be good." "Is it ever?" Heru-sa-aset asked, chuckling without humor. "The Watchers at the excavation were puzzled by a minor mystery at the entrance to the underground network. Photos taken of the area thirty years ago show a small hill covering the passage leading down. That was why the tunnels were not discovered until two nights ago-they were hidden from sight. Yet, no record exists of any expedition to the area." Heru-sa-aset made a long pause, sighed, and then continued. "These photos I told you about were taken by a Watcher. A renegade named James Horton." "The one who killed Darius?" Elena asked, her eye wide-opened. "And tried to kill Duncan ..." She stopped, embarrassed at having brought up a former lover in front of these men. But neither Immortal seemed upset by her comment. "The very same. Lilitu is using the Watchers, my friends." Heru-sa-aset replied. Corazon Negro nodded. "And as usual, they don't know who they're working for. They are completely unaware of her plans, even of her existence. If they knew, the Watchers would never do such a thing. Most of them fear us, even when they study us. Many of them think of us as abominations. Maybe Lilitu is going to use them to hunt us. After all, they could know the whereabouts of the Ancient Gathering." "I doubt it," Heru-sa-aset said, a knowing smile on his face. "The Watchers never knew about the Ancient Gathering. They think the very ancient ones Immortals don't exist anymore. In fact, they believe the oldest Immortal is Methos," he added, smiling. Then getting serious again, he said, "But Lilitu could tell them." "Yes," Elena said. "We can't trust anyone, can we?" "No one," Heru-sa-aset answered, looking directly at her. "The best thing about the Watchers is that no matter what the crime, there is never a lack of suspects." He smiled. "On the other hand, this time I'm pretty sure, regardless if we survive or not, Lilitu is going to learn a lesson that usurpers have discovered throughout history. Stealing a crown is easy. Holding it is much more difficult. Humankind is not the same than before." "Spoken by one who's had a great deal of experience in such affairs," Corazon Negro said, brightening. "If not for the machinations of Sutekh and Lilitu," the Prince said solemnly, "Egypt under my guidance would still rule the world." The proud expression on his features indicated that he was not jesting. "Better you than Lilitu," Corazon Negro commented. "If we don't discover what she plans next, I'm afraid that might happen. Or the world will be engulfed in fire." "She fears you, Corazon Negro. You are the new Dreamer," said Heru-sa-aset solemnly. "The hag feels you threaten her plans. Find out why and you will uncover her schemes." "Unfortunately," Corazon Negro said nodding, "the Dream is closed to me right now. I couldn't find Zarach until he reached me mentally yesterday. We need to find the other members of the Ancient Gathering to confront Lilitu. You were my last, best hope in that regard. I don't have a clue where to find our mutual enemy. And if we can't locate her, we can't stop her." "I know a great deal," said Heru-sa-aset, "but there is another member of the Ancient Gathering whose knowledge of the current events involving our race dwarfs mine. Though he tries to remain hidden, over the years I have detected him lurking on the computer nets, skimming information much like I do from hundreds of sources. He is the unmatched master of stealing secrets." "You don't know his name?" Elena asked. "Of course," admitted the Prince. "I only met him once, long ago, when the most powerful Immortals swore to destroy Lilitu when the time came. His name is Myrddin. Maybe you heard about him under the alias of Merlin." Elena's eyes opened wide-again. "The mythical wizard of Camelot? King Arthur? The Holy Grail? Great! This is getting better every time! Who's next? Buddha?" Heru-sa-aset smiled. "My dear, in time, you will learn that most of the ancient heroes and Gods were in fact Immortals who inspired such tales. Myrddin is like us. I do not know where his lair is. However, carefully checking the euro phone relay system, I was able to pinpoint his location to a single city." "Which is?" Corazon Negro asked. "Glastonbury," Heru-sa-aset said. "The legendary Avalon. This elusive Immortal who haunts the cyber world lives in there. Holy Ground, of course." "How convenient," said Corazon Negro, smiling. "That's our next destination. Are you coming with us, Prince?" Heru-sa-aset grinned openly this time. "Of course. I wouldn't miss it for the world. ========