Forging the Blade, Part II: Kithe and Kin by MacGeorge Rating: PG-13 Acknowledgements and Disclaimers: See previously posted Part 0. But in this instance, in addition to all those, like Cinel and Carmel and Killa and Tritorella, who have given specific writing advice; plus 'X' for her magnificent front page art work; plus Devo for providing the name of the arc of stories; I want to extend my gratitude to the many, many patient readers who have been so supportive during this long process. I consider this story to be the most satisfying of all the ones I have written, and since I get a great deal of satisfaction out of writing, that is not a small thing. The entire story can be found at: But if you prefer to have the text-only files, they can be accessed on my Simple Index Page, at: where .zip files are also available. MacGeorge