Merciless, 0/8: Disclaimers and Credits "Merciless," A Highlander Fanfiction in Eight Chapters By Vi Moreau, Suzanne Herring, and (for part of Ch. 5 and all of Ch. 8) Mikal Fox All other mentions of Emma Cuzo courtesy of Mikal Fox RATING: PG-15 for language and one sexually-suggestive scene SYNOPSIS: The death of a young Immortal creates repercussions, and Connor MacLeod wonders how many other people will die as a result. CHARACTERS: Elena Duran (OC), Connor MacLeod, Duncan MacLeod, Stephen Holz (OC), Emma Cuzo (OC), Maria Feliz Betancourt (OC), and other secondary OCs (both Immortal and mortal). Elena Duran, Stephen Holz, and Maria Feliz Betancourt are original recurring characters, created by Vi Moreau, with a lot of history by now. To find out more about these characters and their relationships to Connor and Duncan MacLeod, you can read other Elena stories. These are available on: The Seventh Dimension Highlander FanFiction Archive maintained by Ann Fountain (; at Connor's Rotunda, maintained by Celedon (; and at Janeen Grohsmeyer's Website ( Emma Cuzo is the starring character in "My So-Called Immortality," by Mikal Fox. (Connor also has a major role, and Duncan, Richie, and Methos each have secondary roles of various sizes.) "MSCI" can also be found at the above Web sites; look on the Connor page at Seventh Dimension or under Mikal Fox's name. Ann Fountain, Celedon, and Janeen all have permission to archive "Merciless." Anyone else, please ask first. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: We didn't have no beta readers on this one. We wuz in a hurry, since we only bin working on this story and the nex' couple that foller it since 'bout 1995-1996. You'd think after all those years, a little more time waitin' for beta readers wouldn't be no big deal, but it wuz. What kin we say? We wanted to git it posted. We're responsibubble for all misteaks and any logicul holes. DISCLAIMERS: This is a labor of love, not profit. We didn't make any money from this. We don't expect to make any money from fanfiction, ever. If we do, we'll turn it over to TPTB, we promise. Anyhow, we think fanfiction keeps the fans interested in the concept when the "official" sources aren't producing anything. In the meantime, the canon characters and the concept of "Highlander" are only borrowed from Davis/Panzer Productions, et al.. We return them none the worse for wear, although perhaps the characters are a little wearier and sadder than they started out. WRITE THE AUTHORS -- Vi Moreau, Suzanne Herring, and Mikal Fox -- care of Bridget Mintz Testa,