My sincere aplogies in advance to anyone who recieves this fic more than once -- then again, you have no idea what *my* in-box looks like after posting one of these suckers! Author: Ecolea Title: Changing of the Guard 5: Terms of Engagement Email: Website: Rating: PG-13 Status: Complete Spoilers: Nothing is sacred. Keywords: Highlander: The Series, Stargate SG-1, Crossover, AU, General Fiction, Action/Adventure Characters: HL: M SG-1: JO, DJ, SC, T, GH, Special Guest Stars, various = and sundry original characters. Sequel: Fifth in series. Feedback: Comments, flames, superfluous remarks and vicious character assassination may be cheerfully sent to: Author's note: This is the fifth volume in an ongoing series. Each story = can stand on its own, but for those of you who'd like to read the previous = books (highly recommended), they can be found at my web site,, or at any of = the archives mentioned below. Archivists: Already sent to 7th Dimension ( = and will be sent to Heliopolis ( when it reopens for = submissions at the end of June. I also post to the News Group alt.highlander.creative, which can be accessed through Google or your newsreader. Anyone else, please contact me for the appropriate url to = link to my site, or feel free to put it up on yours if you like! Disclaimer: Okay, so a few of the characters in this story actually = belong to me, but I'm still not making any money off the others. But please, go ahead and sue me anyway. If fact, I'll make you a deal. You help me gain fame and notoriety -- and I'll help your lawyers spend all that retainer money! Summary: Methos and O'Neill attend an intergalactic conference. When = trouble happens, as usual, they're in the middle of it. Is nothing ever as it = seems? Note to canon junkies: This is a crossover and an alternative universe = tale of derring-do. It's a good bet you'll find something to get annoyed = over. Personal note: Many thanks to Arameth for diabolical and fiendish = torment of the author, guidance and without whom none of this would be possible. To = His Gracefulness Charles, for flying to the rescue and shattering delusions = of grandeur -- in places where others fear to tread. To Athers, First Beta = of The Apocalypse, for helping make all this possible. And last, but not = least, many, many thanks to my hero, Captain Average, for beta above and beyond = the call. In Memoriam: General George S. Patton (aka Paddywackers) Age 27, Feline, Male, Black, sadly neutered. Rest peacefully, sweet cat. And for Mau, = sorely missed. Everyone ought to have a curmudgeon. --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.371 / Virus Database: 206 - Release Date: 6/14/02