The Methos Chronicles: Words By Mina-Clare Moseley Synopsis: Episode 4 of "The Methos Chronicles". In 1583, Methos has the deal with a lovesick noblewoman, a jealous Hugh Fitzcairn, annoyingly sappy poetry, Kit Marlowe and a VERY amused Rosalyn. Rating: PG-13. Language and sexual situations. Archive: Seventh Dimension and anyone else who wants it. Author's Notes: This is Episode 3 in the 13 episode season. For more information on the Methos Chronicles series check out: . NOTE! This is an updated address for "The Methos Chronicles" homepage. This page has been updated, if any of you are interested. With more in-dept profiles and information on upcoming episodes Disclaimer: Highlander belongs to Davis-Panzer Entertainment. This is non-profit fan fiction. Note: Wow! This is even later than Episode Three. I shouldn't even try to aim for a date on these stories. They'll come when they come. Maybe if I lighten up on myself, it'll be a bit easier. As usual, thanks to Pablo and Fre. Also big thanks to Lenora Mackenzie, my favourite Fitzcairn fan. **** Joseph Dawson sighed, opening up the paper. He picked up his coffee, wincing as the hot liquid touched his tongue. He muttered under his breath about the state of the world, scanning the headlines. The door to the bar swung open. Joe didn't even look up. "We're not open for a few hours yet." "Not even for your best friend?" Methos asked. The old immortal strode in. "Come on, Barkeep....." "Coffee. You can have coffee. It's ten in the morning." Joe looked up, gesturing to the pot brewing behind the bar. "Oh, you brought a friend." "She just can't go anywhere without me," Methos commented, getting himself and Rose coffee. "Complete dependence on me." Rolling her eyes, Rose Marlowe held out her hand. "It's nice to meet you, Mr. Dawson. Methos has told me a lot about you." "All good, I hope." She sat down. "Hope all you want, it's not happening." "Thanks *buddy*," Joe hissed at Methos. Rose glanced at the headlines on Joe's paper. She gave a snort. "The Sanders Portrait is being examined at Oxford? Good thing I'm not working on it. There would be an unfortunate chemical accident." Joe was confused. "I thought you did work as a conservationist currently, Rosalyn. Isn't it against your code to want portraits destroyed?" "For the great bore of Stratford, I would make an exception" "Not a fan of the bard?" Joe asked. "From your profile, I thought Shakespeare would be one of your friends. Big time poet and all." "THAT plagiarizing hack? Yeah right!" Methos chuckled, sitting beside Rose. "Woman scorned, not a good situation, Dawson." He turned to Rose. "May I remind you that you got drunk and gave him the idea?" "The least he could have done was gotten it right!" Rose exclaimed. "I mean really! 'I am your spaniel'?!?!" "I'm needing a backstory," Joe said. "Way back when," Methos started with a sigh, "Mr. Shakespeare wrote a play called 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'." Rose snorted. "Wrote? More like butchered!" "Anyway, Rose claims to have had the original idea. Back in those days, Rose was QUITE fond of sitting in bars, whoring around with any man who could write a sonnet. She usually got drunk and told them her own ideas." Rose gaped at Methos. "I have NEVER 'whored around'. I inspired starving writers. I was a muse!" Methos raised an eyebrow. "So that's what you're calling it these days?" "You're just bitter about the Rostand matter. Haven't I apologized enough for that?" "You got me immortalized!" "Is that supposed to be a pun?" Rose asked sarcastically. Joe hushed the two bickering immortals. "Excuse me.... What's the Rostand matter?" "Edmond Rostand." Rose explained. "Author of Cyrano de Bergerac." "You gave him the story?" "She gave him MY story." Methos muttered. "I lived it! Well, sort of....." ***** He is immortal. Born 5,000 years ago, the details of his birth have been lost to the ages. He will only fall with the strike of a sword and the loss of a head. He has been a healer.... A scholar.... A killer.... He is Methos. The Methos Chronicles Episode 4-- Words By Mina-Clare Moseley ***** **The year was 1583. I had been living with a minor nobility in Durham. They were of little importance, connected to to the Percys. But they paid well. I was a scribe.....** **Which was the last thing they needed, as they were the stupidest family in England.** **Let me tell my story, Rosalyn.** Methos had existed at the manour for a year now. He could not honestly say he lived there. It was simply a rest stop in the endless journey that was his life. Lord William was a good enough man. He had recognized Methos' intelligence and offered him temporary accommodations as a scribe. It was the smartest thing he had ever done. The old immortal was a scribe. It was a job that fit him well. He was left alone in his quarters, rarely visited by anyone. Only two people knew he was here and they were not big on visiting. There was only one problem.... "Oh Andreewwwwwwwwwww....." The Lord's daughter, Elizabeth, drew out his alias into what was supposed to be an alluring hiss. Methos felt a stabbing pain in his temples. "My lady, how may I assist you?" "I require your assistance on a sonnet I am composing." Lady Elizabeth had expressed her interest in Methos the day of his arrival. She was fond of saying she appreciated men with minds. **As she didn't have one of her own.** **ROSALYN!** **You've said it yourself, Old Man.** **Yes, I have, but I'd like to continue my story.** "What may I help you with?" Methos asked, giving the lady a tight, forced smile. "I need a word which rhymes with pale." She clutched her parchment to her bosom, sighing deeply. "How can I compose a sonnet expressing my love if I can find nothing that rhymes with pale!" "If you would read me the sonnet and I could understand the context it must be in, I'm sure I can assist you." Methos inwardly reminded himself of the number of pounds he was paid a week, so not to be tempted to toss Lady Elizabeth out on her ass. Elizabeth cheeks flushed pink. "Oh now, Andrew.... I couldn't!" "Fine." Methos turned back to his work. "Sorry I couldn't help." "Well, if you insist...." Elizabeth twittered, clearing her throat. "Beautiful eyes the colour of gold, Skin very, very pale Compared to me, you're very old." Methos rolled his 'colour of gold' eyes. This was the fifth sonnet in as many weeks Lady Elizabeth had written praising his virtues. "How about 'to love me, you'll need to be drunk on ale," He muttered under his breath. "What did you say?" Elizabeth asked. "I said," Methos searched through his mental dictionary. "Male. Male rhymes perfectly with pale." "Of COURSE!" Elizabeth shrieked. "'You're a perfect male'! It's brilliant!" "I'm glad I could assist. Now, if you please, I'm quite busy right now." "But I must thank you for your help." "It was my pleasure, my Lady," he forced the words out, "I love to help budding poets." And you leaving will be thanks enough, he added mentally. ***** "So you're working for a Lord and his daughter has a crush on you. So?" Joe yawned. "Are you just trying to show off? Prove how desirable you are? I think it's enough just bringing the charming Ms. Marlowe in here." "Do you know nothing about story telling, Dawson? I'm trying to set the mood! Illustrate how loathesome I found Elizabeth." "Okay, you couldn't stand her." "It was more than that. She was absolutely repellant! Pretentious, spoiled, dumb as a post....." He sighed, remembering the noble. "She did have a nice body, though." Joe rolled his eyes. "Is that really a necessary detail, Methos?" "Actually, it is. She was gorgeous. Dark brown hair, green eyes.... Killer body. Of course, I've never been one to go for just the esthetics. Unfortunately, there was someone who did....." ***** With a sweep of his arm, Hugh Fitzcairn bowed deeply. "Lord William, I am honoured you have agreed to meet with me." "Think nothing of it, my boy," Lord William said, waving his hand so Fitzcairn would rise. "I understand to wish to court my daughter Elizabeth." "Yes. I noticed her radiance at the wedding of my second cousin. My Lord, she is the most stunning creature I have ever met. It would be an honour to be wed to such a goddess." He sighed. "I don't have much to offer, much of my fortune was lost when my family died. All I can really offer is my name and my sword. I will protect the lady with my life's blood." "You are friends with Robert Dudley, are you not, Fitzcairn?" Lord William eyed the blond haired gentleman. "Oh yes, quite good friends. I visit him often. Should Lady Elizabeth accept my proposal, Robert will be my groomsman, I am sure!" He laughed. "If the girl wants you, Fitzcairn, I no objections!" Lord William laughed. "I must warn you. Her head is filled with such romantic twaddle, you will have your work cut out for you." "I am quite sure Lady Elizabeth will accept." "The best of luck to you, Fitzcairn. As my wife's cousin's nephew, I will allow you to stay at the manour while you pursue her." "I am in your debt, my Lord." Fitzcairn bowed again. ***** Joe shook his head. "Fitzcairn. HUGH Fitzcairn? As in, Mac's friend?" "The very same. Of course, back then he wasn't Mac's friend. Hell, Mac hadn't even been born!" Methos stretched out. "Back then, his was a 393-year-old pissant vagabond. Of course, he was just a 447-year-old pissant vagabond when MacLeod met him, and a 804-year-old pissant vagabond when he died." "Fitzcairn was never big on variety, was he?" Rose commented. "Except when it came to women." "Elizabeth was just beautiful enough that Fitzcairn wanted to bed her, she was also rich enough that he wanted to marry her. Of course, he was going to have his work cut out for him...." **** TO BE CONTINUED.......