Title: The Prize Author: Rach Rating: PG Characters: M, C, DM, CM, A, Silas, Rebecca, Darius, Ramierez + OFC Archiving: 7th Dimension, CotH yes please - all others please ask. This will be going up in Athers' Fiction Library in due course (www.athersfictionlibrary.co.uk) Comments: The latest instalment of the Thousand Years universe, set some forty years after 'Hopes for the Future' and 'Escaping the Horsemen' Summary: And then there was one... Disclaimer: With the exception of Ahymee, no one who appears in this story belongs to me. They are all owned by DPP. I don't make any money out of this, it's done for love and entertainment - you can sue me over this, but really, all you'll get is a dying African Violet and half a bottle of mineral water... Comments 2: As the title and summary might lead you to imagine this IS a gathering story with everything that implies. You don't have to have actually read anything else I've ever written to get this - although there are a couple of references to 'Escaping the Horsemen' - and if you've read 'Hopes for the Future' you'll probably be able to figure out where this story's likely to go. I make no apologies. This hasn't been strictly beta read - so any mistakes are my own fault. Feedback is gratefully received: Rachel.Trench@blueyonder.co.uk