Title: Alexa Author: Rach Rating: G Archiving: 7th Dim, CotH, yes please; this will go up at Athers' Fiction Library in due course. Summary: Nine months isn't long, but some times 'isn't long' can contain a lifetime Notes: It's not a continuation of the Thousand Years universe <grovels> but it was something that just begged to be written. Disclaimer: Alexa, her thoughts and the man she's with belong to DPP. The song lyrics belong to Messrs Hogarth, Rothery, Trewavas, Kelly and Mosley. Everything is used without permission, but no offence is intended and no money is made. Suing me will only get you half a bottle of mineral water and a lettuce leaf. Many thanks to the peanut gallery for all their help - much appreciated, ladies <g> Feedback is gratefully received, whether you loved it, hated it or found it just plain weird: Rachel.Trench@tesco.net -- The Oracle: The First Beta of the Apocalypse Mistress of the Holy Arts of Grammar Keeper of Grisham's Fuse Plug Montoya's Personal Secretary and keeper of his sense of humour A Dr.Helm Naughty Nurse and Keeper of the Bedside Manner Member of the North West Territories branch of the Clan Fabulous Honorary Aussie Sometime Visigoth "If you are not the lead elephant, the view never changes" - Anna and the King Visit the Fiction Library: www.athersfictionlibrary.co.uk