Title: Reassignment Author: Lori Wright Rating: G Date: 11/18/01 Characters: Amy Zoll, Adam Pierson/Methos, an assortment of Watchers Summary: Amy receives the Methos project and discovers a bit about who Methos really is. Status: finished Email: lwright3@rochester.rr.com URL: http://home.rochester.rr.com/lwrightfanfic Archive: Seventh Dimension Disclaimer: The dates for this story are taken from the Watcher CD, not the airing of the different episodes. I needed some uniformity and this seemed the best way to achieve it. The names of Amy Zoll's tribunal are lifted also from the Watcher CD. All things Highlander belong to Panzer/Davis. I've just borrowed their fabulous characters to explore some missing scenes from the series, and used tidbits documented on the Watcher CD. No money was made, so please don't sue. This particular tale is part of an ongoing series, which incorporates both Origins and Hidden Agenda and will include Of Biblical Proportion and Adjustment. However, for this story you don't need to know any of them. Both Origins and Hidden Agenda are archived on Seventh Dimension and on my own web page, http://home.rochester.rr.com/lwrightfanfic Many thanks to my betas. Shomeret, who gifted me with her wisdom of splitting up the monstrosity into several distinct stories, of which this is the first, and pointed out some pesky plot holes and inconsistencies. Janeen, who scoured the story and found multiple punctuation mistakes and additional canon misrepresentations. An author is nothing without good betas and I am blessed with having worked with the best. As all of you know, there is no profit from the fanfic we write, only the satisfaction of the finished story. Write me if you like it at: lwright3@rochester.rr.com Permission to archive at Seventh Dimension. All others, please contact me first. This story can also be found on my web page: http://home.rochester.rr.com/lwrightfanfic If any of you prefer the story on multiple e-mail messages, please let me know and I'd be glad to send them to you. There is formatting in this story that doesn't lend itself to "text only." Enjoy!