*** When he was calmer, he asked more questions. "Have you called Joe's daughter yet? Or his parish priest?" It seemed odd that it wasn't one of them who'd called *him*. "No, Monsieur MacLeod. The only name in his wallet, aside from his own, was yours." "Oh." That came as a surprise. "There was a note saying you should be called in the event of his death, and you'd know who else ought to be informed." The hospital chaplain paused and cleared his throat. "And whoever spoke to you was to deliver the message." "Message?" He belatedly remembered Bouchard's opening words. //"I'm glad you're an English speaker. The message I'm supposed to give you won't have to be translated."// "Yes. The note indicated it was very important that upon Monsieur Dawson's death, you be given this message quickly. It's brief--that's why I'm glad it's in your native tongue. I don't know if it will make sense to you. But if it doesn't, it won't be because some shade of meaning was lost in translation." MacLeod felt all his nerve endings tingle. "Okay. What is it?" "A single word. *Go*." *** He sat very still. Slowly, it sank in. //Joe...*knew!* He knew what I planned to do after his death, whenever it might occur. Or rather, after his burial. But how could he? I've never shared that secret with anyone, even Methos or Amanda. I guess the answer is obvious. He knew what I'd want to do because he knew *me* so well. And he's given me the green light...to do it *now*, without waiting for the funeral.// He was suddenly very scared. *** "Monsieur MacLeod? Are you still there?" Bouchard was asking. "Do you understand what your friend meant?" "Yes. Yes, I do," he replied steadily. "Thank you, Father. And now I hope you have pen and paper handy. There are several more people you should call." He supplied the names, addresses, and phone numbers of Joe's daughter Amy, his pastor, and even his niece in the United States. "His pastor is the one most likely to know his wishes about funeral arrangements," he concluded. "Very well, I'll get in touch with them," the chaplain promised. "Will you be coming to the hospital to view the body?" MacLeod's breath caught in his throat. After a long pause, he whispered, "No." *** He tried to ignore the swaying of the barge--now, at least, brightly lit--as he gathered the papers he'd need and stuffed some clothing into a duffel bag. He signed and dated the deed that would transfer ownership of his dojo to its current, worthy manager. That could be dropped in the nearest mailbox. He'd simply abandon the barge. He'd moved on before, many times, to conceal the fact that he didn't age. But he'd never made a break like this. *** Much as he valued the mission of the Watchers, MacLeod had realized long ago that no Immortal who *knew* he was being Watched--and didn't count his Watcher as a close friend--could lead even a quasi-normal life. The odds were overwhelmingly against his lucking out again, finding another friend like Joe. He'd had no problem with his goldfish-bowl existence while Joe was his Watcher. And he'd planned to endure it as long as Dawson lived, even after his retirement. He'd hoped the day of reckoning could be postponed for a half-century. But every year, for five years now, he'd secretly prepared a new backup identity. Just in case. Each year he'd obtained a birth certificate for a male child who'd died at birth twenty-eight years before. For the three who'd been American, he'd also gotten U. S. Social Security numbers. And he'd faked backgrounds, complete with education and employment history. With luck, an identity that gave his initial age as twenty-eight would be good for fifteen years. He knew from experience that neighbors and co-workers who see a person every day seldom notice his aging--or, within reason, his *not* aging. *** Now his hands shook as he held the forged passport he'd actually use. //This would be a damn sight easier if I could change my appearance.// He envied Methos the fair complexion that permitted him to change hair color--and, with contacts, eye color--at will. His own olive skin made dark hair and eyes a necessity. It ruled out a number of nationalities, too, no matter how flawlessly he spoke the languages. So he'd be heading back to America--to Florida, where he'd never lived before. A small town, he'd decided, inland. He'd seek a position as a teacher and athletic coach. When the identity was well established he'd have more options. A few years down the road, if he was finding his life too tame, he'd join the Peace Corps. Duncan MacLeod had never spent much time in Africa. He'd e-mailed Methos and Amanda, but only to break the news of Joešs death. After he was settled, he'd let them know where he was...somehow. He wouldn't trust e-mail, or the telephone. But he'd never see Amanda again. The risk would be too great--she had an assigned Watcher. And he wouldn't get together with Methos until "Adam Pierson," supposed-mortal friend of Duncan MacLeod, was long forgotten. He'd go to great lengths to avoid other Immortals. If he was forced to fight and kill, his opponent's Watcher would be sure to recognize him. Then he'd have to lose the Watcher *and* start over with a new identity. //I'll keep my own Chronicle//, he vowed. //Like Methos.// Of course, there was no guarantee that anyone else would ever read either of them. //This isn't so different from what I've done a dozen times before.// But he knew it was. Always before, his door had been open to at least a few other Immortals. And always before, in all times and corners of the world, he had been Duncan MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod. *** The phone rang again as he was about to leave. He glanced at his watch. Seven a. m. That would be Amy. //She'll be broken up, need a shoulder to cry on. But my only hope of escaping the Watchers is to move quickly--get out of here before anyone guesses I'd do such a thing. Joe knew that.// He wavered. //*Joe told me to go.*// For once in his life, loyal, conscientious Duncan MacLeod ignored a ringing phone. He slung the duffel bag over his shoulder, left the cabin--unlocked--and made his way down the gangplank. Its glaze of ice prompted a vicious kick. //I'll miss you, Joe, as long as I live. But I'm glad you understood what I have to do. Thanks for letting me know you approved. In death, you gave me a priceless gift.// Duncan MacLeod turned for a last, lingering look at the barge. He fought back the tears that stung his eyes. Then a man named David Carlino strode briskly away. THE END