Title: One of a Kind Characters: M, J Rating: PG-13 (to cover a little bit of bad language) Series: Part of the 'Thousand Years' universe, set around about the same time as 'Escaping the Horsemen'. There are references to Retribution and Sins of the Present, so reading those two will help a little, but it's not crucial. Archiving: Seventh Dimension, CotH - feel free. Anyone else, please ask first. This will be archived at Athers' Fiction Library. Summary: How well did Joe know Methos? Disclaimers: Not mine. Anyone who tells you they are is lying. They're owned by DPP and no harm is meant. Please don't sue me - all you'll get is cat fleas... Thanks: Thanks to Esjay, whose mentally stimulating (!!) emails have forced me to finally think about this. It's an idea I've been rolling around in the back of my mind for *months*, but until she started prodding me with questions about Methos it was one of those ideas to 'do later'. Guess now would be later! Thanks also to the beta posse for making sure that my incoherent ramblings made sense. Feedback: Yes please. If you liked it, if you hated it, if you thought it was just plain weird. Rachel.Trench@tesco.net **************************************