*** The sun was low in the autumn sky. By now they could barely make out the faces of Duncan MacLeod and Richie Ryan, frolicking in the clearing with a younger Adam. "All right," Andrew said at last. *"Tell me how you did it."* Adam didn't have to ask what he meant. "I just wanted a memento of MacLeod after his death. He wore his hair long at the time, like you see it in the vid...I let myself into his living quarters and took one of his silver hair- clasps. I didn't even realize some hairs were caught in it." "And centuries later," Andrew said slowly, "you found that you'd become mortal. Because there were no other living Immortals. *So you solved your problem by using those hairs to create a clone of Duncan MacLeod.*" "Guilty as charged. It happened thirty years ago--just an eyeblink, for me. I wasn't sure the cloning would work, or that you'd be a pre-Immortal. But you are. And I became Immortal again as soon as you came out of the womb. An artificial womb, of course." "Of course." Andrew wasn't troubled by the thought of cloning. Many of his colleagues on Hathor were clones. But it had never occurred to him that he might be, because he clearly wasn't a clone of *Adam*. "Why MacLeod and not yourself?" he asked. "Couldn't you have found a sample of your own DNA from before you became mortal?" Adam made a face. "As a matter of fact, I couldn't. After the monster Quickening when I killed my last opponent, I had to flee the planet." Then he smiled. "But MacLeod was a nicer person. I missed him." Moments later he seemed to realize that required amplification. "Andrew, I don't expect you to *be* Duncan MacLeod! Or replace him. You're an identical twin, nothing more. I didn't even name you for him." "No," Andrew replied with a smile. "Just for the patron saint of this land we're in. This Scotland." Adam chuckled. "I wondered if you'd realize that."