THE NEW WORLD by Trilby (Second story in the "Disciple" arc) Rating: G Characters: DM RR JD OFC Classification: Gen Comments: The second story in the arc, "The Disciple". Till the arc is completed, expect dangling threads ahead. Summary: A new Immortal tries to deal with the changes in her life. Archiving: At Seventh-Dimension, absolutely I posted the first story in this arc to the HLFIC-L in December of 1997, and then I hit a literary brick wall. "The New World" would never have been completed without the unwavering faith and encouragement of the inestimable Randy Ferrance. Randy, I can't possibly thank you enough for your constant support. Some of you will know Randy as the wonderful writer "Doc Anvil", and if you've never read any of his stories, you're missing a real treat. His fic can be found at: Thanks also to my invaluable beta's, K.J.Perry and Robin Tennenbaum. They read through countless versions of "The New World", and I owe them more than I can ever repay for their hard work and patience. Any flaws in "The New World" are mine alone, what's good here is due to them. Robin's fine stories can be found at: "The New World" is a "stand-alone" story, but it's the second piece in an arc that I hope one day to actually complete. The first story is "Advent", and it can be found at the Seventh Dimension site: http://www.seventh Many thanks, as well, go to Ann Fountain for her hard work in maintaining the excellent Seventh Dimension archive; and to the totally delightful Johanne Briere, my muse and expert consultant in All Thing Richie. And thanks to all the readers who keep Highlander fanfic alive! The legal hoo-ha: Duncan MacLeod, Richie Ryan, Joe Dawson, and the Highlander universe do not belong to me, and I am making no money from writing or posting this story. Feedback is always welcome. Thanks for your interest, and I hope you enjoy "The New World"! ------------------- Trilby