part 7b =20 =20 A few days later they met just after dawn in an abandoned warehouse not = far from the Mansion. They needed space for what they had planned. = Willow looked around the decrepit building. <Goddess, there are a lot of = these things around Sunnydale. I wonder if there are vampire realtors -- = Abandoned building, already sun-proofed, best offer. > The group had = decided that it was best to do this during the day, just in case they = failed -- releasing Angelus. As soon as the casting was done they would = go to the Mansion and check on Angel. Giles had stocked his car with = the provisions needed to re-curse the vampire if necessary.=20 =20 Willow and Cassandra carefully laid out the diagrams described in the = journal and a large protective circle. The Immortal moved to stand = inside the circle as Willow, Giles, and Anya moved to stand on the = diagram. Xander was standing guard; after some discussion, Cassandra = had decided that Anya's years of experience made her the better choice = for actually working the spell. Xander's job had been persuading the = former demon to do it. It had taken a lot of persuading, but she = finally given in. =20 =20 Cassandra had dressed in a comfortable leather outfit that morning. She = had had to avoid Angel to prevent him from seeing her in it. He knew = that it was what she wore when she knew she was going into a fight. = Leather wasn't her usual clothing choice, but it provided a bit more = protection that regular cloth. Willow had added several amulets of = protection to the ensemble -- she didn't care if Cass could heal from = just about anything. The redhead didn't want her friend and teacher to = get hurt in the first place. =20 They were actually skipping the first third of the spell. There were = actually three spells laid out in the journal. The first called the = soul back to the body, and Willow had already done that. So they were = going straight to part two -- destroying the demon that had tormented = Angel for over two hundred years. The last spell would lock Angel's = soul to his body. The sorcerer had found no way to do that part without = getting rid of the demon first. =20 Cassandra and Willow had read through the spells in minute detail, = determined to miss nothing. Angel would still be a vampire; that was = irreversible. But there would be no demon, and his soul would be bound = to him until he was dusted. If, of course, it worked. =20 The trio standing on the diagram began to intone the words they had = carefully memorized, and Cassandra drew her sword and held it ready. A = shadow began to form inside the circle.=20 =20 Angel looked up from the computer; distracted from the text he was = reading. Something felt strange. <What's happening?! > Inside him the = demon squirmed, shrieking. Sudden excruciating pain flowed through him. = <Willow? > "Willow!" He'd felt magic, and the touch of it was familiar. = He'd felt it before -- when his friend had restored his soul and when = she had pulled him out of Hell. <What are you doing to me? > The demon = was fighting it. Angel was almost swamped by the wave of intense fear, = and he almost gave into that fear and began fighting alongside the demon = -- his enemy. Then he let go -- let the spell do it what it would. = Blood tears running down his face, Angel fell to the floor in pain. <I = trust you, Willow. > =20 =20 As Willow, Giles, and Anya reached the end of the spell the dark shape = in the circle began to gain solidity. It was the demon -- in physical = form. Hideous didn't even begin to describe the creature. With = incredible speed the demon threw himself at the protective barrier that = Willow and Cassandra had set, trying to reach the mortals that had dared = to pull him out of Angel. Giles and Anya scrambled back, pulling Willow = with them. They watched wide-eyed, unable to help, as the demon turned = and attacked Cassandra, the only one within his reach. The Immortal was = ready for him; she quickly deflected his claws and ducked under his = snapping teeth. The demon shrieked at his prey's evasiveness as he = slammed into the barrier again. Cassandra spun and stabbed him through = the shoulder. It was a serious but, unfortunately, not fatal wound. = The demon was faster and stronger than Cassandra. But while the = Immortal was calm, almost detached, the demon was mad with rage at being = attacked. He lashed out at his opponent once again. Willow cried out = with horror as she watched the demon claw the Immortal's side, gouging = deeply. The young woman almost missed seeing Cassandra swing her sword = and behead the demon in one smooth motion. Abruptly, the factory was = silent. The body fell, turning to ash as it did. Angel's demon hit the = concrete floor in an explosion of ash. =20 Cassandra stood in the flurry of ash, leaning on her sword. She turned = to the others, who stood stunned just outside the protective barrier. = She gasped. "Finish it." =20 Quickly the three moved back to the diagram and resumed chanting. =20 =20 Angel lay on the floor, staring blankly at the dark ceiling of the = Mansion. The pain had ending abruptly, allowing the vampire to uncurl = out of fetal position. His demon was gone from the cage in his mind, = but Angel was too numb and confused to appreciate or even register the = fact. =20 A feeling like a warm, comforting hand settled over him. <More magic. > = He thought dazedly. Once again it had a familiar feel. <Willow's hand = on my soul. > Angel let his eyes slide closed and gave into = unconsciousness. =20 The factory was again quiet. Cassandra swayed and fell; the demon = had badly wounded her. Blood flowed freely down her side. Willow = gasped and ran forward, breaking the circle. Anya ran to get Xander. =20 =20 Willow knelt in the ashes and blood next to her teacher. "Cassandra!?" =20 "I'll be fine," she said weakly, "It's not even fatal. I'm old --I heal = fast. Just give me a few minutes. =20 =20 Willow and the rest of group watched with fascination as the deep claw = marks began to close and shrink with incredible speed. It is one thing = to be told it will happen; it is another thing to actually see it = happen. None of them moved until Cassandra took a deep breath and got to = her feet. =20 "Let's go make sure this worked," The Immortal stated calmly, walking = out of the factory and getting in the car, as if she hadn't just fought = a demon to the death. She was only outwardly calm though. <I can't = believe I just did that. That thing could have ripped my head off! = Goddess! The things I do for my students! > She forced herself to stay = calm, the others were reeling from the powerful conjuring -- Cassandra = wanted no bouts of hysteria until AFTER they'd made sure that Angel was = in one piece. =20 They made Xander drive. Fortunately, they ran into no traffic cops = during the short trip to the Mansion. =20 Cassandra went in first. There was no telling what frame of mind Angel = would be in after what they had just put him through. She at least = would heal from most damage. Giles followed her with a tranquilizer gun = -- just in case. =20 =20 "In here!" the Immortal called out. All of them rushed into the = Mansion. Cassandra was kneeling next to Angel, who was still = unconscious on the floor. Willow joined her, taking hold of his limp = hand and wiping away the blood tears that covered his face. =20 =20 "Giles, we'd better tie him up. The demon is gone, but he could wake up = hysterical. And let's move him to the couch," Willow barely acknowledged = them as they moved the vampire. She simply followed him, refusing to = let go of his hand. =20 =20 As they started binding his hands, Angel began to surface. His eyes = flickered, then closed. A moment later his eyes flew open and he jerked = to a sitting position, pulling out of Giles and Cassandra's grasp. = "Willooow!" he screamed. Willow threw her arms around him; "It's = alright Angel. Everything's okay." Her voice was soothing. He wrapped = his arms around the small girl, burying his face in her hair. Angel = calmed quickly as he became more alert. However, he showed no intention = of letting go of Willow. Cassandra watched with not a small amount of = amusement as he leaned against the couch-back, pulling the redhead onto = his lap. His arms didn't loosen and his didn't move his face out of her = hair. =20 His curiosity kicked in after a few moments, and the vampire looked over = at Cassandra. "What was that. There was magic. The demon -- I can't = feel it anymore." His voice was shaky; and his dark eyes were filled = with a hope that he was afraid to express.=20 =20 Cassandra laid her hand on his shoulder, saying gently, "The demon is = gone, dead." His eyes were incredulous. "Willow found a way to force the = demon out so it could be destroyed without destroying you. You're = still a vampire, but there is no longer a demon. We've bound your soul = permanently." =20 Angel sat with his mouth hanging open. He searched inside himself and = felt only the slightest bit of bloodlust and not even a hint of the = demon. <Yes, that's why he fought so hard. > He turned to look into = Willow's eyes, only a few inches from his own. "You took that kind of = risk for me? Again?!" His voice went up on the last word. =20 Willow laid a hand on his cheek. "Of course. You're my friend." She = smiled. "If it was me you would have done it." =20 Angel, still reeling from surprise, grinned at the truth of that = statement. He learned into her hand. He was about to speak when the = front door opened. Buffy walked in. =20 She stared for a moment at the group gathered in front of her. She had = come over because Giles had been acting funny -- like he was hiding = something. It hadn't been hard to realize that it probably something = to do with Angel or Willow. Given her behavior lately on anything to do = with them she didn't blame Giles for not saying anything. Buffy had = begun to realize, over the past couple of weeks, that she'd been rather = childish. It was a very difficult admission to make. What she saw in = front of her was confirmation of all the changes she'd been trying to = deny. =20 =20 Angel looked like he'd been put through a wringer. His shirt was torn, = hair messier than normal, and his face covered tears. Willow, still on = his lap, had smeared blood and ash all over her pants. Cassandra, = leaning against the back of the couch, was also covered in blood, and = her leather shirt had been reduced to tatters. Giles was leaning = against the wall, distinctly pale. The Watcher was still holding the = tranquilizer gun. Anya, also pale, was leaning on Xander. <They went = into danger without me; I'm the Slayer --I could have helped. > But = Buffy knew why she had not been asked, and she wanted to kick herself. = She opened her mouth but little came out. =20 "What . . .?" the Slayer stuttered. =20 Seeing no anger, just confusion (and a little hurt), in her former = friend's face, Willow got up and went over to her. She guided Buffy = over to a chair. "Um, why don't you sit down. No one is hurt." = Willow gently described the events of the morning. Buffy's face rapidly = went from confused to stunned. =20 =20 "You're sure everyone's okay? It worked?" Buffy looked over at Angel. = He was looking at Willow. "What about all the blood?!" =20 "That's mine." Cassandra explained. "There are definitely benefits to = being Immortal. Rapid healing being among the most significant." Her = tone was dry. In a more reassuring voice she continued. "The casting = worked. Angel need never fear the domination of his demon ever again."=20 =20 "I could feel him leave. I felt the demon die, " Angel added, his = usually solemn voice filled with wonder and joy. =20 Buffy looked at him quietly. As she saw the glowing smiles Willow and = Angel turned on each other she felt her confusion fade away. She smiled = at them, and said sincerely, "I'm glad." She looked at Giles' and = Anya's pale faces again. "Giles, you're way too pale. I'm driving you = home. Xander, take Anya home and make sure she rests." Giles and the = others relaxed; Buffy was handling the surprise far better than any of = them had hoped. =20 "My car. . ." Giles began to protest, " and we should review the = spells." =20 "The spells worked. I can drive your car. You need to rest. MARCH." = Buffy's voice left little room for argument. The Watcher decided it was = best to obey and said his good-byes. Buffy moved to follow the others = but then stopped to walk back to Willow. She hugged the young witch = tightly; after a moment of surprise Willow hugged her back. "I'm glad = you're not hurt. Get some rest, you're nearly see-through." The Slayer = turned and quickly left, leaving the vampire and the two witches to = recover from the morning. =20