Chapter Twenty Duncan drove up and parked in front of the house on Pemlico Avenue. Joe Dawson's house. Tonight he meant to finally put an end to their complicated relationship. Resting his hands on the steering wheel, he looked at the light filtering through the closed blinds and thought about how many times he and Joe had covered this same topic of contention. Although they had tried through the years to forge a deep friendship, there were times like this when their mutual esteem and respect for one another was stretched to the limit. It always boiled down to the same thing. He was an Immortal, a fact he couldn't change, and Joe was a Watcher, a fact he had been willing to change for the sake of their friendship. But, he himself couldn't allow it because the Watchers meant too much to Joe and had been a part of his life for too long. His feelings of anger and betrayal had changed to acceptance. He had resigned himself to the realization that their friendship was doomed from the beginning because of who they were. He would grieve for the loss of their friendship, but mostly he would grieve for the loss of his sanctuary, the island. For over one hundred years it had been an oasis in the bleak periods of his immortality where he could find respite. Without it's existence, he might have become another Greg Powers, so dead inside he had to fed off the fears of others to feel alive, or Brian Cullen, living in a constant haze of drugs and alcohol to bolster his failing courage. The island was lost to him now. The memories of the happier times he'd spent there seemed tainted because he knew he had always been under the constant scrutiny of the Watchers, even there. He had decided it was time to move on. Maybe he would go back to Europe for a while. Maybe he could sell the property to a university, historical society or other organization that would promise to preserve it as an historic site because of its ties to the Lakota people. Lost in thought, the sudden loud barking of a dog jarred him from his reverie and to the reason why he was here. With a heavy heart, he opened the car door and stepped out. Glancing up at the house again, he hesitated as he watched a shadow pass over the blinds as someone moved cross the room. Forcing himself to move, he walked up the steps and rang the doorbell. After several seconds, he heard the sound of Joe's cane tapping against the floor as he neared the door. A warm smile lit up the Watcher's bearded face, when he unexpectedly found the Immortal Scotsman standing on his front porch. "Hey, MacLeod, this is a surprise!" Motioning for him to enter, he added. "Come in, and have a seat, I'll go fix us a drink." Walking towards the liquor caddy sitting on the table across room, he asked over his shoulder. "Did you just get back in town? I've called the loft a few times to find out if you were back." While handing him his drink, Joe noticed MacLeod's somber expression. "So, what's brought you to my neck of the woods this time of night and looking so grim?" Duncan took a sip of his bourbon, and then sat the glass down as he took a seat. Turning the glass around in a circle, he watched the ice cubes float and clink against the sides of the glass, before speaking. Clearing his throat, he said truthfully. "Actually, I've been back for a while. I've been spending time on the island. But, then you already know that, right?" He said, glancing up at Joe. "What? How would I already know that?" Joe said, and laughed in confusion. "There's no need to lie anymore Joe, I know about Jon Taylor and Jack Morrison. That's why I'm here. I know we've come close to ending our friendship before, but this time you've gone too far, Joe, I can't forget or forgive what you've done." Frowning, Joe stared at MacLeod for a few seconds wondering if he was losing his mind. "What the hell are you talking about?" Duncan was in no mood to be put off. "Are you going to deny that Jon Taylor was a Watcher and that was working with Jack Morrison to keep tabs on me when I was on the island?" Seeing Joe was about to speak, Duncan held up his hand to stop him. "Don't, bother to deny it Joe. I met Caitlin Taylor by accident at the general store. She's staying at her father's cabin, conveniently located across the lake from the island. Curious, I made a point to get aquainted with her. If I hadn't, I would have never known the cabin was there because it's so secluded. But, that's the way it works with you Watchers, right? Keep the subject from learning he's being observed." The anger and betrayal he felt when he first learned about Taylor's existence was beginning to return. Slamming his drink down on the coffee table, Joe seated himself in the chair opposite MacLeod and glared at him. "Dammit MacLeod, I-" "Be careful Joseph, you're walking on dangerous ground here. You know how much the island means to me. I can't believe after all this time and what we've been through, you still kept this from me. You know it's the only place I can go to and really feel truly free. It's the one place I feel closest to Tessa and Richie because of all the happy times we shared there." Joe edged forward in the chair and tried to reason with MacLeod. "I swear Mac, no one spied on you at the island, I don't know what you're talking about. You've got to believe me." Duncan knew better and wanted Joe to admit it. "Like I believed you when you told me Horton was dead." Joe, winced and looked away, but Duncan persisted. Joe, Caitlin found her father's journal. He had photographs of me when I fought Michael Christian. Are you trying to tell me when I walked into the bar afterwards, you didn't already know who won?" Laughing sarcastically, Duncan continued. "Come on Joe, give me a break." Barely able to hold onto his own his temper, Joe unflinchingly looked MacLeod straight in the eye, and tried again to convince him he was telling the truth. "Yes, I admit Jon Taylor was a Watcher. There were times when I couldn't follow you because of the terrain, or whatever, when he or someone else became my legs. Yes, he was there when you fought Caleb Cole, I told you someone was there. But, he never, ever, told me about seeing you fight Michael Christian. If it's in a journal, than it's one he kept for himself, because I swear, Mac, I never knew he was there. And, I don't know anything about Jon having a cabin any where near Mount Claymore, let alone the island. If it's there, then he had it built strictly for his own reasons and without my knowledge. I know he greatly admired you and believed you would be the one to win in the end. But, I didn't know he had become that obsessed. Dammit, in the last few years he was more of a sponsor than a Watcher. He's was one of the many members who have contributed thousands of dollars to the Watcher Organization over the years. He even had his lawyer set it up so that even after his death, the organization would continue to receive money from his company's profits. Where do you think the money comes from to run our different branches all over the world? It comes from people like Jon Taylor who believe in the Watcher Organization and the work we do, but don't necessarily actively participate. Mac, you can't honestly believe I would ever allow someone to spy on you on the island. Think! Why would I, there's no reason to. It's holy ground, no other Immortal can challenge you there. I know how much that place means to you. Do you really think I would jeopardize our friendship to have you watched there of all places? " Having said his piece, Dawson rose slowly and stood before MacLeod, with his hands in his pockets and a sighed. "As far as Jack Morrison goes, he's a putz. I've been saddled with that jerk for years because his brother's a director. All he was supposed to do was to let me know if you were area. But, that was only in the beginning Mac, before we became friends. I didn't know he was working with Taylor. Hell, the last year or so, you were pretty much left alone wherever you went. That's all I have to say Mac. Either you trust and believe me because I'm your friend first and a Watcher second or you don't. If you can't, maybe we should call it quits for good. Then we wouldn't have to go through these agonizing bouts of mistrust every time you think I let my being a Watcher override our friendship. I've had enough Mac, I can't deal with this anymore. I think it might be better if you left." The Immortal looked up at the Watcher who was his friend, and saw the weariness and sadness in his gray-green eyes. Rising, Duncan and Joe stared at each other, searching for an answer to their latest impasse, then Joe stepped back and walked away. Standing before the front window he sighed heavily and said. "Good night, MacLeod, you know where the door is."