Chapter Ten Over the next few days, Duncan took his time with her. Showing her his favorite hiking spots and where he found the most solitude just looking at the natural beauty of nature's creations. Teaching her how to fish had them both howling with laugher, when Caitlin kept catching more tree limbs than fish, as she tried to cast out a line from shore. But, she was a good sport, even baiting her own hook and taking the fish off the line. Actually it was safer. When Duncan attempted to assist her with the fishing net, he was rewarded by getting slapped in the face by a lake trout as Caitlin tried to maneuver the rod around to get the fish in the net. One evening when the warmth of the day had turned chilly after the sun went down, they lay comfortably together on the floor in front of the fireplace on cushions they'd pull from the sofa. Duncan noticed Caitlin seem preoccupied and tried again to get her speak about what bothering her. "Caitlin, please tell me what's troubling you. I've come to care about you very much. Whatever it is, you can tell me, I told you I'm a good listener." Looking away, she said. "I'm beginning to feel a little foolish. In the greater scheme of things the reasons I came here, seem pretty trivial compared to what's going on in the world." Duncan took one of her hands in his and kissed the back of it, then gave it a gentle tug. "So, tell me." Pulling her hand free, she sat up and wrapped her arms around her upraised knees, and rested her chin upon them. "I'm sure it's nothing you haven't heard before." Watching the fire as she spoke, she continued. "About six months ago, my husband left me for a younger woman. The daughter of a wealthy client. It was so unexpected it hit me pretty hard. I loved him so much. We'd been married for over ten years and I thought we'd always be together. I deluded myself into thinking maybe it was just a fling, you know the "seven year itch" syndrome. Brad in no uncertain terms convinced me our marriage was over and he wanted out. I finally had to face the fact that he didn't love me anymore. The news media had a field day because Brad is a famous corporate attorney and my father, an even more famous architect and builder." "Your father?" "Jonathan DeWitt Taylor." Caitlin said softly. Duncan recognized the name instantly. He had been one of the many contributors to the building fund for the Galaxy North Complex. His reasons were very personal for wanting to see that section of the city revitalized. It was where the antique store was located that he and Tessa had once owned. By Duncan's expression, Caitlin knew he recognized her father's name. "You've heard of him then." "Yes. I've been interested in some his of projects over the years." "Then you're probably aware he died a few weeks ago?" Duncan solemnly nodded, and said. "Yes, I am. I'm so sorry, Caitlin." "My divorce was hard enough to handle, then when my father died, the whole media circus started all over again. Reporters coming to the house, and calling for interviews, trying to pump me for information about his life and projects. They even dredged up all the degrading details that led to my divorce. Even my parents divorce fifteen years ago became society page gossip again." Duncan remembered the front page newspaper headlines and the T.V. news coverage about her father's death. "FAMOUS ARCHITECT JONATHAN DEWITT TAYLOR DIES FROM MASSIVE HEART ATTACK AT CONSTRUCTION SITE." Without speaking, she slowly rose and walked to the window to look out at the moonlight shining on the sleek surface of the lake. The moon looked so clear on the water, it looked like you could reach out and touch it. Moving to stand behind her, Duncan folded his arms around her, and pulled her back against his body. Relaxing against him, Caitlin laid her head back on his shoulder, covering his arms with her own. Speaking softly, she continued. "When my ex-husband's, practice finally became successful after years of struggling, I thought we were finally going to have all the things we'd talked and dreamed about. We were wealthy enough to take some time off together, and think about starting a family. But, Brad decided to fulfill those dreams with someone else. My father had tried over the years to convince me to become a partner in his company, when I finally agreed, he died and I was thrown for a loop again. The hardest thing for me to get over, to deal with, is the fact that I wasn't there when he died. I miss him so much Duncan." Caitlin murmured, her voice cracking. Caitlin's words spoken in such anguish, re-opened the old wound he still carried deep inside. The rejection and pain he'd suffered from the man he'd once called father never really went completely away, no matter how many centuries passed. He still longed for Ian MacLeod's love and acceptance, wondering if he hadn't been killed by Kanwulf, if they might have eventually mended the rift between them. Nestling his cheek against her hair and holding her close within the circle of his arms, without words he offered her his compassion and his strength to console her. Turning, she wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head against his chest, taking all the comfort he had to offer. Duncan lowered his head and kissed her forehead gently. Wanting more, he kissed her cheek and then her mouth. Caitlin bent her head back to receive his kisses. Slowly sliding her hands up his chest, she clasped her arms around his neck and brought his head down for an even deeper, more soul searching kiss, awakening their mutual need for physical love. Breaking free from the passionate kiss while he still had the will to stop, Duncan gave Caitlin a chance to change her mind. "Caitlin, are you sure this is what you want? If you're not, we can stop now." He said quietly, his breath slightly labored. Her eyes sparkling with unshed tears, she gazed deeply, lovingly into the smokey darkness of his and said with quiet conviction. "I'm sure. It's what I really want. I need to feel loved again Duncan, I need to give love again." Kissing her deeply, thoroughly, he swept her up into his arms and carried her to the bedroom and gently laid her on the bed, following her down to lay beside her. Between feverish kisses and erotic caresses, they managed to undress one another and spent the rest of the night coming together in a shared yearning to feel desired, valued, and most of all loved. Just before dawn, still half asleep, Duncan reached out to pull Caitlin closer and found only empty space. Bolting upright, fully awake, his eyes scanned the semi-darkness. His panic faded when he spotted Caitlin's clothes still scattered around the room, and heard the sound of the shower running. Smiling to himself, he pulled his pillows up against the headboard and leaned back. Feeling relaxed, happy and sated, he clasped his hands behind his head and thought about the night of passion they had shared. Frowning suddenly, he hoped Caitlin wasn't regretting her decision to spend the night with him in the cold light of morning. He knew it was what they had both needed to heal the emotional wounds they had suffered. They'd both lost people close to them. The loss and the circumstances surrounding them may have been different but, they both lost a part of themselves and needed the love they felt for each other to fill that void and become whole again. He had known loss many times, but it never got any easier to accept. Lost in thought for a moment, he became aware the shower had stopped running and cautiously waited for the bathroom door to open. Several minutes later, Caitlin walked out of the bathroom. Her skin still damp, shimmered in the low morning light filtering through the curtained window. A bath towel was wrapped snugly around her body and another covered her hair, turban style. Glancing up as she walked, she realized he was awake. "Sorry, did I wake you?" She said, hesitantly. "No, I woke up when I found you were gone." He answered quietly, watching her closely, uncertain of her mood. Smiling at his answer, she walked to the bed and sat down beside him, drawing her legs up to the side. "Well, so much for worrying about Tanya being locked in the house all night." She said, laughing lightly while leaning forward to brush his lips with hers. Turning her to lay across his chest, Duncan said. "I'm sure she's fine. How about you? Any regrets?" He questioned casually. Although appearing relaxed, his heart beat a little faster while he waited for her answer. Without answering she reached up and caressed the side of his face. Moving her hand to the back of his neck, she pulled his head down and drank hungerly from his lips. "Does that answer your question?" She said softly, then tweaked his nose. Joining her playful mood, he pulled her tighter against his body, and tugged the towel loose from her hair. Burying his hands in the dampened strands, he turned her face to capture her lips, then her fragile eyes lids, covering them with feathery kisses, before moving his expedition slowly down the side of her neck and back up again. Breathing in the fresh fragrances of soap and shampoo, he continued his amorous assault until Caitlin moaned in submission. Breaking free momentarily, she murmured against his lips. "Keep this up and I'll need another shower." "That's the idea. Maybe this time I'll join you." He said warmly, before continuing. His hands joining his lips in the sweet, slow exploration of her body.