Darkness Into Light Part 0/6 Author: T L. Odell Title: "Darkness Into Light" Feedback address: tlco777@juno.com Rating: PG - very mild profanity Character listing: DM, TN, RR, AL Short teaser/summary: What would have happened if Tessa hadn't died the night she was shot? An alternative to "Darkness." Standard Disclaimers apply: I don't own any of these characters, don't make a cent. Feedback is the only reward. Archive: 7th Dimension OK. Others, please ask. The complete story can be found at http://pages.ivillage.com/tlodell/todellfanfic/ Thanks to Sandra McDonald for her nit-picking beta-reading. She can see the trees in the forest even when I've walked into them and still missed them. Thanks also to Randy Ferrance and Robin Tennenbaum for their medical help. Goodness knows they tried to make me get it right. Any remaining mistakes are my own.