There is 1 message totalling 40 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. Email Address Change and Need Help With "Subscriptions," Please? (Sorry Cross/Mass Post!) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 2 May 2007 10:18:31 -0400 From: Billie Lee Williams <> Subject: Email Address Change and Need Help With "Subscriptions," Please? (Sorry Cross/Mass Post!) Good Morning! Please excuse while I stick my nose in here with a "business" thingie..... I tried this with the "autoswitch" thing, but many messages were rejected due to their gosh darned PICTURE in the email--sorry about that!! My email address has changed FROM TO: (The AOL address will remain in effect for a while, so no worries on me getting mail!) I am sorry to have to do it this way, but for reasons most folks will already know, I cannot manage the re-subscribing thing on my own. LISTMOMS (and DADS), *please* can you help me with doing so to the new addy (the sbcglobal one) with all my current settings? (McL/Don, eg: I am "nowar" on Forkni-L, and on the fic list I am set to get VS4 *only*, I do believe...., no adult content [unless it is in VS4, stuff like that....). If anyone who is reading this is on ADRIAN'S ANGELS, I would like to go back ON that list, please; I cannot find the List Server....... Perhaps someone from Highla-L can send me *instructions* as to how to do it, I am afraid I deleted my last "Bi-Monthly Reminder" <g>. Sorry again, McL, Don, Libs, Merrie Gail, Debbie, and Lucard list owner (mind just went blank, oh gee!!). Thank you very much! Forever Yours, Forever Peace, HUGS to All, Billie-Lee (who is in "AOL Anywhere" and has no sig line here <g>) ________________________________________________________________________ AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from AOL at ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 28 Apr 2007 to 2 May 2007 (#2007-6) ************************************************************