There is 1 message totalling 41 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. From "Tough Guy" to "The Outback Stars" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2006 00:59:17 -0500 From: "Janine R. Shahinian" <> Subject: Re: From "Tough Guy" to "The Outback Stars" on 12/22/06 7:21 PM, Wendy at wrote: > Wendy (And here I thought I was the only one who didn't worship at the > alter of "Tough Guy")(Or "Seeds")(That sucked too.) Certainly, it's a matter of opinion whether one likes the subject matter of any particular fanfic. And, in terms of "Tough Guy," it's not even one of Sandra's favorite stories since she views her writing in that piece as technically flawed. However, you cannot deny that Sandra McDonald has earned her reputation as one of the greatest Highlander fanfic writers we've ever had, not only for the quality and quantity (over 70 stories!) of her writing, but also for the sheer scope of her subject matter. If her Richie-centric stories were not to your liking, she had plenty of excellent Duncan, Connor and Methos stories to choose from. One of Sandra's favorite stories, as well as one of her most popular, was "The Victories We Claim," the last story in her Methos WWII trilogy. To refresh your memory of Sandra's Highlander fanfic, most of her stories are archived at Wendy Perkins's site: <>. However, I recommend you start out from Sandra's own fanfic listing, which provides helpful groupings: <>. A two-book deal (before the second one was even started) from Tor Books demonstrates that it's a matter of FACT that bonafide professionals consider Sandra's writing to be worth their investment. The long list of the scifi/fantasy short stories she's already sold and published appears on her homepage: <>. That list, along with awards for some of those stories, also speaks for itself. - Janine ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 26 Dec 2006 to 27 Dec 2006 (#2006-19) **************************************************************