There is 1 message totalling 24 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. From "Tough Guy" to "The Outback Stars" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2006 08:43:37 +0200 From: T'Mar <> Subject: Re: From "Tough Guy" to "The Outback Stars" Sandy Fields wrote: > Um... err.... mmm... I liked them both. :-) Me too, Sandy. Funny, I haven't received the original post yet. Got about five replies, though. - Marina. (Why are we even still here?) -- [Ben Richards and Amber are in the airport, on their way to Hawaii. He's wearing a lurid, loud shirt] Amber: I warn you, I get sick. I'm gonna throw up all over you. Ben: Go ahead; it won't show on this shirt. ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 22 Dec 2006 to 23 Dec 2006 (#2006-17) **************************************************************