There is 1 message totalling 35 lines in this issue. Topics of the day: 1. Talladega Nights and Highlander? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2006 14:36:07 EDT From: Subject: Talladega Nights and Highlander? Did anyone see Conan O'Brien's show on Tuesday night? Wil Ferrell was on promoting his movie, "Talladega Nights: The Legend of Ricky Bobby." I was barely paying attention when they began to show the clip, but it sure as heck got my attention quickly. The scene was a French race car dude talking to Wil Ferrell's character saying something like, "I've come here to be beaten by the best." Ferrell then remarks (and I'm paraphrasing, but pretty close), "Wo! It's just like Highlander." French Dude: "Highlander? What's that?" Ferrell: "It's a movie, man. Won an academy award... for being the best movie EVER!" Well, needless to say, my mouth dropped open and then I had a pretty good laugh. Who would have thought? And who wrote this movie, anyway? Just thought I'd share! - Arlene Kulberg _HilandDiva@aol.com_ ( _akdiva@comcast.net_ ( ------------------------------ End of HIGHLA-L Digest - 1 Aug 2006 to 2 Aug 2006 (#2006-121) *************************************************************